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Community Briefs
South Bay Workforce Investment Board
Receives Grant to Serve Homeless Veterans
The South Bay Workforce Investment Board
(SBWIB) was awarded a $97,000 grant from
U.S. Vets in Inglewood to provide employment
services to homeless veterans throughout the
South Bay region. The funding comes from
the Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program
(HVRP) through the Department of Labor’s
Veterans’ Employment and Training Service. The
funding obtained will also provide assistance
to veterans who were formerly incarcerated
or will soon be released and are now seeking
The grant will provide job training, counseling,
placement and related employment services
to expedite the reintegration of homeless and
formerly incarcerated veterans into the labor
force. Veterans with families and those who are
at risk of homelessness also qualify for services.
The SBWIB will focus on employing many
veterans within the construction industry due
to the current high demand for job seekers
in the South Bay area with numerous major
projects taking place; including the Los Angeles
Football Stadium and Entertainment District at
Hollywood Park. The Inglewood football stadium
is projected to provide more than 3,500 on-site
jobs during construction and more than 10,000
support jobs by the time it is completed.
For those job seekers that may not fit within
the construction sector the SBWIB will place
them into another priority industry. SBWIB’s
Executive Director, Jan Vogel stated, “Our
partnership with U.S. Vets is very important
to us and we are honored to be able to receive
this funding and help homeless veterans gain
meaningful employment.” – Source: SBWIB
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the day after airing, for select primetime shows on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC recorded with PrimeTime Anytime. Recording hours vary; 2000 hours based on SD programming. Equipment comparison based on equipment available from major TV providers
as of 4/1/17. Watching live and recorded TV anywhere requires an Internet-connected, Sling-enabled DVR and compatible mobile device. Other: All packages, programming, features, and functionality and all prices and fees not included in price lock are
subject to change without notice. After 6 mos., you will be billed $8.99/mo. for DISH Protect unless you call to cancel. After 2 years, then-current everyday prices for all services apply. For business customers, additional monthly fees may apply. HBO®,
Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. SHOWTIME is a registered trademark of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. STARZ and related channels and service marks are property of Starz
Entertainment, LLC. With PrimeTime Anytime record ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC plus two channels. With addition of Super Joey record two additional channels. Commercial skip feature is available at varying times, starting the day after airing, for select
primetime shows on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC recorded with PrimeTime Anytime. Recording hours vary; 2000 hours based on SD programming. Equipment comparison based on equipment available from major TV providers as of 4/1/17. Watching live and
recorded TV anywhere requires an Internet-connected, Sling-enabled DVR and compatible mobile device. All offers require credit qualification, 2-Year commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay.
How To Use Your
Home Equity In Retirement
(BPT) - Most of us save and plan for decades
to enjoy the period of our life when we no
longer need to go into the office and work an
eight-hour day for a paycheck.
But even with those decades of hard work, it
can be tough to save up enough cash to cover
all your costs in retirement. Many soon-to-beretirees
face a shortage between what they
saved for retirement and what they actually
need to live on.
For homeowners, that may be a problem
that’s relatively easy to solve. Tapping into
the equity in your home can help you stretch
your nest egg quite a bit further.
You can tap the equity in your home with
a home equity loan or a home equity line of
credit (known as a HELOC). A home equity
loan works like most other loans: you agree
to borrow a set amount of money, receive a
lump sum, and pay that back with interest and
in installments each month.
A HELOC works a little differently, because
it’s not a loan with pre-determined monthly
payments. Instead, it’s a revolving line of
credit, similar to a credit card.
The time during which you can use the
HELOC is called the draw period. The line
of credit revolves during this period, so you
can borrow and repay the balance multiple
times. The total amount is due back in full
with interest at the end of the draw period.
Any time you have an amount outstanding,
you will make monthly payments.
You can use a HELOC or home equity loan
during retirement, but remember that you will
need to pay the money back. You should have a
plan in place for how to repay the funds - and
the interest - before you agree to take a loan
or a line of credit on your home.
The Unison HomeOwner program can
unlock up to $500,000 of your home equity
and the money can be used for anything you
want - including paying monthly expenses,
paying off debt or making home improvements.
Because it’s a home ownership investment, not
a loan, there are no monthly payments and no
interest charges. Learn more at www.unison.
Unison invests in the home alongside you.
In return for the company’s investment in your
home, they receive a portion of the future
change in the value of your home.
A reverse mortgage can allow homeowners
62 years or older to turn equity in their homes
into cash in a way that provides them with the
income they need through retirement. You can
get your cash in a lump sum or in monthly
payments, or in a line of credit.
But it’s important to remember that a
reverse mortgage is still a loan that comes
with origination fees and interest charges. It
requires that you have no other debt on your
property, so if you have an existing mortgage
loan, you will have to repay that in full from
the reverse mortgage proceeds. You will also
need to pay the reverse mortgage loan back
when you move out of the home, sell it or
pass away.
A reverse mortgage can give you income in
retirement and whenever the home is sold, the
money is used to pay off the loan. However,
reverse mortgages can cause a lot of trouble if
you’re not careful, and the high fees that you
incur when you sell the home can leave you in
a worse financial position than if you skipped
the reverse mortgage altogether. •
El Camino College to Present
New Student Welcome Day 2017
Incoming El Camino College students are
encouraged to attend “New Student Welcome
Day” for an introduction to the campus, resources
and student life.
The free event will begin with a 7:30 a.m.
check-in at Marsee Auditorium on Aug. 23, and
will include tours of the campus, introductions
to ECC programs and resources, and a chance
to purchase textbooks at the El Camino College
Participants at New Student Welcome Day
can also attend workshops covering topics
such as financial aid, transfer opportunities,
student life, campus safety, library resources,
transitioning into college and other support
programs. Additional workshops will cover
ECC’s Honors Transfer Program, resources
for AB 540 students, and support services for
science, technology, engineering and math
(STEM) students.
Students at New Student Welcome Day may
also complete the required steps to enrollment
including orientation, meetings with counselors
and creating an educational plan.
Free parking will be available in Lot L, and
lunch will be provided. For more information
and to RSVP, go to www.elcamino.edu/
nswd. To receive updates and reminders
about New Student Welcome Day, text @
eccwelcome to 81010. Contact the El Camino
College Office of Outreach and School Relations
at oasr@elcamino.edu or 310-660-3487 with
any questions. – Source: El Camino College •