Page 4 October 11, 2018
Hawthorne Happenings Calendar of Events
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
Deadline for Calendar items is the prior
Thursday by noon. Calendar items are $1
per word. Email listings to marketing@
heraldpublications.com. We take Visa and
• Chess for All Ages, 4:30 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141
Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Baby Story Time, 11:00 AM. – 11:30 AM.,
for ages 0-18 mos, free, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
• Toddler Story Time, 11:30 AM. – 12:00
PM., for ages 18 mos – 3 yrs, free, Inglewood
Public Library, 101 W. Manchester
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Preschool Story Time, 1:00 PM. – 1:45
PM., for ages 3-5, free, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
• Preschool Story Time, 1:00 PM., for ages
3-5 yrs. old, Crenshaw Imperial Branch
Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call:
• Sip & Read Adult Book Club, 4:00
PM., free, Crenshaw Imperial Branch
Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call:
• Adult Coloring, 4:00 PM., free, Inglewood
Public Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd.,
Call: 310-412-5380.
• Senior Resource Fair, 10:00 AM. – 1:00
PM., Memorial Park – Polaris Room, 3901
W. El Segundo Blvd., Call: 310-349-1650
• STEAM, 3:00 PM., free, ages 18 & below,
Inglewood Public Library, 101 W. Manchester
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Teen Club, 4:00 PM. – 5:30 PM., Inglewood
Public Library, 101 W. Manchester
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Family Story Time – Saturdays, 1:00
PM. – 1:45 PM., free, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
• Family Story Time, 11:30 AM. – 12:00
PM., Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea
Ave., Hawthorne, Call: 310-679-8193.
• National Chess Day Celebration, 11:00
AM. – 5:30 PM., free, chess sets available
for open play, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
• Author Talk with Robert Clary, 2:00 PM.
– 4:00 PM., author of From the Holocaust
to Hogan’s Heroes: the autobiography
of Robert Clary. He will discuss his
multifaceted life as a Holocaust survivor,
entertainer, artist and actor. Hawthorne
Library, 12700 Grevillea Ave., Hawthorne,
Call: 310-679-8193.
• Baby Story Time, 10:30 AM., for ages
0-18 mos., Crenshaw Imperial Branch
Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call:
• Toddler Story Time, 11:30 AM., for ages
18 mos. to 3 yrs., Crenshaw Imperial
Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd.,
Call: 310-412-5403.
• STEAM, 3:00 PM., free, ages 4-12,
Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library, 11141
Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Monday Mania, 4:00 PM. – 5:00 PM.,
ages 6 and up, free, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
• Brick Building, 3:30 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Family Movie - 4:00 PM. – 5:30 PM.,
free, Inglewood Public Library, 101 W.
Manchester Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Chess for Adults, 6:00 PM., free, Inglewood
Public Library, 101 W. Manchester
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Pajama Story Time, 6:30 PM. – 7:30 PM.,
all ages welcome, free, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
• Building Bricks/Board Games, 4:00
PM., free, Crenshaw Imperial Branch
Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call:
• Smarty Pants Story Time, 10:30 AM. –
11:00 AM., Hawthorne Public Library,
12700 Grevillea Ave., Hawthorne, CA.
• Adult Book Club, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.,
free, Inglewood Public Library, 101 W.
Manchester Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Children’s Chess Club, 5:00 PM., children
18 & below, free, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
• Inglewood Visionaries Toastmasters Club
#4404 Meeting, 6:00 PM., Inglewood
Center for Spiritual Living, 525 No.
Market St., For more info: www.ing4404.
• Chess for All Ages, 4:30 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141
Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Preschool Story Time, 1:00 PM., for ages
3-5 yrs. old, Crenshaw Imperial Branch
Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call:
• Sip & Read Adult Book Club, 4:00 PM.,
free, Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library,
11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Crafts for Adults, 4:00 PM., free, Inglewood
Public Library, 101 W. Manchester
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Baby Story Time, 11:00 AM. – 11:30 AM.,
for ages 0-18 mos, free, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
• Toddler Story Time, 11:30 AM. – 12:00
PM., for ages 18 mos – 3 yrs, free, Inglewood
Public Library, 101 W. Manchester
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Preschool Story Time, 1:00 PM. – 1:45
PM., for ages 3-5, free, Inglewood Public
Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call:
310-412-5380. •
Named Norb Huber
Robert Clary to Speak
at Hawthorne Library
A special event will be held on
Saturday, October 13th from 2 – 4
p.m. The Hawthorne library invites everyone
to spend an inspiring afternoon with Robert
Clary, author of From the Holocaust to Hogan’s
Heroes: the autobiography of Robert
Clary. He will discuss his multifaceted life
as a Holocaust survivor, entertainer, artist and
actor. The program and refreshments are
sponsored by the Friends of the Hawthorne
and Wiseburn Libraries. This program is
for adults.
