Hawthorne Press Tribune
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 62, No. 37 - September 10, 2020
The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne
Thank You Bon Bon Sabrocitos
for Bringing Treats to Our Officers
A local high school graduate from Hawthorne, who is a full time college student and working full time, has opened her own small business. She took the time to prepare gift boxes for the Hawthorne Police Department. Thank you Yvonne. Keep up the great work.
Photo courtesy Hawthorne Police Department.
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Huber’s Hiccups
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
Systemic Stupidity
We all have heard about “systemic
racism” recently. Institutional
or systemic racism is defined as a
form of racism that is embedded as
normal practice within society or
an organization. I understand what
this is implying. Is there racism in America?
Sure. Is racism embedded in most of us? No.
Most Americans want to live in peace with
their fellow countrymen. America has been
the greatest melting pot in the history of the
world. We have overcome our differences
to meld together to be united as Americans,
one nation under God. Now, it seems like a
very small percentage of us wants to stir us
into a frying pan where if you don’t agree
then they will burn our entire enchilada to
smithereens. Why all the hate? This all
brings to mind a quote from the infamous
Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”
I thought it was bad back in 1992 when we
had two nights of rioting and looting. That
was chicken scratch compared to over 100
nights of combat up in Portland. Let me
suggest that we have a different systemic
ism. It’s systemic stupidism or stupidity.
When we think we are better than, smarter
than, and more deserving than others then
we are lacking something upstairs. When
we are only looking out for ourselves, when
our way is the only way, then we don’t see
our neighbors as precious, fellow
human beings. We feel a need to
change them or get them out of
the way. With this mentality, the
destruction of other people’s lives
or property really means nothing.
We are all born with this “me first”
attitude. We have heard it said,
adults fight like little kids on the
playground, each of us wants it our
way. I’m not suggesting that we
are all stupid. I’m suggesting that when we
realize that we don’t know it all, that we don’t
have to have it our way all the time, that’s
when we have overcome our selfish stupidity.
The national “discussion” regarding racism
should first start with each of us checking in
with our egos. When we truly can say that
we look at others as equals then we are on
our way to making America melt together
again. Our Christian faith tells us that we
are all in this together, we are all sinners in
need of a Savior. This thing called sin is in
us all. It’s worse than any virus. It’s not
systemic or institutional, it’s embedded in us
from birth. When we see God’s grace and
love poured out on us, it sure makes it easier
to show that same love to others around us.
So, my loyal readers, stop thinking stupid,
humble yourself, relax, invite someone to
have a cold one with you, better yet, buy
them a cold one, and don’t be looking down
on them from your bottomless mug thinking
you are better than them because you can
drink more. Enjoy life, love your neighbor!
See Huber’s, page 5