January 6, 2022 Page 7
The New Year is Here!! Let’s Jump
and Cheer!!! WOOT! Let’s toast to a brighter 2022!!
- Love You Most!!, Mom
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
City of Hawthorne
PY2022-2023 Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) Program
Program Description:
The City of Hawthorne is pleased to announce
the availability of approximately $196,690
in Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funds for organizations that provide
public services to low- and moderate-income
residents during the 2022-2023 Program Year.
These programs are funded through the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) and are administered locally by
the City of Hawthorne. This Notice of Funding
Availability (NOFA) covers a one-year period
for CDBG activities that will begin July 1, 2022.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants must demonstrate the service to
be provided will principally benefit persons of
low- and moderate income (households earning
less than 80% of the Area Median Income).
Examples of eligible services include, but are
not limited to, those concerned with employment,
crime prevention, childcare, health, drug abuse,
education, welfare, or recreation. Priority for
funding will be given to those applicants meeting
one of the Strategic Plan goals included in the
PY2020-2024 Consolidated Plan.
How to Apply:
As of the date of this publication, electronic fillable
copies of the application may be obtained
online at https://www.cityofhawthorne.org/
departments/housing/cdbg. Applications must
be typed (not handwritten) and shall only be
accepted via e-mail to dmunoz@mdg-ldm.com
by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 21, 2022. Late
applications may not be accepted. Applicants
are encouraged to submit well in advance of
this deadline to ensure confirmation of receipt
prior to the deadline.
City Contact:
Should you have any questions regarding
this NOFA, please contact Kimberly Mack,
Housing Director, via email at kmack@
Published: December 23, 2021
(Hawthorne Press Tribune)
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 12/23,
12/30, 1/6, 1/13/22
Aviso de Disponibilidad de Fondos
Ciudad de Hawthorne
Programa de Subvenciones en Bloque
para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG)
Descripción del programa:
La Ciudad de Hawthorne se complace en
anunciar la disponibilidad de aproximadamente
$196,690 en fondos de la Subvención en
Bloque para el Desarrollo de la Comunitario
(CDBG) para las organizaciones que proporcionan
servicios públicos a los residentes de
ingresos bajos y moderados durante el Año
del Programa 2022-2023. Estos programas
son financiados a través del Departamento de
Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados
Unidos (HUD) y son administrados localmente
por la Ciudad de Hawthorne. Esta Notificación
de Disponibilidad de Fondos (NOFA, por sus
siglas en inglés) cubre un período de un año
para las actividades de CDBG que comenzará
el 1 de julio de 2022.
Solicitantes Admisibles:
Los solicitantes deben demostrar que el servicio
que se brindara beneficiará principalmente a
las personas de ingresos bajos y moderados
(hogares que ganan menos del 80% de la renta
media de la zona). Los ejemplos de servicios
elegibles incluyen, pero no se limitan a, los
relacionados con el empleo, la prevención de la
delincuencia, el cuidado de los niños, la salud,
el abuso de drogas, la educación, el bienestar o
la recreación. Se dará prioridad a la financiación
a aquellos solicitantes que cumplan uno de
los objetivos del Plan Estratégico incluido en
el Plan Consolidado PY2020-2024.
Como Aplicar:
A partir de la fecha de esta publicación, se
pueden obtener copias electrónicas de la
solicitud en línea en https://www.cityofhawthorne.
org/departments/housing/cdbg. Las solicitudes
deben estar escritas a máquina (no a mano)
y sólo se aceptarán por correo electrónico a
dmunoz@mdg-ldm.com antes de las 5:00
p.m. el viernes 21 de enero de 2022. No se
aceptarán solicitudes recibidas después de
esta hora. Se recomienda a los solicitantes
que envíen sus solicitudes con suficiente
anticipación a esta fecha limite para garantizar
la confirmación de su recepción antes de la
fecha límite.
