Lawndale Tribune
AND lAwNDAle News
The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 81, No. 1 - January 6, 2022
Dual Language Immersion Expands
to Billy Mitchell Elementary School
Lawndale supports and values bilingualism, biliteracy, cultural identity, and cross-cultural competence. Our vision for the Dual Immersion program is for our students to attain biliteracy and bilingualism with exceptional levels of academic excellence and social confidence
to be competitive in the global community. Lawndale Elementary School District (LESD) has announced plans to expand the District’s coveted Dual Language Immersion program to Billy Mitchell Elementary School beginning with Kindergarteners enrolling for the 2022-23
school year. The program also operates at Mark Twain Elementary School and Will Rogers Middle School. Applications are available January 14th online at www.lawndalesd.net/di. Photo courtesy Lawndale Elementary School District.
To Build Your Savings, Start With Small Goals
(BPT) - Paid Content by Vanderbilt Mortgage
and Finance, Inc
Building a savings account can seem daunting.
Many people believe they should have
a high amount of savings tucked away, but
then often become overwhelmed thinking
about that goal. By shifting your mindset
and taking small, achievable steps, you can
reach your savings goals and more.
Keep in mind, if your savings is low or
nonexistent, you’re not alone. Fewer than
40% of Americans could pay an unexpected
$1,000 bill with their savings, according to
a recent survey. The pandemic has presented
countless challenges for many people, and
even if you tapped your savings to make ends
meet, you can always restart and refocus.
The good news is there are simple steps
you can take to establish a savings account
and help you reach other goals like a
down payment on a new home, or extra payments
on the principal balance of an existing
mortgage loan. Vanderbilt Mortgage is happy
to share its 2021 Home Loan Guide created
to help educate and prepare homebuyers for
a mortgage.
Here are three simple steps to start a successful
savings plan:
Set a Realistic Goal
It may not be realistic for you to start
saving $500 a month, but that doesn’t mean
you can’t save an amount that makes you
comfortable. Consider $50, $25 or even $5
if that sounds reasonable. Starting with a
small, realistic goal can help you stick to
a savings plan. Tracking your goals builds
excitement, whether that’s for an emergency
fund or to buy a new home. Visibly seeing
progress reinforces your goals and you can
be proud of building momentum.
Create and Stick to A Budget
There is power in knowing the exact
amount of money coming in and going
out each month, so budgeting is an essential
step in understanding your finances
and guiding your saving efforts. If you
budget and find a surplus, consider using
that extra money to bolster your savings.
If there is a deficit, reevaluate and decide
what adjustments can be made. Understand
necessities versus nice-to-have expenses and
find ways to make your money work for
your situation.
Know Your “Why”
Building a savings takes time, but having
a motivation for your commitment can
support your success. Whether it’s to have a
safety net or you’re saving for a down payment
on a home, a goal can help keep you
focused, which means you are more likely
to follow through.
If you’re interested in buying a new home,
you might not need as much down payment
as you think. Apply now at Vanderbilt Mortgage
and learn about financing programs
that fit your budget. If you already have a
loan with Vanderbilt, consider paying ahead
or even paying extra towards your principal
balance; this will help you pay your mortgage
loan off earlier.
These three initial steps can give anyone
a guiding start to building a savings account
to help them reach their goals. To access the
2021 Home Loan Guide and to get more details
about smart steps you can take to save,
visit www.vmf.com. Remember, just like a
runner needs to train from completing a mile
to completing a marathon, the best way to
build a savings account is with consistent,
achievable steps.
All loans are subject to credit approval.
Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc.,
500 Alcoa Trail, Maryville, TN 37804,
865-380-3000, NMLS #1561, (http://www.
Film Review from page 2
pink and blue golden hour hues. And when the
film does see its jockeys racing, the ethereal
music composed by The National’s Dessner
Brothers takes on a heavenly, spiritual nirvana–
a moment when everything else falls away.
If you’re looking for a meditative film about
mortality and entering the twilight of one’s life,
as well as if you want to see a more intimate
look at the world of horse racing, then Jockey
is for you. The film makes one of its deepest
statements when Ruth offers Jackson the sage
advice that “You have to tell a horse when
it’s time to quit.” And although that day in
which we’ll inevitably have to quit comes for
all of us, Jockey shows that an indomitable
spirit never will.
