Page 4 October 26, 2017 TORRANCE TRIBUNE
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone).
Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following
Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only
be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement.
Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If
you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald
Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims.
Free Offer: For people interested in
handling the source of their instability
at work, difficulty in getting educated
and unwanted emotions. Get a free
Personality Test - the renown Oxford
Capacity Analysis Test worth $500.
Come to the Church of Scientology
on 315 South Market St, Inglewood,
(310) 419-8200
Garage For Rent
Garage for Lease in El Segundo:
40x40 Garage w / o f f i c e /
loft & bathroom (parking
& storage); $2000/month
– Contact 310-647-1635
Garage Sale
Sat & Sun 8:30am 543 East Walnut
[@ Penn]. Camping gear. Fluke
anchor w/20’ chain for 16’ to 24’ boat.
Stereo Receiver, JBL speakers. Tools:
Hand, Garden, & Power. Computer
equipment & a lot more great stuff,
something for everyone.
Help Wanted
Hiring Electrical Journeyman/
Apprentice. Must have own
transportation. Send resume.
House for Lease
House for Lease in El Segundo:
2 Bed/1Bath with large yard;
1 Car Garage; $2795/month
– Contact 310-647-1635
House for Rent
3 Bed/1 large Bath, Enormous
Yard, 2 Car Garage, Updated, W/D
hook-ups, Pet Friendly. 1041 E.
Acacia $3,700/month water incl.
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated part-time workers. Inside
sales: work from home and make
sales calls. 15% commission on all
sales. Outside sales: territories are
Torrance and El Segundo. Includes
walking and interacting with business
owners. 20% commission on all
sales. Seniors and students welcome.
Send resume to management@
House for Rent
EL SEGUNDO 2 story. 4BD/3BA,
2 car garage, new paint, HW floor,
sound proof system, walk to beach.
$4,100. 310-663-9898.
To appear in next week’s
paper, submit your Classifed Ad
by Noon on Tuesday.
“With the new day comes
new strength and new thoughts.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
City Council from front page
Director John Jones to allow the City to
apply for the Outdoor Environmental Education
Facilities Grant Program. These grant
monies would allow for the development and
enhancement of educational opportunities with
the Madrona Marsh Preserve. In 2010, the
City received an education grant allowing the
creation of exhibits to inform visitors about
the natural resources at the preserve--without
needing to hire additional staff. Since then,
the Marsh has been searching for similar
grants in order to provide similar outdoor
educational opportunities for visitors.
“Presently the City is seeking funding
through a grant from the California State
Parks, Office of Grants and Local Services, for
Outdoor Environmental Facilities,” states the
staff report signed by Park Services Manager
Tracy Drake. “The purpose of this grant is
to provide outdoor environmental education
facilities which are capital investments that
will support programming.”
The amount of funds being requested is
$80,000 and would be used for two smallproject
proposals, including the development
of a sitting and teaching area to be located
south of the preserve’s maintenance shed.
The second project would install a small
10’x10’ pond in the native plant garden. The
pond would also include interpretive panels
that will explain the program to visitors. If
obtained, the staff will work with the South
Bay Turtle and Tortoise in order to include a
captive breeding program for the native Pacific
Pond Turtle. Since the Pacific Pond Turtle’s
population is declining, all turtles raised in the
pond will be released into the Santa Monica
and San Gabriel Mountain habitats. •
School Board from front page
symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The services by Counseling4Kids are to be
provided at no cost to District students eligible
for or covered by Medi-Cal and they will also
provide referrals for other necessary services,
including: individual therapy, family therapy,
psychological evaluations, medication support,
case management and referral to community
resources. The MOU will be in effect from
October 30, 2017 to June 30, 2018.
Also on Monday, Board members gave the
go-ahead to guest speakers scheduled to visit
three TUSD schools between October and
January 2018.
Scheduled for October 27 at North High
School are Nida Badour, Brandon Tanaka, Carey
Gromis, Joey Mancaruso, Robert Schulenburg
and Aisha Mc Kinney. North students will learn
about health and different disabilities and the
effect that the environment has on everyone’s
life. As part of the topic and presentation, adults
with different disabilities will be invited to
attend and share with the students the nature
of their disability, how it affected their life
after high school, and that it is not a barrier
to a fulfilling and successful life.
“These speakers shed a light into the world
of disabilities and how to not let it define you,
but encourage you, to persevere through and
make your goals and aspirations come true,”
states the staff agenda. “By having our whole
freshman class go through this informative
week, we have tolerance for those that have a
disability and it builds a culture of caring that
carries with them for the rest of their lives.”
For November, the Board approved the
Ozobot Electronic Robot’s visit at Riviera
Elementary School during Science Lab. Students
in grades K-5 will be part of a lesson
presentation by Ozobot designers and Riviera’s
Science Lab teacher. Students will focus on
coding, with lessons tailored to teaching
them how to calibrate an Ozobot for “proper
functioning and how colors can be combined
in a color code language that can be used to
give the Ozobot commands.” Students will be
capable of answering how Ozobot can sense
its environment and move in it, and how they
can tell Ozobot what to do? The science lab
will also receive a five-device donation from
Also approved for next month is a visit from
the Saturday Night Bath Musical Performance
at South High. The performance will include a
discussion with the school’s choir during third
period. The agenda describes the group’s visit
as one “to encourage the students to express
themselves in a positive manner--perhaps becoming
apprentice musicians themselves.” The
performance will include original compositions,
as well more traditional pieces such as “Oye
Como Va” and “Stormy Monday.”
Lastly, to launch 2018, the Board approved
a Madrona Middle School Skype session with
Jordan Romero, author of No Summit Out of
Sight, so that students can establish a relevant
and real-world connection with their text by
having direct interaction with the author. •