Contacto de la ciudad:
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta con respecto
a este NOFA, por favor, póngase en contacto
con Kimberly Mack, Directora de Vivienda,
a través de correo electrónico en kmack@
Publicado: 23 de diciembre de 2021
(Hawthorne Press Tribune)
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 12/23,
12/30, 1/6, 1/13/22
January 11, 2022, at 6:00 P.M., a Public Hearing
will be held via teleconference to consider
all protests or objections to the proposed fee
schedule for the Fourth Amendment to the Tow
and Storage Fee Schedule of the Nonexclusive
Towing & Storage Contract with U.S. Tow and
extending the Contract Term to 2024.
Pursuant to Executive Order N-25-20 and
N-29-20 members of the City Council and staff
may participate in this meeting via video-link
(Zoom) and or teleconference. In the interest
of maintaining appropriate social distancing and
to protect the health and safety of the Council,
staff and public from exposure to COVID-19,
this will not be an in-person meeting and the
Council Chambers will not be open for this
meeting. Members of the public may observe
this meeting on the City of Hawthorne website
or on YouTube. The Hawthorne City Council
encourages public comments by phone and/
or written email. Members of the public who
wish to participate in this meeting by making
comments can participate by calling the City
Clerk’s office at (310) 349-2915 before the
close of the public hearing. Please note that
you may be put on hold or get a busy signal
if there are speakers making comments to the
City Council ahead of you as the call will be
answered in the order received. In addition,
you may offer your comments through email
at cityclerk@cityofhawthorne.org. Emails must
be received prior to 4:30 p.m. on the day of
the meeting and will be provided to the City
Council members before the meeting.
If you challenge the subject matter of this public
hearing in court, you may be limited to raising
only those issues you or someone else raised
at the public hearing described in this notice,
or in written correspondence delivered to the
City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing.
On July 25, 2006, the City awarded a primary
Non-Exclusive Agreement for Police Referred
Towing & Storage Services to U.S. Tow. In accordance
therewith, the City Council approved
a “Non-Exclusive Towing & Storage Contract”
(hereinafter “Contract”) with U.S. Tow and
authorized the City Manager to execute the
Contract. On September 28, 2006 all parties
executed the Contract with its respective
signatures. Clause No. 10 of the Contract
states: “Towing and Storage Fee Schedule”
and provides, in pertinent part, the following:
“The City Council may from time to time amend
by resolution the following Towing and Storage
Fee Schedule, which amendment shall then
become the Towing and Storage Fee Schedule
under this Contract.”
Between July 2006 and now, the “Towing and
Storage Fee Schedule” has been amended
twice to make fees consistent with surrounding
This resolution will increase rates for towing and
storage of vehicles as well extend the terms of
the Contract for another 3 year term and allow
for a further extension in 2024. The increase in
towing and storage fees are necessary due to
the rise in operating costs along with the fact
that the rates for the same services in the
neighboring cities are higher. The proposed 11
percent increase is in line with the Consumer
Price Index for All Urban Consumers.
A written report is attached to the resolution as
an exhibit and provides graphical explanations
of the increased fees related to surrounding
cities and the difference between current and
proposed rates. This report is available for
public inspection during regular office hours.
Further information may be obtained by contacting
the City Clerk at 4455 West 126th Street,
Hawthorne, CA 90250 (310) 349-2915 or the
Business License Department, (310) 349-2935.
