Lawndale Tribune
This Issue
Calendar of Events.............2
Certified & Licensed
Check It Out.........................2
Film Review..........................2
Hawthorne Happenings....3
Legals................................ 4-7
Looking Up...........................7
The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale
School District Goes to CABE
Lawndale Elementary School District represented at the 2018 Annual California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) conference in Sacramento, CA. District staff will debrief with Lawndale families
at the next District English Learner Advisory Committee & District Parent Advisory Committee meeting on April 18 at 9 a.m. Photo: LESD.
Wall of Distinction Nominations
Accepted Now Through May 24
Do you know of a special someone who
provided volunteer service to Lawndale and
its residents? The City of Lawndale is now
accepting nomination applications for those
special individuals who dedicated themselves
to the community through their volunteer efforts.
Each year, the Lawndale City Council
posthumously honors up to four individuals
who had distinguished themselves by providing
exemplary service.
The Lawndale Wall of Distinction is located
at the Harold E. Hofmann Community Center,
third floor corridor on the northernmost
section of the eastern wall. Awardees are
identified on the wall with a 2” x 3” name
plate included on a perpetual plaque showing
the awardees’ name, years of life, and area(s)
of accomplishment in Lawndale. The City
Council established this program and policy
to recognize Lawndale’s “unsung heroes” –
individuals who have not or would not be
acknowledged or recognized in any other
manner for their service and contributions.
To be considered for the wall, nominees
must: (1) have been deceased for a minimum
of five years prior to the submission of the
nomination for this program; (2) have been a
Lawndale resident during the time in which
service was provided to the city and its residents;
(3) have not held any elected office
(i.e., federal, state, local or school district)
by a vote of the residents or by appointment;
and (4) have not been recognized or
acknowledged for their service by the dedication
of a public building, facility or park to
them or by having their name included on
a dedication plaque or sign of any kind on
any governmental facility.
A nomination package must include proof
that the person submitting the nomination is
a Lawndale resident at the time he/she turns
in the form; and a summary of the nominee’s
accomplishments and service to the city and/
or its residents with details including length
of service and category of service (public,
business, educational, etc.).
A completed nomination form requires
the following information: 1) name and
last known address of nominee; 2) known
relatives, if any; 3) reasons for nomination
described in 250 or fewer words; 4) name,
address and signature of Lawndale resident
submitting the nomination; and 5) any other
related supplemental information that supports
the nomination. Nomination forms can
be found here: http://www.lawndalecity.org/
Every June, the Wall of Distinction Review
Committee (comprised of five total volunteer
members, of which three are from the
Historical Society and two from the Senior
Citizens Advisory Committee) meets as needed
to review submitted applications and make
a recommendation of potential inductees to
be presented to the City Council. Then, at a
regularly scheduled public meeting, the Council
will decide whether or not the nominee
shall be included on the wall.
The City’s community services director
will be the staff liaison to the committee.
Recognition/induction of nominees confirmed
by the City Council will occur during a ceremony.
The recognition will be memorialized
with a plaque to be displayed on the Wall
of Distinction that will include the name of
each inductee and that person’s years of life
and area(s) of service.
Past Inductees
Andrew Christian Meyer: Real estate
developer, civic leader, Lawndale Democratic
Club member, World War II veteran.
August Reiss: West Basin Municipal
Water District director, Lawndale Chamber
of Commerce president, Lawndale Civic
Association president.
Axel Niska: Real estate developer, Lawndale
Optimist Club president, owner of “Own Your
Own Apartments” in Lawndale.
Robert Cerny: Lawndale Incorporation
Committee chairperson, local businessman,
Lawndale Chamber of Commerce president.
Lertis R. Ellett: Local minister and
chaplain, United States Air Force colonel,
Air Force reserve officer.
Ella E. Traver: Lawndale PTA president,
Woman’s Club member, Woman of the Year,
Brownie and Girl Scout leader.
– Content: Abridged from Lawndalecity.org •
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Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - April 12, 2018