August 17, 2017 Page 3
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The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
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Apartment for Lease
1 Bed/1 Bath; Laundry on-site;
1 car enclosed garage; $1795/
month – Contact 310-647-1635
Condo for Lease
2 Bed/2 Bath; Beautiful and
bright south-facing, top floor
unit; Master suite with walk-in
closet; Laundry hook-ups; $2995/
month – Contact 310-647-1635
For Rent
Coming Soon! Duplex, 2 bedroom
1 bath w/garage. W Maple $2500
Large family home-4 bedroom
2 1/2 bath. W Acacia $4200
Duplex, 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath
w/2 car garage. Eucalyptus $3800
S&L Property Mgmt 310-350-4096
Sheri Skulick
For Rent
Very small 1 bed house. Suitable
for 1 person. Off st parking. Small
storage.Utilities paid. Unfurnished.
Private patio. Washer/Dryer. $1,350.
Call 424 456 7688.
Garage Sale
Sat. 8-2 p.m. 744 Sheldon St., El
Segundo. Airsoft PS/4 Xbox Gamcub
Gamboy Foosbal Socr
House for Lease
2 Bed/1Bath with large yard; $2995/
month – Contact 310-647-1635
House for Rent
4BD/3BA - 2 story house, 2 car
garage, fenced yard, all hardwood
floor. Remodeled kitchen, new
paint , sound proof system.
walk to beach. $4,000/month.
Private Office for Lease
455 Main St. – All utilities
included; $1195/month –
Contact Ron 310-259-1200
Room Wanted
Single male seeking room
to rent. Six month minimum prefer
El Segundo area. References.
Contact Michael Hubbard.
Rummage Sale
St. Antonys Church Rummage
Sale. Saturday, August 19, from
8-5:00p.m.; Sunday, August 20,
8-3:00p.m. at O’Grady Hall 220
Sierra St., El Segundo.. Collectables,
electronics, etc.
Townhouse for Lease
3 Bed/2 ½ Bath; 2 Car Garage;
Available August 18th; $4500/
month – Contact 310-647-1635
To appear in next
week’s paper, submit
your Classifed Ad by
Noon on Tuesday.
Hawthorne Happenings
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
40 Years in Hawthorne
On August 15th, 1977, a naïve,
blond haired, young man from rainy
Washington State took the El Segundo
Blvd exit off the 405 Freeway and
turned south on Inglewood Avenue,
took a left on 130th Street, and walked
into Trinity Lutheran School to meet his new
boss, Principal/Pastor Sherman Korshavn. The
young man had never been to SoCal in his life,
never lived in a big city, never seen an avocado
or been around a palm tree or body surfed in
an ocean. He was handed a copy of the Daily
Breeze to check on possible apartments for
rent and ended up in Moneta Gardens renting
a studio for $275 per month on Cerise Avenue.
The “new” Hawthorne Mall had just recently
opened with JC Penney, Broadway, and Monkey
Wards as anchors. The young guy really didn’t
know what he had signed up for other than he
would teach a classroom full of multicultural,
eighth graders just eight years his junior. He
planned on staying in Hawthorne for a short
time and seeing where his coaching career
would take him. Little did he know that
Hawthorne would be his home for the next
40 years. The best thing I did in those 40
years is ask my old lady to marry me. After
38 years of marriage, home ownership, three
healthy kids and two grandkids, the young
man’s hair has turned white and is looking
forward to retirement in the next year. Yes,
Hawthorne has been good to me. It has been a
good place to raise my family. It has changed
over the years. The ocean is still there, the
weather is still tough to beat.
Local Woman to Represent
Hawthorne at Pageant
Lisa G. Aguilar is proudly representing the
City of Hawthorne at the Women of Achievement
State Pageant on Saturday August 26th at the
Queen Mary in Long Beach beginning at 2:30
pm. Tickets are $25.00 each. Ms. Aguilar has
Resolve to Rise as her community platform
and is a board member of the organization
that works to educate the community on the
prevention of sexual abuse. She will continue
to strive to make Hawthorne a safer city. A
special thank you to Yolanda Dunn the director
and founder of Resolve to Rise.