US TOW – Hawthorne Towing and
Storage Fees
1. Tow Light Duty (Standard Vehicles) (Per
Hour) $145.00
2. Storage for Standard Vehicles (Per Day)
3. Tow Motorcycles (Per Hour) $145..00
4. Storage Motorcycles (Per Day) $7.00
5. Tow HD Trucks/Trailers Under 20 feet (Per
Hour) $234.00
6. Storage HD Trucks/Trailers Under 20 feet
(Per Day) $46.50
7. Tow HD Trucks/Trailers Over 20 feet (Per
Hour) $234.00
8. Storage HD Trucks/Trailers Over 20 feet
(Per Day) $46.50
9. Tow HD Trucks/Trailers Over 40 feet (Per
Hour) $338.00
10. Storage HD Trucks/Trailers Over 40 feet
(Per Day) $59.00
11. Tow Heavy Duty Which Requires Special
Equipment (Per Hour) $422.00
12. Storage Heavy Duty Which Requires
Special Equipment (Per Day)
13. Tow Heavy Duty Hazardous (Per Hour)
14. Storage Heavy Duty Hazardous (Per
Day) $59.00
15. Service Calls $73.00
16. Mileage (Per Each Mile) $10.00
17. Tow Major Parts/Components (Per
Hour) $145.00
18. Storage Major Parts/Components (Per
Day) $7.00
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 12/30, 1/6/22
Sealed proposals will be received by the City
Clerk of the City of Hawthorne, California at
the office in the City Clerk, located on the first
floor in City Hall, 4455 West 126th Street,
Hawthorne, CA, until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
February 8, 2022.
In the event that the Los Angeles County
shelter-in-place order is extended, and/
or the City remains closed to the public,
interested parties should drop off their
bid packets at the drop box located in
the back entrance of Hawthorne City
Hall (Grevillea Ave entrance) or should
contact for scheduled drop offs.
Proposals will be publicly opened and
recorded on a Bid List at 4:15 p.m. on
the same day in the City Clerk’s office.
Bidders, as well as the general public, are
invited to view this proceeding.
Proposals will be read at a meeting of the
City Council at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
February 8, 2022 for the following:
(Project # 21-07)
This includes CCTV Inspection services,
removal and restoration of existing surface
improvements, trench excavation, shoring, and
backfill, removal and replacement of existing
sewer facilities including, but not limited to
sewer mains, service connections and other
appurtenances. It also includes rehabilitation
of existing manholes, sewer mains and lateral
connections by various “trenchless” rehabilitation
techniques, traffic striping and adjustment
of utilities and all other work necessary to
complete the improvements in accordance
with the Plans and Specifications.
Submit pricing for the following unit quantities
that will be valid for the duration of the contract.
12’ segment Point Repairs of 8” Sewer Main
Includes Reconnection of Existing Sewer Laterals
including trench excavation, shoring, sheeting and
bracing, pipe connection, slurry backfill, collar joint
to existing or new pipe, compaction, temporary
and permanent pavement(AC or PCC), striping,
tunneling under exist. utility lines, potholing and all
necessary works complete in place
EA 13
Rehabilitate Existing 8” Sewer Main with Folded
and Reformed PVC Liner Includes Reconnection
of Existing Sewer Laterals
LF 20,000
3 Rehabilitate Sewer Manhole EA 94
Remove ex. manhole and Reconstruction of Sewer
Manhole (48” MH) per CSD Std. S-a-204 Type D
including trench excavation, shoring, sheeting and
bracing, pipe connection, slurry backfill, collar joint
to existing or new pipe, compaction, temporary
and permanent pavement(AC or PCC), striping,
tunneling under exist. utility lines, potholing and all
necessary works complete in place
EA 3
5 Cleaning and Preliminary CCTV Inspection
(Lined Sewer) LF 20,000
6 Post CCTV Inspection Includes (Lined Sewer) LF 20,000
Traffic Control (Including Specified Message
board and Arrow board per Section 601-2.3 in
the Specifications)
LS 1
8 Install Traffic Signal Loop Detectors and Rerun EA 10
9 Adjust Manhole Cover and Frame to Grade EA 2
Replace Square Manhole Cover and Frame with
New 24” Traffic Rated Self Locking Cover and
Frame per SPPWC Std. 210-4
EA 40
Replace Existing Manhole Frame and Cover with
New 24” Traffic Rated Self Locking Cover and
Frame per SPPWC Std. 210-4 and Adjust to Grade
EA 2
Contractors bidding this project must possess a
valid State of California “A” Contractor’s License.
