November 2, 2017 Page 5
Politically Speaking
One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion
By Cristian Vasquez
The commission established by President
Trump to investigate voter fraud after he
was elected to office will soon be under
investigation. The frustration with this investigation
is that there is no need for it. Had
the President not created a commission to
“investigate” a non-issue, there wouldn’t be
this waste of resources. Last week the U.S.
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
nnounced that it has accepted a request by
Democratic lawmakers to investigate the
Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission
on Election Integrity. While the investigation
will not kick off for at least another
five months, it will seek to determine if
the commission is working in a manner
that is transparent to the public, in a way
that offers complete understanding of the
commission’s conclusions.
However, this commission is one of two
things: a distraction by the President that will
stroke his ego after losing the popular vote
by three million ballots; or a coordinated
effort with the GOP to suppress voting
in predominantly minority regions where
Republicans don’t do well during elections.
More likely than not, it’s the latter. Without
a shred of solid evidence indicating voter
fraud, the President set up the commission to
“study” a political talking point that will
result in voter suppression.
At the helms of this bogus commission
is Kris Kobach, who has worked tirelessly
to suppress voters in Kansas. Fortunately
at the national level his efforts have been
delayed by court orders, fines and lawsuits,
and now the investigation by the GAO will
By Duane Plank
So, I grew up reading the paper. Every
morning, grabbed the papel from the humble
Manhattan Beach Pine Avenue domicile I lived
in as early in the morning as possible. I still
actually read the paper--not on my phone or
some other time-wasting device, but paper.
And don’t take it into the potty. I kinda want
to get in and out when I’m in there.
Anyway, back in the day, I was a slave to
the reading of the great Alan Malamud, who
wrote column styled “notes on a scorecard.”
A rat-tat-tat of events on the sporting scene.
Now, longtime readers of Plank, myriads
that are out there, may remember the fantastic
somewhat sports-related Frankly Plank
diatribe, which is currently on hiatus. So, I
like to write, and hope my tons of readers
find it amusing. Occasionally I will throw
a dot-dot-dot column at you. Indulge me?
The Dems and their lap-dog media outlets
are still pursuing the Russia collusion frenzy…
although it now appears the Russian collusion
Bolshoi was instigated by the pathetic biggest
losers on Hilary’s team, as they tried to cull
oppo research on the Saint Donald Trump.
…And the mighty continue to fall in
Tinseltown, as lib actresses, wannabes and
hangers-on continue to come out--way, way
after the fact--and accuse some of the perverts
apparently running rampant in the liberal
bastion of Hollyweird of bad actions. Why
did these ladies not report the bad actions of
these powerful men when those occurred? As
Dire Straits penned and crooned, and MTV
put into heavy, heavy rotation back when
they created their empire, which by the way,
President’s Voter Fraud Commission to be
Under Investigation in a Few Months
Tumultuous Times in the Political World,
But How Is Your 401K Doing These Days?
hopefully further derail his efforts.
As an independent, non-partisan agency,
GAO is tasked with investigating issues such
as the use of tax dollars, supporting Congress
in meeting its Constitutional obligations and
ensuring that the federal government is held
accountable. Since its inception, it is reported
that the commission has met less than a
handful of times. The Democratic members
of the commission also complained that they
are kept unaware of basic information such
as the type of research being conducted,
future meeting dates and the deadlines for
sending reports to the President. These allegations
don’t prove that Kobach and his
GOP henchmen are in a mission to revoke
every minority’s right to vote--but given
his track record and the unfounded claims
of voter fraud, I wouldn’t put it past them.
The truth is that our voting system is
very reliable. In 2016 the Brennan Center
for Justice studied 42 jurisdictions where
officials oversaw 23.5 million votes, of which
only 30 were linked to some type of voter
fraud (0.0001 percent). So there weren’t
droves of people driven from one state to
another to cast votes. No, millions of illegal
aliens didn’t vote either and no, voter fraud
is not a big problem. The big problem for
this president is everything that comes out
of his mouth is a lie. His claims of fraud
could have very well been the reaction of
an egomaniac unable to accept not winning
the popular vote. We’ll have to wait at least
five months, but this investigation will prove
once more that our leader is no more than an
insecure, uninformed man-child surrounded
by enablers. •
doesn’t seem to play any music, ‘‘money
for nothing, chicks for free.” Might have
been these gold-diggers’ thought processes.
Just saying?
So, some of the Kennedy files have been
released after a gad-zillion years. So much
for full transparency, right? Plank has been
a Kennedy-phile for a heck of a long time.
The day JFK was nailed in Dallas, I was a
four-year-old kid watching the soap As the
World Turns with my sainted grandmother,
Luz, in her LA domicile. And I still watched
that soap until it was canned in 2010.
Anyway, I think my grandma was playing
cards, or something similar, and did not see
the great Walter Cronkite break through on
the tube and intone that President Kennedy
had been felled by a hail of bullets from…
I went downstairs and informed my mom
and aunt about the Kennedy shooting. They,
of course, busy doing nothing, scoffed at my
early reportage of the assassination. Maybe
they were watching Days of Our Lives?
Watched with rapt attention, as rapt as a
midget four-year-old could, the next couple
of days, with the on-screen shooting of Oswald
by the shady Ruby character … and
the sad, sad, funeral for JFK, which flashed
on black and white on my granny’s TV,
featuring his very young children. JFK had
mused that if some scumbag was willing
to give up his own life, he could shoot the
President. Just like if some scumbag wants
to murder a bunch of concertgoers in Vegas,
it is virtually unstoppable.
As the world turns... •
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Apartment For Rent
1BD. Upper unit. Bright and
cheerful, Deluxe w/hdwd floors, SS
stove, D/W, Micro, refrig, granite
counters, stack W/D, A/C, 1-car
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now. 774 Main St. (310) 963-7653.
Garage for Lease
Garage for Lease in El Segundo:
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Hiring Electrical Journeyman/
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Acacia $ 3,700/month water incl.
Part-time Sales. Looking for
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House for Rent
EL SEGUNDO 2 story. 4BD/3BA,
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sound proof system, walk to beach.
$3,900. 310-663-9898.
Moving Sale
Moving Sale: 8 ft couch, loveseat,
chair. Grey color. $375. 310-322-
Room for Rent
Room for Rent: 1BD/1BATH
$1200 includes utilities. No first or
last month required. 310.351.7464
Room for Rent
Room for Rent, 1 private BDRM.
346 Virginia. $750. For Rent, 1
BDRM. 707 E. Grand. $1750.
310.365.1481 or 310.641.2148.