94 minutes. ‘Jockey’ is rated R for language.
Now playing in select theaters. •
nmlsconsumeraccess.org/), AZ Lic. #BK-
0902616, Loans made or arranged pursuant
to a California Financing Law license, GA
Residential Mortgage (Lic. #6911), MT Lic.
#1561, Licensed by PA Dept. of Banking.
Equal Housing Opportunity. •
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. at the
Inglewood City Hall Council Chambers, One
West Manchester Blvd. 9th Floor, Inglewood,
the City Council will conduct a public hearing
to receive input from the public regarding the
City of Inglewood determining the Inglewood
Transit Connector Project (ITC) is exempt
from the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) under Public Resources Code section
21080, subdivision (b)(12) and California Code
of Regulations, title 14 (“State CEQA Guidelines”)
section 15275, subdivision (b), as a “[f]acility
extension[] not to exceed four miles in length
which [is] required for the transfer of passengers
from or to exclusive public mass transit
guideway or busway public transit services. The
Public is invited to provide input regarding the
exemption determination. Persons desiring to
be heard regarding this item will be given an
opportunity to do so during such hearing via
one of the methods below.
Due to the existing COVID-19 health emergency
and the social distancing measures currently
in effect, and pursuant to Assembly Bill 361,
please note that members of the public will be
allowed only to observe and address the City
Council Meeting of January 25, 2022, at 2:00
p.m. by telephone, video and other electronic
means, as follows:
1. Written Public Comments: Members of
the public may choose to submit comments
electronically for consideration by sending them
to the Inglewood City Clerk at athompson@
cityofinglewood.org, and Deputy City Clerk at
aallen@cityofinglewood.org. To ensure distribution
to the members of the Legislative Body
prior to consideration of the agenda, City Clerk
staff will check and print emails prior to arriving
in the Council Chambers. In the body of the
email, please identify the agenda number or
subject matter. Correspondence should indicate
the meeting date and agenda item. Comments
received will be made part of the official public
record of the meeting. Contact the Office of the
City Clerk at 310-412-5280 with any questions.
Written comments may be sent to or
delivered on or before noon, Tuesday,
January 25, 2022 to:
City of Inglewood Office of the City Clerk
One West Manchester Boulevard
P.O. Box 6500, Inglewood, CA 90312
Or via email to:
athompson@cityofinglewood.org, or
2. Viewing and Listening to the Meeting without
Making Public Comments:
• On Spectrum Cable Channel 35 with audio
and limited video. Please check with your
cable provider for details.
• Live online through Facebook Live, with audio
and limited video, at https://www.facebook.com/
• The above access options provide the public
with the opportunity to both observe and listen
to the meeting.
3. Members of the public who wish to address
the City Council orally must use the public
access option noted below:
• Members of the public may listen and make
oral public comments telephonically by dialing:
• Dial-in for Open Session: 1-888-251-2949
or 215-861-0694, using the specific access
code listed on the January 25, 2022, City
Council Agenda. The January 25, 2022, City
Council Agenda can be found here: https://www.
cityofinglewood.org/ and by then navigating to
“Current Agenda.”
Any person who requires a disability-related
modification or accommodation, or translation
services in order to observe and/or offer
public comment may request such reasonable
modification, or service by contacting
the City Clerk’s Office by telephone at (310)
412-5280, FAX at (310) 412-5533, One
Manchester Boulevard, 1st Floor, Inglewood
City Hall, Inglewood, California 90301, or via
email to athompson@cityofinglewood.org and
aallen@cityofinglewood.org All requests for
accommodations must be received 24 hours
prior to the day of the hearing.
“If you challenge the proposed exemption in
court, you may be limited to raising only those
issues you or someone else raised at the public
hearing described in this notice, or in written
correspondence delivered to the City Council
at, or prior to, the public hearing.”
“Si no entiende esta noticia o si necesita
mas information, favor de llamar numero
(310) 412-5280.”
In the event that the City Council meeting is not
held, or is conducted prior to a public hearing
item being considered, the public hearing will
automatically be continued to the next regularly
scheduled City Council meeting.
Inglewod Daily News Pub. 1/6, 1/13/22