TORRANCE TRIBUNE October 26, 2017 Page 7
Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls
Recipe content provided by BPT
One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion
Indigenous Peoples Day? Really?
Truth Is, We’re All Immigrants?
By Duane Plank
So recently, we have apparently allowed
the limousine liberal clowns--the privileged
sect involving media elites, Hollywood sycophants,
late-night talk show hosts and Blue
state politicians--to take away Columbus Day!
Can you believe it? Christopher-bleeping-
Columbus, who allegedly discovered this wonder
that is America, has had his day ripped away
from him. Which has ticked off more than a few
Italians, including the obviously “worked up”
has-been comedian Joe Piscopo, who on a recent
segment of the venerable Tucker Carlson show
on the fair-and-balanced FOX News Channel,
basically said there will be heck to pay if the
left wing vigilantes try to deface and or rip
down statues of the great sailor Columbus.
Don’t piss off Piscopo. With his last name
ringing with vowels, one may assume he knows
the whereabouts of one James Hoffa and may
still have friends in the “industry” who are not
too fond to be having their day of celebration,
and their day of revelry and digesting of multiple
Negroni beverages, curtailed.
Full disclosure: I have Italian heritage, passed
down to me by my late, great father. Some say
the last name of Plank does not shout Italian.
I say, who the heck knows, right? Heck is
not the word I normally use, but I shall be
edited. Again. The great, great grandparents,
who allegedly swam across the pond from
the boot-shaped country known as Italy, may
have ended up festooned on Ellis Island and
may have deleted a few vowels from our last
name. Let’s ask the CNN Italian cry-baby
Chris Cuomo if he is not too busy trying to
get a date with that gal I like on FNC, Maria
Barroom--a shockingly beautiful paisa?
My column… I can reference my likes and
dislikes even if I must wake up at 4 a.m. to
watch her beauty shine.
I’m also Mexican, btw. Courtesy of my
mom’s family, the Samaniegos. I believe they
entered the country legally way back in the
day--at least that was always the party line.
They claim someone in the family was a dentist,
which was a necessary occupation here. Still
is, looking at some of the hayseeds I meet
out on the streets, but I digress. No DACA
kid here. Least not that I know of.
So now the libs have gotten rid of Columbus
Day. And, for the longest time, Christmas
Day is no longer Christmas, but…blah, blah,
blah. Or, more correctly, the day the bleeping
NBA puts on a quad of games and tries to sell
shoes and a bunch of crap to an incredibly
gullible public, looking on their iPhone 8 for
the iPhone 10.
So, we must thank the privileged elite at Harvard
University, the latest of a growing number
of colleges to add “Indigenous Peoples Day” to
its calendar--an effort, proponents say, to reject
colonialism represented by Columbus Day.
Yep! Columbus was a bad guy. Except, he
helped form a nation in which liberal college
professors pull down 500K to teach one class
a week, and kids who have never worked a
day in their life get to attend Harvard and play
video games.
Goodbye, Columbus! •
After Five Decades, What Do We
Really Want to Know About JFK?
By Cristian Vasquez
Conspiracy theorists across the nation are
probably salivating after the news that President
Donald Trump is likely to allow the release
of thousands of classified files related to the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The files regarding the November 1963 tragedy
are scheduled to be made public next week
by the National Archives, to which I say
it doesn’t matter. Releasing these files will
only feed the many mistruths, theories and
speculation regarding why President Kennedy
was assassinated and who is responsible. The
files being released will not prove that there
was a second or third shooter, they will not
identify who ordered Lee Harvey Oswald to
shoot the President, they will not verify the
existence of magic bullets and they will not
directly connect the Russians, Cubans or the
mob to the murder.
Had the files contained any information
proving a direct link between the abovementioned
“theories” to the shooting, it
would have been revealed. There was, and
is, no reason to keep information classified
regarding what happened that fall afternoon,
unless you subscribe to the “the government
had something to hide” fan club. I, for one,
don’t. If our own government wanted to “take
out” its own president, I believe in its power
to do it without creating a spectacle. These
files remain classified because they very well
could contain intelligence information regarding
our national defense tactics, and that should
remain a secret.
It’s going to be 54 years since the nation
witnessed one of its most tragic moments.
If you still believe that the government is
lying about what happened, how would releasing
these files make things better? How
does declassifying this secret more than five
decades later prove transparency and gain
trust? It doesn’t. If anything, it should raise
more questions. So before jumping for joy,
just ask yourself: What does it matter? How
will declassifying the Kennedy files change
anything? Will it bring us a new truth? That
is unlikely to happen.
If these files are declassified and released,
then that would be great. I’m not going
to lie and admit that I would read them. I
would read them out of nothing more than a
morbid curiosity. But should we excited that
they will be released? Not at all. We don’t
go around demanding to know the details of
every murder in our city, county or state, so
there is no need to do the same in this case.
Sure, it pertains to the assassination of a U.S.
president, but the investigation is done--it was
resolved more than half a century ago. There
won’t be a bombshell of truth in there. There
won’t be anything to change whatever your
opinion on the matter is at the moment, so let’s
let it go. The only people with a legitimate
interest in these files should be the family. The
late Senator Ted Kennedy shared that he was
“fundamentally satisfied” with the findings of
the Warren Commission and if it the results
of the investigation were good enough for the
victim’s brother, it’s good enough for me. •
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. On a large baking sheet, place potatoes, peppers
and onions in a single layer. Drizzle with olive
oil and sprinkle with seasoned salt and ground
black pepper. Toss until evenly coated.
3. Roast for about 30-40 minutes or until potatoes
are golden brown and tender, stirring and rotating
pan halfway through cooking.
4. Meanwhile, crack Eggland’s Best eggs into a
large bowl, then season with salt and pepper
and whisk until smooth.
5. Heat a large skillet over medium heat then spray
with nonstick spray and add eggs.
6. Scramble until the eggs are just barely cooked
through and still slightly glossy, then scoop onto
a plate and set aside.
7. Divide the potatoes and scrambled eggs evenly
between the containers then set aside to cool.
8. Once cool, sprinkle with cheese and green onions,
then cover and refrigerate. Freeze any portions
that aren’t eaten within three days.
9. To reheat from frozen: microwave for 1 1/2
minutes then stir and continue microwaving until
food is reheated, stirring between intervals. Top
with optional toppings, then serve.
10. Tip: Store in individualized microwave-safe
containers with lids to make these bowls ready
to reheat and go. •
• 2 slices of Arnold, Brownberry or Oroweat
Whole Grains Oatnut Bread, toasted
• 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
• 1 teaspoon lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon harissa
• 1 tablespoon orange marmalade
• 1/4 teaspoon each of ground coriander
and ground cumin
• 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1 pinch each of salt and black pepper
• 3 medium assorted rainbow carrots,
shaved into long ribbons with a
vegetable peeler
• 1/2 cup loosely packed arugula
• 2 teaspoons fresh mint, chiffonade
• 2 tablespoons golden raisins
• 2 tablespoons chopped roasted pistachios
• 3 tablespoons crumbled feta
• 1/4 cup roasted garlic hummus
Politically Speaking