Proposals must be submitted on the
blank forms prepared and furnished for
that purpose, which may be obtained
at the office of the Hawthorne City Engineer.
Bidders may also obtain copies
of the Plans and Specifications for the
contemplated work. (See “NOTE” under
Project Information section.)
No bid will be considered unless it
conforms to the Proposal Requirements
and Conditions. The City Council of the
City of Hawthorne, also referred to as the
City, reserves the right to reject any and
all proposals. Bids must be returned in
the special envelopes provided, marked
“SEALED BIDS”, and addressed to the
City Clerk.
Each proposal shall be accompanied by
one of the following forms of bidder’s
security: cash, cashier’s check, certified
check, or bidder’s bond, equal to ten
percent (10%) of the bid price.
A list of subcontractors shall be submitted
with the bid on the form provided by the City.
By submitting a bid/proposal under this
solicitation, the bidder or offerer certifies
that neither it nor its principals are presently
debarred or suspended by any Federal
department or agency from participation
in this transaction.
The successful bidder, by administering
each lower tier subcontract that exceeds
$25,000 as a “covered transaction”,
must verify each lower tier participant
of a “covered transaction” under the
project is not presently debarred or
otherwise disqualified from participation
in this assisted project. The bidder is
to provide a Data Universal Numbering
System (DUNS) number. The bidder will
accomplish this by:
1. Checking the System for Award Management
at website: http://www.sam.gov
2. Collecting a certification statement
similar to the Certification of Offerer/
the City of Hawthorne may pursue any
available remedies, including suspension
and debarments of the non-compliant
This proposed Contract is under and subject
to Executive Order 11246, as amended,
of September 24, 1965, and to the Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Federal
Labor Provisions. The EEO requirements,
labor provisions, and wage rates are included
in the Specifications and Bid documents and
are available for inspection at the City Clerk’s
Office, City Hall, and City of Hawthorne.
to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor
Code of the State of California, the City Council
has obtained the general federal prevailing rate
of per diem wages in accordance with the law
to be paid for the construction of the above
entitled Works and Improvements and General
Prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work
in this locality for each craft. The schedule has
been obtained from the U.S. Department for
Housing and Urban Development for Community
Block Grant Programs of the type and
nature proposed by the City, and reference is
hereby made to copies thereof on file in the
Office of the City Engineer, which said copies
are available to any interested party upon
request. Further, a copy shall be posted at
the job site during the course of construction.
All Contractors submitting bids must conform
to current federal minimum prevailing wages.
In addition to the Contractor’s obligations as
to minimum wages rates, the Contractor shall
abide by all other provisions and requirements
stipulated in Sections 1770-1780, inclusive,
of the Labor Code of the State of California,
including, but not limited to, those dealing with
the employment of registered apprentices.
The responsibility of compliance with Section
1777.5 of the Labor Code shall be with the
prime contractor.
In performance of the terms of this contract,
the Contractor shall not engage in, nor permit
such subcontractors as he may employ from
engaging in, discrimination in employment of
persons because of the race, color, place of
national origin or ancestry, sex, age, sexual
orientation, or religion of such persons.
The successful bidder will be required to provide
for performance security as provided by law.
Requirements for performance retentions may
be satisfied by deposit or securities specified
in Section 16430 of the Government Code,
and in accordance with Section 223001 of
the Public Contract Code.
Plans and Specifications are available for
purchase at Hawthorne City Hall, Department
of Public Works, Engineering Division (second
floor), 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne, CA
90250 (310) 349-2980.
In the event that the Los Angeles County
shelter-in-place order is extended through
August 11, 2020, and/or the City remains
closed to the public, interested parties
should schedule Plans and Specifications
pick up. Interested parties are encouraged
to contact by phone (310) 349-2980 or by
email (hkwon@cityofhawthorne.org) or by
leaving their return phone number. Any
communication must be received no
later than Thursday, February 3, 2022
at 4:00 p.m.
