Hawthorne Press Tribune
The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 62, No. 15 - April 9, 2020
Saving Graduations
This might sound crazy, but… instead of canceling Graduation Ceremonies why not hold them at a Drive-In, separate families can stay in their car and not possibly infect others, and use the large screen to project videos, the names of the graduates and other pertinent
information. Just an idea. Photo Hawthorne High School.
Huber’s Hiccups
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
I just finished partaking of a
Zoom Seder dinner that my old
lady and I were invited to attend
hosted by our former pastor and
his wife. There were attendees
from all across the country. A
Seder is a Jewish dinner that has
been held annually for the past 3,500 years
commemorating the deliverance of the Israelite
nation out of slavery in Egypt. The
Egyptian Pharaoh’s heart continued to harden
after nine plagues. He refused to let Israel
leave even after his country, livestock and
people were tormented. The tenth and last
plague was going to bring death to all of the
firstborn living in Egypt. The Jewish people
were told to smear lamb’s blood upon their
doorposts. With that blood sacrifice, the
angel of death would “passover” their house
and their children would not die. This old
testament event foretold of a coming Savior
that would shed his blood on a cross and
defeat the devil and win victory over death
itself. That Savior is Jesus. The Passover
meal is the same meal that Jesus partook
of with his disciples on the night on which
he was betrayed. During the Last
Supper, Jesus instituted the giving
of his body and blood through what
we refer to as communion in most
Christian churches today. At that
same meal, Jesus washed the feet of
his disciples. All of Jesus’ actions
were completely opposite of what
we would expect a savior or a king
to do. He humbled himself to be
a servant and submitted to a most
humiliating death, a crucifixion.
What does that have to do with this life
we are now living in exile today? Well, I
would say that we need a Savior right now.
This unseen virus is lurking around ready to
come inside of our houses and attack us. We
keep on praying that God would deliver us
from this illness. Jesus came for just such
a time. He came to seek and save those
who are lost and fearful. Does our faith
make us “virus-proof”? No, Christians are
dying along with non-believers. We all
will die from something. Jesus does give
us the assurance of eternal life after our
earthly death. We place our trust in him
for our salvation but while we are still here
on earth, living and breathing, we turn our
life into one of servant hood and service to
our neighbors. When we look out for others
See Huber’s Hiccups, page 5