Hawthorne Press Tribune
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 64, No. 1 - January 6, 2022
The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne
Hawthorne High School Offers Students
a Way to Pursue a Criminal Justice Career
The School of Criminal Justice at Hawthorne High School promotes knowledge of and respect for the law and will help transform students into civically responsible citizens who may become leaders in their community. Criminal Justice students will develop an understanding
of ethics, morals and legal services while being exposed to experiences that explore equality, justice, discipline, awareness, community involvement, civic duties and responsibilities. The coursework will prepare students for college entry or an entry level position in the
criminal justice field including: law enforcement, judicial system, counseling, correctional officers, morticians, and crime scene investigators. Photo courtesy Centinela Valley Union High School District.
Your Neighborhood Therapist
Dear Neighborhood Therapist,
I am thinking about the new year and
wondering why I don’t feel better. Last
year, things were worse in my world, but
I felt better than I do now. Now, things are
demonstrably better, but I feel worse. Why
is that? Why don’t I feel better?
– Strangely Sad, El Segundo
Dear Strangely Sad,
It’s never a bad time to remember that
we cannot separate the way we feel from
what’s going on around us. It’s just darn near
impossible. I would love to say we are all
captains of our ships, that we in total control
our own destinies, and that all our actions
or inactions have a direct effect on how our
lives turn out. But that’s just not true. Influential?
Sure. But what if an asteroid strikes?
What if a pandemic hits? Sudden personal
tragedy? Much of our life is out of our own
personal control.
For most people, this is one of those times.
This time last year, big changes were happening.
This was a cause of great optimism
for many people. And big changes did indeed
happen, but the trauma of the pandemic is
not over, and that is extremely frustrating
to everyone I have met with. Dashed hopes,
exhaustion with requirements and disruptions
and uncertainty. You’re gassed. We’re
all gassed. Permission to feel mentally and
physically exhausted granted.
If things are going well “on paper” for
you but you still don’t feel well, it’s worth
remembering that the single best thing that
we can all do for our collective mental health
is to improve our community, which means
improving the lives of others around us.
That means everyone, even the people we
don’t know. Even the people we don’t agree
with. Even the people who are radically different
from us. Think about your neighbors
whose politics you disagree with. You both
chose to live in the same community. That
means you probably value good schools, nice
weather, a proximity to the beach, nice parks,
a helpful library, a walkable Main Street,
community events. Think about the people
who live across town. They probably still
value the same things. What opportunities
are there to get to know them?
We’re pretty good at that in El Segundo.
Community engagement and pride are high.
But we can always do better.
Trust me, it’s worth it. My job is to get to
know people. And in doing so, I have never
liked anyone less the more I got to know
them and how they face life’s challenges.
Tough times never go away for everyone.
But we humans are really, really good at
adapting. It’s what we do best, and we’ll
continue to do so. Working to make the lives
of strangers better is one of the best things we
can do for ourselves, so go help a stranger in
El Segundo whose life on paper isn’t going
as well as yours. You may find that doing
so helps accelerate the adaptation process.
Please write to tom@tomandrecounseling.
com or text to 310.776.5299 with questions
about handling what is affecting your life,
your family, the community or the world.
Tom Andre is a Licensed Marriage & Family
Therapist (LMFT119254). The information
in this column is for educational purposes
only and nothing herein should be construed
as professional advice or the formation of a
therapeutic relationship. •
“This is a new year. A new beginning.
And things will change.”
– Taylor Swift