Page 6 July 1, 2021 EL SEGUNDO HERALD
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone).
Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following
Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only
be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement.
Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If
you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald
Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims.
House for Rent
4BD/3.5BA. Executive Tri-level
ES home, 4-car garage, 3100 sq
ft. $7,350/mo. Avail. July 10th.
310.989.5469 or 562.260.5926.
For Rent
2 bedrooms, 1 bath, upper,
immaculate, 7909 Alverstone,
Westchester. $1995/month. BOAT
Trailer/Outboard Motor. $800.
310.365.1481 or 310.641.2148.
Guthy-Renker, LLC seeks a
Software Developer in El Segundo,
CA to analyze and review functional
specifications, plan, create, and review
source code, and perform software
defect investigations. Apply at www.
jobpostingtoday.com, Ref #92464.
WANTED. Vinyl, records, vinyl,
anything musical. Collectibles/antiques.
Typewriters, sewing machines, military,
silver, Japan, records, stamps, coins,
jewelry, Chinese, ANYTHING. Buy/Sell/
Trade. We sell for you on EBAY. Studio
Antiques, El Segundo. 310.322.3895.
To appear in next week’s paper, submit your Classifed Ad by Noon on Tuesday.
Late Ads will incur a $20.00 late fee.
Police Reports from page 3
and Aviation Boulevard.
One male adult was cited and released in
the field at 1836 hours from the 700 block of
South Pacific Coast Highway for shoplifting
and for receiving stolen property.
One male adult was arrested at 0437 hours
from the 800 block of Hillcrest Street for
possession of a controlled substance.
One female adult was arrested at 0518
hours from the 800 block of Hillcrest Street
misappropriation of lost property.
One male adult was arrested at 0437 hours
from the 800 block of Hillcrest Street for
possession of a controlled substance and
for a felony want for vehicle theft out of
South Pasadena.
Friday, June 25th
A vandalism report was taken at 0820
hours from the 500 block of Richmond Street.
A traffic accident (with injuries) occurred at
0813 hours South Douglas Street and Alaska
Avenue, vehicle versus vehicle.
A found property report was taken at 1055
hours from the 700 block of Hillcrest Street.
A gun was found and booked for safekeeping.
A traffic accident (with injuries) occurred
at 1108 hours on South Aviation Boulevard
and East El Segundo Boulevard, vehicle
versus vehicle.
One male adult was arrested at 1108 hours
from South Aviation Boulevard and East El
Segundo Boulevard for felony DUI, felony
hit and run, and possession of a firearm by
a narcotics addict.
A vehicle was reported stolen at 1116 hours
from the 900 block of Selby Street. Taken
was a 2000 Chevrolet Suburban.
A harassing phone calls report was taken
at 1314 hours from the 700 block of South
Allied Way. •
Therapist from page 5
down the answers helps because the process
of writing will help you clarify your thinking,
and because it may be helpful to you
in future conversations to have a record of
your thought process.
First, you could have gone straight to your
sister about this and let the chips fall where
they may, but instead you chose to shoulder
this burden, at least for a period of time.
What is the thing that you are protecting
by holding this secret? What does the fact
that you have been able to hold this secret
up until now say about what matters to you?
Which relationship is more important to
you, and why: your relationship with your
sister, or your sister’s relationship with her
husband? What do you need to do to tend to
that relationship, and what are the potential
costs of doing so, and are those costs worth
it? (And sadly, there is always a cost.)
Next, what is the spectrum of possible
explanations (not excuses) for what happened?
Is the most generous view of your
brother-in-law’s behavior that perhaps it was
a horrible, out-of-character, one-time mistake
for which he feels genuine remorse? Good
people do bad things all the time. Was this
one of those times? On the other hand, was
this incident totally in keeping with what you
have seen and heard about him?
Finally, knowing everything that you know,
if someone you cared about found herself in
a situation where there was much uncertainty
and seemingly no good options, how would
you advise them to respond? Do that, and
sleep well knowing you did the best you could.
Please write to tom@tomandrecounseling.
com or text to 310.776.5299 with questions
about handling what is affecting your life,
your family, the community or the world.
Tom Andre is a Licensed Marriage & Family
Therapist (LMFT119254). The information
in this column is for educational purposes
only and nothing herein should be construed
as professional advice or the formation of a
therapeutic relationship. •
El Segundo Herald* • Hawthorne Press Tribune*
Inglewood Daily News* • Lawndale News*
EL SEGUNDO OFFICE • 531 MAIN ST, # 1160 • El Segundo • CA • 90245
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* Our newspapers are adjudicated of general circulation accordance with the laws of California. El Segundo Herald, Case Number 372819;
Hawthorne Press Tribune, Case Number 187530; Inglewood Daily News, Case Number 601550; Lawndale Tribune, Case Number 479346.