Community Dinner
Thursday, October 18th
The annual Hawthorne President’s Council
BBQ Dinner will be held this year on
Thursday, October 18th starting at 5 p.m.
at the Hawthorne Memorial Center on El
Segundo Blvd. The dinner is only $5 for
adults and $2.50 for children. There is a
raffle each year and all of the proceeds go
to the holiday assistance program of the
Presidents Council. Each Thanksgiving and
Christmas, the council gives away hundreds
of food baskets and gifts. Come out and
support a great cause. I’m not running for
office, but I plan to be there. If you are a
loyal reader, please come over and identify
yourself. My readership has fluctuated
recently, with several people coming out of
the closet to tell me they love reading my
column but another reader told me to drop
him off of my email list. So, I figure there
are still 18 to 22 of you who have hung with
me through my post-Hawthorne adventure.
This is like a long-distance romance that
is slowly melting away. But, it is said that
“absence makes the heart grow fonder”. So,
I will be returning next week to rekindle our
readership relationship. I miss you all and
I hope to catch up with a few of you soon.
Veterans Celebration
November is fast approaching and the
holiday early in the month is Veterans Day.
The Hawthorne Veterans Commission will
be hosting their 4th Annual Veterans Day
Celebration on Saturday, November 10th at
7 p.m. at the Hawthorne Memorial Center.
This year they will be recognizing
all of the veterans who are employed
by the City of Hawthorne and all the
veterans who serve us in the Hawthorne
Police Department. Each year this
event has been a very popular and fun
event. Music and refreshments will
be part of the night’s agenda. We really
do owe our veterans a lot of recognition
for serving us. This event is a great way to
show our appreciation.
Is this the year that the Dodgers finally do
it? How good will the Lakers be? Can one
player make all the difference? How far will
the Rams go? Is climate change real? Should
I vote for rent control? When will SpaceX
send a human up in one of their rockets?
Can they make it a soft return landing for the
human like they do for their spent rockets?
When can I put an elevator in my garage to
lower my Tesla down to a tunnel and beat
all the traffic? What should we do about all
the homeless in California? How can we
make housing affordable again in the Golden
State? Will the bullet train actually run some
day through Modesto? Will the Democrats
take control and impeach everyone who they
don’t agree with? When will the economy
and the housing market take a turn for the
worse? Since my ol’ lady turned 60 today,
should I stop calling her my ol’ lady? Why
do baseball players waste all those good cold
ones by pouring them on their heads after
clinching a playoff series victory? When
will the Hawthorne Mall property be ever
used by humans again instead of stray cats,
or skateboarders, or drone racers, or rats?
Why does God love me even though I tell
people to have cold ones and relax? Why are
so many good things given to people like
me who don’t deserve them? The answer
to all of these questions: God only knows.
I put my trust in Him and I don’t have to
worry about a thing. He’s in charge. If the
big blue guy in the sky wants the Dodgers
to finally win a world championship then it
will happen. (All I know is that my Giants
won THREE world championships in five
years. So, good luck Dodger fans.) Life is
good when we know who is in charge. Trust
God, have a cold one, and watch the Dodgers
win. How much better can it get? Enjoy!
– Email norb at norbhuber@gmail.com •
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone).
Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following
Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only
be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement.
Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If
you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald
Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims.
For Rent
FOR RENT: 2 Bed , 1 Bath, Large,
Remodeled, Appliances, Tile, Bath
& Kitchen, Pergo Floors, Parking,
Immaculate. $2295. 310 461 2148.
Sidewalk Sale
Sidewalk Sale: Sat 7:00 AM -12 Noon,
Concord and Mariposa. Furniture,
books, clothing, kitchen items, misc.
For Rent
Studio Guest House, private
entrance, utilities, WIFI, cable
included. $1,200/mth + plus security
deposit. Available 10/15. Call
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated part-time workers. Inside
sales: work from home and make
sales calls. 15% commission on all
sales. Outside sales: territories are
Torrance and El Segundo. Includes
walking and interacting with business
owners. 20% commission on all
sales. Seniors and students welcome.
Send resume to management@
WANTED. Collectibles/antiques.
Typewriters, sewing machines,
military, silver, Japan, records,
stamps, coins, jewelry, Chinese,
ANYTHING. Buy/Sell/Trade. We sell
for you on EBAY. Studio Antiques,
El Segundo. 310.322.3895.
Townhouse for Rent
4 Bed, 3 Bath, completely remodeled,
washer/dryer included, 2 car garage,
great location in town. $4200.
“The only Angels in Los Angeles
are in Heaven, and they’re looking
down on the Dodgers.”
– Tommy Lasorda
Your name is
the backbone of
your business.
make sure its a cut above the rest
DBAs published for only $75.00
Email dba@heraldpublications.com or call 310-322-1830 for more information.