Hawthorne Press Tribune
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 62, No. 16 - April 16, 2020
The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne
Huber’s Hiccups
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
Is it worth it? Is the cure worse
than the virus itself? Most everyone
I know is sick of this entire mess.
Tired of staying home, tired of
the same old, same old. We are
bored out of our gourds. We have
nothing exciting to look forward
to. How many movies can we watch? How
many news shows can be digest? How
many opinions can we hear from friends
and relatives on when the governor should
slide the dimmer switch upward to loosen
up our handcuffs during this time of house
arrest? This stuff gets old, kind of like my
stinky cheese column. Week after week I
attempt to put a positive vibe on a really
depressing time in American and world
history. How will this event be portrayed
historically? Textbooks might read: “The
Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 forced the world
to stay home and wash their hands!” It
seems like we are flattening the curve, saving
lives, and trying to build unity with slogans
like: “we are all in this together”. For all
the positives, there are a lot of emotionally
unhappy people. If you are like me, I have
always felt better about myself when I’m
doing something constructive. Every day I
always want to do something of value. Most
of us like to go to work and feel like we
are making money to support our families.
Most of us like to feel good about what
we do with our lives. When we
are constrained and limited by
our authorities and told to stay
home we begin to feel worthless.
Maybe we are learning the hard
lesson that everyone has value
not in what they accomplish but
by simply being alive. Every life
has worth. Everyone has value. If
every human has value, then I must
interject that my little grandson
inside my daughter’s belly has just
as much value as all the rest of us. Life
is precious no matter what our age. Our
worth is not determined by how much we
get accomplished, or by how much money
we lost or got back in our 401k’s. God created
this world and every human has value.
In whatever circumstance you find yourself,
you have worth. If you have been laid off
and are unemployed you still are the same
you with all of your talents and abilities.
Right now we feel like our hands are tied.
We cannot reach out and touch someone and
give them a big hug. God has told us that
it is not good that man be by himself. We
are meant to be together. Many of us find
our value and worth by loving and caring
for our families and others. We pray that
some day soon we will be set free to do just
that. We want to go back to work, back
to using our talents, using our skills, and
taking pride in doing a quality job. How
much longer? Who knows when? Until
then and even then, relax, trust in God’s
promises, and have a cold one. It’s worth it,
See Huber’s Hiccups, page 4
Hawthorne Hotspot
The 80s called, its for you!
Quite a few weeks into quarantine now and
plenty of us are surely missing our nights
out with our friends and family. The current
situation in its entirety has without a doubt
become overwhelming for many of us and
the cloud of stress floating over our heads can
be health deteriorating. We DO NOT want
that. So shake off that cloud by dancing like
it’s the 80s! Several clubs have taken their
DJ sets and karaoke to online group meeting
apps like Zoom! You can tune in on your
computer or phone, move your furniture
around a bit, turn off the lights in your home,
turn up that volume, and start dancing and
singing the night away! If you’ve got alcohol
stocked up then sure, have a drink! You get
to dance in the comfort of your own home,
you don’t over pay for your drinks, if you
start feeling you need some water you won’t
hear a RIDICULOUS price for it, and you
don’t put yourself at risk on the road! You’re
already home! Call it a night when you feel
you’ve done enough dancing. You can find
plenty of great club/bars taking their sets
virtual on Instagram! Places like New Wave
Bar, Totally 80s Bar, That 80s Bar, Club 80s,
Blue Mondays, and many more are posting
their ads for virtual nights weekly. If you
want to take part, here are the steps. 1) To
start off, search for the Instagram app on
your play store or app store and download
it. 2) The next step would be to create an
account. 3) Once you’ve created your account
go ahead and search for the clubs mentioned
above and be sure to follow them so that their
ads for these virtual nights can come out on
your feed (your feed is the main screen that
is shown to you when you log in)! Check
your Instagram daily so that you don’t miss
out on posts. 4) When you see a post that
interests you, go to the profile of the account
that posted the event and you usually want to
look in their bio (which is right underneath
their account name). You may see a Zoom
link that, when clicked, will take you straight
to their dancing/karaoke session. Quick tip:
you can bypass downloading the Zoom app
if you don’t want to! That is entirely your
choice. 5) If a password is required after
clicking the link you can find the password
on the post you saw from that establishment.
6) Now you’re ready to have the virtual night
of your life! Now do as Devo (80s band)
says and whip it!
Treat your brain
like a muscle, read!
It’s very easy to sit on the couch, turn
on Netflix and binge watch for hours and
slack off throughout this quarantine. Like
everything else in excess it becomes a bad
habit and a hard one to shake off. We should
currently be doing our very best to pick up as
many good habits possible. Pick up a book!
We know that working out is good for our
body’s physical appearance, self-esteem, and
our health. Reading is the equivalent, but
for our brains! Physical exercise stimulates
cognition. If you are already doing some
sort of physical exercise, then try taking it
to the next level by reading after a workout.
The best time to do this is once you’re fresh
See Hawthorne Hotspot, page 4
Hawthorne High School
Serves Breakfast and Lunch to Students
Don’t forget that the food services department is serving grab n go breakfast and lunch Mon-Fri from 10:30AM-1PM for 18 and under students. Thank you to the awesome Food Services Team. Photo Hawthorne High School.