October 11, 2018 Page 5
Grilled Flank Steak with Southwest Corn and Grape Salad
Recipe provided by Brandpoint
Prep time: 25 minutes • Cook time: 15 minutes • Servings: 4
• 3/4 cup red California grapes, halved
• 1/2 cup green California grapes,
• 1 tablespoon chopped shallot
• 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
• 2 tablespoons lime juice
• 1/2 teaspoon lime zest
• 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
Looking Up
Origami Opens Up Smart Options for Architecture on the Moon and Mars
Based on a Press Release from
the European Planetary Science
Congress, Provided by Bob Eklund
Origami and high-performance textiles are
transforming architecture plans for smart
human habitats and research stations on the
Moon and Mars. Initial field tests of the
MoonMars project’s origami prototype have
been presented at the European Planetary
Science Congress (EPSC) 2018 in Berlin
by Dr. Anna Sitnikova.
MoonMars is a collaboration between the
International Lunar Exploration Working
Group (ILEWG), ESA-ESTEC, research
institutions and textile architect studio
Samira Boon. The MoonMars team has
incorporated origami structure into digital
weaving processes to sculpt complex forms
that are compact to transport and easy to
deploy through inflatable, pop-up or robotic
mechanisms in extraterrestrial environments.
“Origami structures made of textiles can be
unfolded into a myriad of different shapes.
They are lightweight. They can be easily deployed
and re-used in different configurations
and sizes for flexible spatial usage. Structures
remain functional in changing circumstances,
thereby extending their useable life-span,”
said Sitnikova, who leads the MoonMars
project on behalf of the ILEWG.
In the hostile environment of space, highperformance
textiles and the flexibile nature
The prototype was deployed and tested to extreme conditions on the 20th of April during the EuroMoonMars2018 simulation at ESA –
ESTEC. The origami structure was designed as a gateway and sub-system between the exo-habitat, airlock system and exo-laboratory.
Credit: Anna Sitnikova.
of origami can provide unique architectural
advantages. The angled facets of origami
structures mean that incoming micrometeorites
are less likely hit surfaces at 90
degrees, dissipating the energy of potential
impacts and the risks of penetration, thus
protecting astronauts inside habitats. Solar
panels embedded in shape-shifting textiles
can follow the Sun to gather more energy
through the day. Transparent and opaque
facets can change direction to alter internal
lighting and climate conditions.
Following initial tests of a prototype entrance
tunnel during the EuroMoonMars simulation
at the European Space Agency’s ESTEC
facility in April 2018, the MoonMars team
is now planning an ambitious series of trials
for 2019. In June, the IGLUNA project, led
by the Swiss Space Center, will include tests
of an origami habitat in the glacier above
Zermatt in Switzerland. In September 2019,
the team will travel to Iceland to participate
in a campaign inside a lava-tube cave system.
“We’ve just returned from a scouting trip
and have selected the cave systems of Stefanshellir
and Surtshellir, which has large
galleries and a very elaborate tunnel system.
We are provisionally looking at setting up a
small habitat, implementing knowledge from
previous demonstrations of our origami tunnel
and woven domes,” said Sitnikova.
The next design milestone will be a selfdeployable
origami habitat. Origami, from
ori meaning “folding” and kami meaning
“paper” (kami changes to gami) is the art of
paper folding, which is often associated with
Japanese culture. In modern usage, the word
“origami” is used as an inclusive term for all
folding practices, regardless of their culture of
origin. The goal is to transform a flat square
sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through
folding and sculpting techniques.
“Origami for space architecture promotes
cross-disciplinary approaches and applications,
providing state-of-the-art production and
design methods,” said Sitnikova. “Habitats
enhanced by such structures are temporal
and alive as they are able to transform and
redefine themselves in resonance with human
and environmental factors.” •
• 1 1/4 pounds trimmed flank steak
• 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (divided)
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
• 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
• Freshly ground pepper to taste
• 3/4 cup corn kernels, either freshly
cut off the cob or thawed, frozen
corn kernels
• 1/2 avocado, diced
1. Pat the steak dry. In a small bowl, combine 1/4 teaspoon salt, the cumin,
coriander and freshly ground pepper. Rub the mixture onto both sides
of the steak; let stand for 15 minutes. Place the steak on a medium-high
grill and cook it for 5 minutes on one side without moving it. Flip the
steak and cook for another 4-5 minutes for medium-rare, or until desired
doneness is achieved. Transfer the steak to a cutting board, cover loosely
with aluminum foil and let rest for 5 minutes before slicing.
2. While the steak is resting, combine the corn, avocado, grapes, shallot,
olive oil, lime juice, lime zest, the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, and pepper
to taste; mix gently. Cut the steak diagonally across the grain into 1/4-
inch thick slices. Arrange the steak slices on a serving platter or among
four plates and top with corn and grape salad. Garnish with cilantro.
“Exploring and colonizing Mars can bring us new scientific understanding
of climate change, of how planet-wide processes can make a warm and wet world
into a barren landscape. By exploring and understanding Mars, we may gain key
insights into the past and future of our own world.”
– Buzz Aldrin