IS $100.00 (non-refundable).
(There will be no fee required for mailing
if prospective bidder prefers to have
plans and specifications sent and billed
via Bidder’s FED’EX account number.)
If you have questions and/or need
clarification regarding this project,
please contact Heecheol Kwon, Senior
Engineer, in the Department of
Public Works, Engineering Division,
at hkwon@cityofhawthorne.org.
The City of Hawthorne reserves the
right to reject any bid or all bids and
to waive any informality or irregularity
in any bid. Any contract awarded will
be to the lowest, qualified, responsive
and responsible bidder.
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 12/30,
Bidder Regarding Debarment, above.
3. Inserting a clause or condition in
the covered transaction with the lower
tier contract.
If the City of Hawthorne later determines
that a lower tier participation failed to
disclose to a higher tier participant that
it was excluded or disqualified at the
time it entered the covered transaction,
(Fictitious Business Name)
Other type of notice? Contact us
and we can give you a price.
For DBA’s email us at:
All other legal notices email us at:
Any questions?
Call us at 310-322-1830
City of Hawthorne 2021-2029
Housing Element Update
Safety Element Update, and
Environmental Justice Element Project
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that
the Planning Commission of the City of
Hawthorne will hold a public hearing to
consider the following matter:
Project Title: 2021-2029 Housing Element,
Safety Element, and Environmental Justice
Element Project
Project Location: City of Hawthorne
Project Description:
The Project involves the City of Hawthorne
2021-2029 Housing Element Update, Safety
Element Update, and Environmental Justice
Element Project. The Project includes revisions
to policy documents and no modifications to
the General Plan Land Use Map, land use
designations, or intensities/densities identified
within the General Plan Land Use Element
are proposed at this time. As determined by
the Southern California Association of Governments
(SCAG), the City of Hawthorne’s
fair share allocation (RHNA) is 1,734 new
housing units during this planning cycle. This
includes: 445 units affordable to extremely/very
low-income households; 204 units affordable to
low-income households; 249 units affordable
to moderate-income households; and 836
units affordable to above moderate-income
households. In compliance with State law, the
City of Hawthorne has prepared an update
to its Safety Element to further address fire
hazards, emergency preparedness, and
climate adaptation. The City of Hawthorne
has prepared an Environmental Justice (EJ)
Element to be included in the General Plan
as an optional element (not required by State
law). The EJ Element addresses the following
priorities: Reduce Pollution Exposure and
Improve Air Quality; Promote Access to Public
Facilities; Healthy Food Access; Safe and
Sanitary Homes; Promote Physical Activity;
and Promote Civil Engagement.
Day: Wednesday
Date: January 19, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Place: Virtual Meeting – See instructions to
participate below:
In the interest of maintaining appropriate
social distancing and to protect the health
and safety of the Planning Commission,
staff and the public from exposure to
COVID-19, the public hearing will not
be an in-person meeting and the Council
Chambers will not be used for this meeting.
Members of the public are encouraged to
make comments by submitting written letters
at 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne,
California 90250 or by sending comments
via email to planning@cityofhawthorne.org
or by calling (310) 349-2970. Members
of the public who wish to participate
in the virtual meeting must contact the
Planning Department no later than 5:00
pm on the date of the meeting noting
the item on which the member wants
to speak by leaving a message at (310)
349-2970 and leaving your return phone
number and email. Written information
pertaining to this item must be submitted
to the Planning Department prior to 5:00
PM on January 19, 2022.
Hawthorne (City) has prepared a Negative
Declaration/Initial Study for the City of Hawthorne
2021-2029 Housing Element Update, Safety
Element Update, and Environmental Justice
Element Project. The document has been
prepared in accordance with the guidelines
for implementing the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA)
PLEASE NOTE that pursuant to Government
Code Section 65009: In an action or
proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void,
or annul a finding, determination or decision
of the Planning Commission or City Council,
the issues raised shall be limited to those
raised at the public hearing in this notice or
in written correspondence delivered to the
Planning Commission or City Council at or
prior to the public hearing.