Transportation drives our world. We need
to get around. We need to get to our place of
work. We need to get to school.
We need to go visit our family.
Getting from place to place in
a reasonable amount of time is
what determines a lot of our day
and can dramatically affect our
lives. In SoCal we most often use
the motor vehicle to do the job.
Without one we are pretty limited
on what jobs we can take and
how fast we can get anywhere.
People who lived in Hawthorne in the past
loved its close proximity to aerospace jobs,
LAX and freeway onramps.
With our weather, loads of people moved
here and looked for housing. Large housing
units sprung up and Hawthorne became dense.
With several adults living at the same address
and working, parking became an issue. Our
streets were designed for residents to park their
one car in the garage or their driveway. (Yes,
garages are meant to park your car in. No,
they were not initially designed to make into
man caves where you sip on your cold ones.)
Hawthorne has parking problems. We have too
many cars and too little places to park them.
Sooooooo, what can we do to remedy the parking
situation in Hawthorne? What measures can
be taken to help with our ongoing episodes
of “parking wars”? Some suggestions have
been: one way residential streets which would
allow for parking on both sides of the street,
diagonal parking places, and neighborhood-wide
permit parking which limits each address to
three vehicles. What other solutions do you
have? The City Council would love to hear
from the residents. Come to our City Council
meeting next Tuesday, August 22nd at 6 p.m.
and express yourself during public comment.
You have three minutes to express yourself.
You have three minutes to communicate to our
leaders an idea, a solution. They are there to
listen and they will. The Council knows that
we have parking problems; the question is how
can we ease the pain? Feel free to send me
your ideas, I will pass them on.
Hawthorne Museum Update
The Hawthorne Historical Society is working
to set up the new Hawthorne Museum. Displays
are being worked on. If you would like to
help or have items to donate to the Society,
please contact HHS president Danny Juarez
at 310-643-6139. They could use your help.
The new museum is located at 14100 Prairie
Avenue, at the South end of Jim Thorpe Park
and just North of the American Legion. •
(If you do enjoy my weekly column, please shoot me an email. I love to hear from
my readers. – norbhuber@gmail.com)
Increase Comfort And Lower Energy
Bills For The Warmer Months
(BPT) - As the warm weather creeps in
and the country heats up, now is the time
for homeowners to make sure they’re doing
their part to help increase comfort and reduce
energy bills.
From the exterior to the interior, the
consideration of a few simple tips could mean
the difference between a summer that’s hot
and expensive and a season that’s comfortable
and won’t break the bank.
A real “pane” - Use windows to your
advantage. Turn off the HVAC if you’re in
a climate that cools off at night and open
a window. When morning comes, shut the
window, and lower the blinds to capture cool air.
Seal it up - Keep the cool in and the hot
out. Homeowners are encouraged to take a
walk around their home and look for cracks
and openings that could let hot air in. Seal up
those areas with caulk or weather stripping
to increase efficiencies inside.
Plant some trees - According to the Arbor
Day Foundation, large deciduous trees (maple,
oak, elm, birch) planted on the east, west and
thank you to all of our advertisers !
— herald publications
northwest sides of a house not only provide
cooling shade, but also can reduce summer air
conditioning costs by up to 35 percent.
Insulate for the win - According to a recent
survey, 46 million homes in the U.S. lack proper
insulation. That translates to higher energy
bills and uncomfortable residents. CertainTeed,
a leader in insulation, has just the thing for
homeowners with their new Insulation Selector
Tool. The Insulation Selector Tool works by
recommending a personalized selection of
insulation solutions based on climate data, budget
and the homeowner’s specific needs for their
home and family. The tool considers a wide
range of variables that impact comfort, including
creating consistent indoor temperatures, helping
reduce family allergies, moisture and mold, and
providing noise control.
CertainTeed offers insulation, drywall, siding,
roofing, decking, railing, exterior trim and
fence product lines, all proudly made in the
U.S.A. For additional home improvement ideas,
building solutions and inspiration, visit www.
certainteed.com. •