Page 12 October 5, 2017
Wowser Schnauzers
Glory Rachel
Happy Tails
Congratulations to Jack and his new life!
because everyone says I’m cute as a button.
However it was really fortuitous because the
folks that rescued me are helping me find
my forever home. They tell me that I am
wonderful with other dogs, I’m high-energy
and very playful…so I could be just the
perfect addition to your family!”
If you’re interested in Glory, please email
info@msfr.org for more information.
“My name is Faye and I’m a 10-year
old female Chihuahua that was rescued
from an LA county shelter after my owner
surrendered me. Honestly, I have no idea
why they just left me and went away, but
We are looking for volunteers to help with
our pet adoption fairs that are held every
Saturday at the Petco located at 537 N.
Pacific Coast Highway in Redondo Beach,
from noon-3:30 p.m. If you are interested
in volunteering and can commit to at least
one Saturday a month, please contact us at
info@msfr.org. You can also visit all of our
Miniature Schnauzers & Friends rescues at
the adoption fair or check out our website,
www.msfr.org. If you have any questions
about a particular dog’s availability you can
email us at info@msfr.org. Schnauzers! Bet
you can’t adopt just one!
“They call me Glory and I certainly am
in mine now that I’ve been rescued. I kept
hearing about the impending Fourth of July
fireworks, so I thought I’d best find a place
to hide before they started. Little did I know
that so many houses looked like mine and
therein lies the reason for my getting lost.
I wandered around and eventually ended up
at an LA county shelter. They called me a
stray, but I’m really a three-year old female
Schnoodle—a Schnauzer/Poodle mix who is
just a tiny, 14-pound cutie. When I arrived,
I must admit I was a real mess--filthy, dark
gray, matted dreadlocks is the only way to
describe my coat. After a bath and something
called a grooming, even I didn’t recognize
me. Who was this beautiful gal with the
glistening white coat and huge, dark eyes? I
even had someone who was going to adopt
me, but then sadly they didn’t show up to
take me home and I still can’t figure that out
it broke my heart. We had a wonderful,
happy life together and then they no longer
wanted me even though I loved them with
all my being. It couldn’t be I was cranky
because even though I may be a bit older, I
still get along well with other dogs and am
a very sweet and easygoing lady. I’m at my
ideal weight of eight pounds, so I’m easily
transportable and don’t take up much room.
Basically all it takes is a little walk around
the block, a soft bed and a human to love
me to make me happy. If you’re looking
for a mature, petite little gal that is serene,
excels in good manners and will be able to
provide years of companionship, please won’t
you open your heart and home to me? I’m
a dignified gal with a tad of mischief in my
eyes and lots of love to give. I can be seen
by appointment at Yellow Brick Road Doggie
Playcare in El Segundo. Call 310-606-5507,
or email southbaydoggie@hotmail.com for an
appointment or more information.”
“Let me introduce myself. My name is
Rachel. I’m a stunning three-year-old, female
purebred Miniature Schnauzer that was rescued
from an LA county shelter. I was feeling a
bit frumpy and decided I needed a new look-
-so while I was out looking for a groomer,
animal control found me and delivered me to
the shelter calling me a stray. Seriously? I’m
very sociable and get along great with other
dogs, but that did zero to get me adopted. I
had several folks lined up to adopt me, but
no one even showed up for an introduction
and I’m sure it was my looks. After MSFR
rescued me, I had my makeover and what a
difference! The groomer did such an awesome
job that now all of the gals are asking for
the ‘Rachel Cut.’ I’m still a bit shy at initial
meetings, but with my newfound confidence
I warm up very quickly. Since I’m only 15
pounds, I’m a great lap dog and will spend
time being super affectionate and giving lots
of kisses. If you would love to have the gal
who started the Rachel Cut and are looking
for a real great companion, please come visit
our adoption fair and ask for me--everyone
knows me.”
If you’re interested in Rachel, please email
info@msfr.org for more information. •
Another experience where a lot of love,
patience and perseverance paid off. Jack was
one of our older, special needs dogs that was
difficult to place. He had to have an eye removed
after being hit by a car and his remaining eye
required drops twice a day. At one time we
thought we had found him a home, but he was
returned because he took his job as protector of
his family a little too seriously. His defensive
nature when meeting strangers could be a bit
off-putting, so we had a trainer work with him
to improve his introduction manners. While
adoptions didn’t reveal his finer attributes, he
was loving and patient with his caretakers and
that is who opened their heart to Jack. Despite
his issues, Jack’s caregiver, who works at
Yellow Brick Road, fell in love with Jack. She
continued working with him and started taking
Jack home at night to acquaint him with her
two dogs, one of which is an MSFR alumni.
They like Jack and Jack likes them and they are
all now one happy family. Congratulations to
Jack and his new life. We wish you all happy
times and great memories. •
Be kind. Save a life.
Support animal rescue.