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 1/6/22
Summary of Adoption of Ordinance
2228 Setting the Compensation of the
Mayor and City Councilmembers
Commencing January 1, 2023
Pursuant to Government Code section
36933(c), the following constitutes a summary
of Ordinance No. 2228 which will be
considered for adoption by the City Council
at its regular meeting on January 11, 2022 at
6:00 p.m. Pursuant to California Government
Code section 36933(c)(1), the City Council
has previously directed the preparation and
publication of a summary of Ordinance Nos.
2228 which will set the compensation of the
mayor and city councilmembers commencing
January 1, 2023.
Ordinance No. 2228 sets a new compensation
for mayor and city councilmembers as follows:
Pursuant to California Government Code
section 36516, the councilmembers’ salaries
were established in 2001 at $600 per month.
Government Code section 36516(a)(4)
authorizes an increase in said salaries
up to 5% for each year. The mayor and
councilmembers may increase their salaries
100% since they did not vote for an
increase in 20 years. Ordinance No. 2228
would bring the new monthly salary for
each councilmember to $1,200 per month.
Under Government Code section 36516.5,
the said salary increase will become effective
on January 1, 2023, after the November 3,
2022 general election.
This proposed ordinance is not a “project”
under the California Environmental Quality Act.
A certified copy of the entirety of the text of
Ordinance No. 2228 is available both on the
City’s website and also in the office of the City
Clerk, 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne,
California, and is open for public inspection.
Pursuant to Government Code section
36933(c), the summary Ordinance No. 2228
was published at least five (5) days before
the ordinance was adopted on January 11,
2022 at a duly convened regular meeting of
the Hawthorne City Council.
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 1/6, 1/13/22
Conditional Use Permit Application No.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that
the Planning Commission of the City of
Hawthorne will hold a public hearing to
consider the following matter:
Project Title: Conditional Use Permit No.
2021CU08 – Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits
Project Location: 4234 West Imperial
Highway - City of Hawthorne, Los Angeles
County, State of California
Project Description: A request to approve
the on-site sale of beer, wine, and distilled
spirits within a public premise for off-site
consumption (Type 21) for a new proposed
market, GS Market
Day: Wednesday
Date: January 19, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Place: Virtual Meeting – See instructions to
participate below:
In the interest of maintaining appropriate
social distancing and to protect the health
and safety of the Planning Commission,
staff and the public from exposure to
COVID-19, the public hearing will not
be an in-person meeting and the Council
Chambers will not be used for this meeting.
Members of the public are encouraged to
make comments by submitting written letters
at 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne,
California 90250 or by sending comments
via email to planning@cityofhawthorne.
org or by calling Kevin La or Maria
Majcherek at (310) 349-2970. Members
of the public who wish to participate
in the virtual meeting must contact the
Planning Department no later than 5:00
pm on the date of the meeting noting
the item on which the member wants
to speak by leaving a message at (310)
349-2970 and leaving your return phone
number and email. Written information
pertaining to this item must be submitted
to the Planning Department prior to 5:00
PM on January 19, 2022.
Use Permit No. 2021CU08 is Categorically
Exempt per Section 15301, Class 1,
consisting of the operation of an existing
facility involving negligible or no expansion
of the existing use. The sale of beer,
wine, and spirits is being proposed within
a portion of an existing building with no
expansion of the existing structure.
PLEASE NOTE that pursuant to Government
Code Section 65009: In an action or
proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void,
or annul a finding, determination or decision
of the Planning Commission or City Council,
the issues raised shall be limited to those
raised at the public hearing in this notice or
in written correspondence delivered to the
Planning Commission or City Council at or
prior to the public hearing.
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 1/6/22