Page 2 August 24, 2017
Community Briefs Seniors
LESD Modernizes Campuses
for New School Year
Over the summer, Lawndale Elementary
School District (LESD) undertook several
projects to improve facilities and provide students
with high-quality learning environments.
Two of the major projects were funded by
Measure L, a general obligation bond approved
by Lawndale voters in November 2016. Measure
L will provide the District with $27 million to
improve outdated and worn facilities. Thanks to
the community’s support, LESD’s facilities have
undergone a major makeover, which includes:
– New Paint: The Addams, Rogers, Anderson,
and Green campuses received fresh coats of
paint. This project has had a significant visual
impact on the schools and improved the look
of the surrounding community.
– New Roofing: The Green, FDR and
Anderson campuses received new roofs. While
the visual improvement is not as drastic as the
paint job, there will not be as many leaks as
the past few years!
In addition to the aforementioned Measure
L projects, the District also completed the
following projects:
– Installing a sound fence along Marine
Avenue for FDR Elementary.
– Projector Installation: Interactive projectors
have been installed in all LESD classrooms.
– New Water Fountains: One new water fountain
per campus will be installed at Mitchell, Twain,
and FDR Elementary Schools. They will include
a chiller, water bottle filling station, and upgraded
filter. Students and staff will be well-hydrated.
– Fencing/Gates: New fences and gates have
gone up at Mitchell and Green Elementary schools
to improve the appearance of the campuses and
support student needs.
– Grounds work: LESD maintenance team
worked throughout the summer to keep campuses
looking clean and inviting.
“All of this work would not have been possible
without our Business Services Department’s
concerted effort to support our students—a
huge thank you to our Accounting, Purchasing,
Maintenance, Food Services, and Technology
teams! None of this work could have been
completed without their perseverance. We are
excited for our students and families to enjoy
the updated facilities!” said Dr. Betsy Hamilton,
LESD Superintendent. – Source: LESD
Pancreatic Cancer:
Know your Family, Safety Improvements Completed Know your Risk
(BPT) - Pancreatic cancer is one of the
most deadly cancers, with a mere 29 percent
one-year survival rate. In 2016, pancreatic
cancer became the third leading cause of
cancer death in the United States, surpassing
breast cancer.
The time frame between diagnosis and
death is often short. Only 7 percent of people
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer survive five
years. This is incredibly small compared to
prostate cancer or breast cancer, where more
than 90 percent of patients survive for five
years after diagnosis.
“Most people are unaware of how deadly
pancreatic cancer is,” says Jim Rolfe, president
of Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation.
“These chilling statistics can serve as an
eye-opener that motivates people to learn
more about their risks and contact their
health care professional.”
Early Detection Is Important
Although pancreatic cancer is one of
the most deadly cancers, early detection
can significantly impact survival rates. The
five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer
approaches 25 percent if cancers are surgically
removed while they are still small and have
not spread to the lymph nodes.
Know your Family, Know your Risk
Family history is a risk factor for pancreatic
cancer. When you know more about your
genetics and which members of your family
have been affected by pancreatic cancer, you
can better manage your own health.
To make the process easier, the Rolfe
Pancreatic Cancer Foundation has introduced
a new series of online tools. Visit www.
KnowMyRisk.org to download a worksheet
and access other helpful tools that let you
explore your family history and become
your own health advocate.
Print out the worksheet and call or visit
your grandparents, parents and other extended
family members. You may not be aware that
someone a few generations removed from
you was affected by cancer. Having this
conversation can be empowering, because
once you know your risks you can take
charge of your future.
Consider Genetic Counseling
When considering how personal a cancer
or disease diagnosis can be, it is no surprise
that medicine is looking at our DNA to
uncover information. This makes genetic
counselors an important part of the health
care team, helping you ask the right questions
and uncover familial genetic risk factors.
If you learn you have a history of pancreatic
cancer in multiple family members, you
should consider meeting with a genetic
counselor to assess your level of risk. From
there, the counselor and your doctor can
decide on a course of action.
To learn more about genetic counseling
and find a local certified genetic counselor at
the National Society of Genetic Counselors’
database, visit www.KnowMyRisk.org. •
at LAX Runways
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) has
completed mandatory safety improvements to all
four of its runways, and those are once again
operating at their full length. The U.S. Congress
required all the nation’s airports to undertake
Runway Safety Area (RSA) improvements that
provide an extra margin of safety for landing
and departing aircraft. RSAs provide a buffer
zone should an aircraft overshoot, overrun or
veer off a runway while landing or taking off.
RSAs are typically 1,000 feet by 500 feet at
each runway end and 250 feet from the runway
centerline. The RSAs are not runway extensions.
The RSA improvements at LAX began in
March 2015, and were phased in to limit impact
to operations. The RSA work also provided an
opportunity for LAX to perform other airfield
improvements and runway maintenance.
Airport officials consulted with airline partners,
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and
neighboring communities on flight management
plans to minimize impacts to surrounding
communities and air travelers during construction.
The final RSA improvements on Runway
7L-25R were completed last weekend, and the
runway reopened at its full 12,091-foot length
on Monday. Work on Runway 7L-25R began in
October 2016, following completion of the RSA
construction on Runway 6R-24L.
Runway 7L-25R remained operational starting
in October 2016 in a shortened configuration
while its east end and adjoining taxiways were
reconstructed. It then closed in late April to allow
for maintenance and rehabilitation work, electrical
revisions and the start of RSA improvements on
the west end of the runway. The runway reopened
in a shortened configuration in late May while
west end RSA work continued, before completion
this weekend and reopening today full length. –
Source: Los Angeles World Airports
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Support Group for Families
with Mentally Ill Members
The South Bay Affiliate of the all-volunteer
non-profit National Alliance on Mental Illness
(NAMI) is offering a Family Support Group
for those with a person with a mental illness
in the family from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on the fourth
Monday of the month starting August 28 in the
Rose Garden Room, El Segundo Library at
111 West Mariposa Avenue. This is in addition
to support groups offered in other South Bay
locations and to the educational programs on
mental illness provided by NAMI South Bay. It
is open to adults with a loved one who live with
a mental illness. It is free of cost to participants.
No specific medical therapy or medication is
endorsed or recommended.
Persons should attend who desire to improve
coping skills and discover inner strength, find
hope in knowing they are not alone, learn from
the collective knowledge and experience of other
participants and gain support in a confidential
NAMI South Bay is an affiliate of NAMI
California and NAMI National. NAMI is
the nation’s largest grassroots mental health
organization providing advocacy, education,
support and public awareness so all individuals
and families affected by mental illness can build
better lives. For more information, visit www.
NAMI South Bay has regular monthly meetings
on the third Monday of the month, unless there
is a legal holiday. The Caring and Sharing
Family support group meets, in English, 6 p.m.
to 7:15 p.m., followed by the general meeting,
First Lutheran Church, 2900 West Carson Street,
Torrance. – Source: NAMI South Bay •