Page 8 August 24, 2017
Police Reports
Monday, August 7 to Sunday,
August 13
TAVERN. Crime Occurred: Sun. 08/13/17
Crime Occurred: Mon. 08/07/17 11:37.
Crime Occurred: Mon. 08/07/17 20:24.
HIGHWAY, ALLEY. Crime Occurred: Fri.
08/11/17 17:52. Property Taken: Beige iPhone
11900 S. YORK AV. Crime Occurred: CAD:
Sat. 08/12 14:54--No R MS Ent. Property
Taken: Miscellaneous mail.
3700 W. EL SEGUNDO BL. Crime Occurred:
CAD: Sun. 08/13 07:15--No R MS Ent.
SHED, PUBLIC. Crime Occurred: Mon.
08/07/17 13:26. Property Taken: Nine-ounce
perfume bottles, cloth display for perfume
bottles, Blue Electrical jeep for child to ride in,
numerous tools, two Blue Samsonite luggage
bags, misc. clothing and shoes. Method of
Entry: Unknown.
PUBLIC. Crime Occurred: Mon. 08/07/17
City Council from front page
Dodgers Adding More Key Pieces for October Playoff Run
By Adam Serrao
all of baseball.
field. Heading into the playoffs, Los Angeles
What’s most amazing about the Los
Pitching isn’t the only thing that the
will continue to have the strongest pitching
Angeles Dodgers may not even be their
Dodgers have been bulking up on lately.
staff in the entire league, combined with
record, which is by far the best in baseball
Adrian Gonzalez returned to the batting
one of the most powerful batting orders
and could wind up being the tops in Major
order for the first time in 57 games
and deepest lineups that baseball has seen
League Baseball history. The team that is
last Friday, adding even more depth to
in quite some time.
dominating the National League West and
an already elite lineup. “I feel great,”
The Dodgers may not break the record
all of baseball is doing so without its best
Gonzalez said after being activated from
for most wins in an entire season. They
pitcher and without a few key pieces of
the 60-day disabled list. “Last year was
may even break their trend and go on
their lineup. With just over one month of
when the whole issue started with the
a mini-slump heading into the playoffs.
the regular season left to play, the deepest
back. Right now, I feel like I’m before
What’s important, though, isn’t how the
lineup to maybe ever play the game of
that, before it all started. So hopefully this
team finishes the regular season. The
baseball is poised to get even deeper and
is the end of the back issue.” If his play
Dodgers and their front office have done
more explosive, if that can even be fathomed.
has anything to say about it, it certainly
What was supposed to be the most glaring
looks like it is the end. Gonzalez doubled
hole in the Dodgers’ lineup is revving up to
in his first at-bat since June 11 and went
get back into action. Barring an unforeseen
on to knock in the first run of the game
setback, Clayton Kershaw should be back in
last Saturday afternoon in what wound
the starting rotation sooner, rather than later,
up being a 3-0 Dodger win.
for the first time since a lower back strain
The run that Gonzalez knocked in just so
sidelined the ace on July 24. Kershaw threw
happened to be his new Dodger teammate,
a 35-pitch simulated game last week and
Curtis Granderson. The Dodgers traded for
will presumably throw against live hitters
Granderson last Friday night and in doing
sometime this week. “Once he passes that
so immediately upgraded offensively
marker right there, then we’ll see where
over Joc Pederson, who was sent to
he goes,” Dodgers manager Dace Roberts
AAA to work on his swing before his
explained. “It’s probably going to be a start
inevitable recall in September. Granderson,
either in Tulsa or OKC.”
previously of the New York Mets, learned
Don’t tell the Dodgers or their fans, but
of the trade just after midnight Saturday
it’s looking like the team doesn’t even need
morning on the East Coast. He was in
Kershaw. Since his departure to injury, the
Detroit to start in right field for the
Dodgers had only lost four games in his
Dodgers when they took on the Tigers
absence dating back to last Sunday, while
later that day. Granderson got to work
putting together a 21-4 record in that same
right away, scoring the first run of the
time frame, if you count the game from
game for his new team on Saturday in
which Kershaw was removed.
a 3-0 win. The very next day, he broke
What has become the scariest part about
up Justin Verlander’s no-hit bid with a
Kershaw’s impending return is imagining
home run in the sixth inning for the first
the Dodgers rotation once the starters are
run of the game (and the Dodgers’ only
all fully healthy. Beginning with Kershaw,
run that day).
the rotation would also boast a variety of
Granderson’s arrival, combined with
starters including the recently acquired Yu
the reemergence of Gonzalez and the
Darvish and a mix of Alex Wood, Rich
looming reinstatement of Andre Ethier,
Hill, Kenta Maeda and Hyun-Jin Ryu. That
will give Roberts a very good problem
combination is as good as, if not better
to have. Those players, together with the
than any in the entire league. The numbers
likes of Cody Bellinger and Chris Taylor
prove that fact to be true as well. With a
(who can play just about anywhere) will
team ERA hovering right around 3.10 as
not only give the Dodgers an extremely
of last weekend, the Dodgers’ overall ERA
deep bench, but also allow the team the
amongst starting pitchers was the best in
versatility to move players around on the
14:47. Property Taken: Denon receiver, fivedisc
Sony cd player, Cambridge SoundEorks
bass cube subwoofer, misc. CDs, Black and
Decker drill and bits, misc. tools, antique
crystal glass with gold rim and flower,
Cambridge SoundWorks speakers. Method
of Entry: Unknown.
13700 S. YUKON AV. Crime Occurred:
CAD: Wed. 08/09 18:44--No RMS Ent.
Property Taken: Charging cell phone cord,
garage door opener, basketball, diamond
Crime Occurred: Tue. 08/10/10 00:40 to Thu.
08/10/17 06:00. Property Taken: Window
screen, US currency. Method of Entry:
13000 S. CERISE AV. OTHER. Crime
Occurred: Thu. 08/10/17 13:19. Property
Taken: Stolen US currency. Method of Entry:
Opened. POE: Single swing door.
SALES. Crime Occurred: Fri. 08/11/17 01:19.
Method of Entry: Broke glass.
Occurred: Fri. 08/11/17 01:59. Method of
Entry: Smashed.
STORE. Crime Occurred: Fri. 08/11/17 01:29.
Method of Entry: Broke glass. •
everything that they can to set their team
up for postseason success. A roster that is
only getting healthier by the day should be
primed to perform both down the stretch
in September and well into the playoff
months of October and November. Now,
the machine that is the Dodgers simply
needs to keep on grinding. It’s not the
postseason yet, but this Los Angeles squad
is showing the most promise of any other
Dodgers team in recent history of bringing
home a World Series title. – Asixlion@
earthlink.net •
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agreed Rolling Zone Creamery is a welcome
and tasty addition to the city’s retail scene.
Pullen-Miles reported attending the housing
authority commission on homelessness. He
noted 42 people in Lawndale have been
identified for services, and grant money is
available to cities to help combat the growing
The meeting ended on a somber note, as the
Mayor and Council expressed condolences to
Reverend and Mrs. Chris and Pamela Beamer
on the death of their son, Jason. The Beamers
are pillars of the Lawndale community, said
the Mayor. The pastor is often called upon
to open Council meetings in prayer.
Private Specialist Jason Beamer, 37 served
as a medic during the Iraq war in 2004.
He was a full-time student at Kansas State
University in Manhattan, Kansas at the time
of his death. He leaves three children. The
meeting was adjourned in his honor.
The annual Lawndale Blues and Jazz Music
Festival was incorrectly noted last issue. The
correct date for the all-day fest is Saturday,
September 23, at 11 a.m. at Jane Addams Park,
The Lawndale City Council will reschedule
its next meeting due to the Labor Day holiday.
It will convene on Tuesday, September 5 at
6:30 p.m. in the Lawndale City Hall Council
Chambers. •