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Page 4 July 13, 2017 Wowser Schnauzers Beanie Nebraska Happy Tails Enjoy you new family Emmy Lou! my appearance that they rescued me as well. A quick trip to their veterinarian revealed that there were eight more foxtails to be removed. Half of them were easily removed, but the remaining four required another surgery so then they also did a dental on me. Infections, drainage tubes and antibiotics have taken care of the foxtail problem, so now I have to put on a few pounds because at 7.5 pounds I’m about three pounds less than my appropriate weight. Once my hair grows in, I’m going to be a real looker--and with my sweet and Truffles We are looking for volunteers to help with our pet adoption fairs that are held every Saturday at the Petco located at 537 N. Pacific Coast Highway in Redondo Beach, from noon-3:30 p.m. If you are interested in volunteering and can commit to at least one Saturday a month, please contact us at You can also visit all of our Miniature Schnauzers & Friends rescues at the adoption fair or check out our website, If you have any questions about a particular dog’s availability you can email us at Schnauzers! Bet you can’t adopt just one! “Hi there! I’m Beanie, a four-year-old, male Shih Tzu mix. One day I decided that I was old enough to venture out on my own. Big mistake. Huge mistake. While I had a great time romping through the fields, meeting new friends and discovering all kinds of interesting smells, I also got very hungry, dirty and picked up some not-so-nice things called foxtails. Then animal control found me, called me a stray and took me to an LA county shelter. Once at the shelter, my coat was totally shaved down--how humiliating--so they could remove the foxtails. Unfortunately they couldn’t get them all… so while I was anesthetized for neutering, they surgically removed more foxtails. Well, I have to tell you I was truly a pitiful sight--emaciated, bald, holes from foxtails, sutures and a prominent under-bite. I looked like a cross between Dracula and Frankenstein. The MSFR people, who were rescuing some Schnauzers, were so moved by gentle temperament, I just know you’ll love me. I am a bit skittish at first, but in no time at all I will just melt into your arms. I’m also very smart and I’ve learned that if you want to venture out on your own, you should wait until you’re six.” If you’re interested in Beanie, please email for more information. “Let me please take a minute to introduce you to Truffles! Not the candy but me—a four-year-old, female Maltese/Terrier mix who is just as sweet and looking for her forever home. I was rescued from an LA county shelter after being hit by a car while out for my evening stroll. Luckily for this stray, nothing was broken and there were no apparent injuries, which was a huge relief for me. I’m a petite, 10-pound lady, with a silky white coat and big dark eyes who gets along well with other dogs and loves people. Since I’m the whole package, it wasn’t long before I had someone that was supposed to adopt me but never showed up. I also had multiple ‘back-up adopters’ that didn’t show up either and I was beginning to get a complex. Ta-da! The MSFR folks arrived on the scene, took one look at me and couldn’t resist my face or my story. A quick trip to their veterinarian for a dental and an exam revealed that I had two mammary tumors. They were removed and, I’m happy to report, they were benign. Now all I need is to find that forever home that loves sweet little gals and will let me love them in return.” If you’re interested in Truffles, please email for more information. “They call me Nebraska but I think I look more like a Miss Issippi. Not bad for a ninemonth old, female ‘mystery Terrier’ mix. One day, someone left the door open and I was out and about in a heartbeat. The only problem is I had no idea where I lived or how to get back home. And that, folks, is how I ended up at an LA county shelter where everyone called me a stray (but that’s not my name). Originally I had one person who was eager to adopt me and a list of four more, if that didn’t work out. You can imagine my surprise when absolutely no one showed up to take me home. I still can’t figure out how anyone would pass on me without ever meeting me. I was so happy to see the MSFR folks and even happier when they decided to rescue me. We’re still trying to figure out my pedigree, but definitely a Terrier mix--maybe a little Yorkie and the ‘mystery Terrier,’ but I’m not sure. I do know that I have a very soft coat with some really outstanding markings and that I will probably be a low shedder. I’m still pretty puppyish with a face of an innocent one minute and an imp the next. I get along great with other dogs and like to play, but I’m also 12 pounds of love, affection and loyalty.” If you’re interested in Nebraska, please email for more information. • Congratulations to little Emmy Lou and her new mom. Emmy Lou is the senior female rescue that came to us weighing a mere 11 pounds and looking pretty scrawny. She has gained 3.5 pounds and currently looks great. Emmy Lou had a dental and a full senior screen that revealed no medical problems. In fact, the only issue was a little incontinence problem, which may require diapers down the road. She now lives in Huntington Beach with her retired mom who has no problem with diapers and dogs if it should come to that. In fact Emmy Lou’s mom has had many Schnauzers in the past, including an eightyear old that she adopted who lived another 10 happy years before going to Rainbow Bridge. When she met Emmy Lou, she was absolutely thrilled with how sweet and adorable she is and there was never a question of her Be kind. Save a life. Support animal rescue. leaving without adopting her. Wishing both Emmy Lou and her new mom lots of great adventures and happy times! • Saving one animal won’t change the world, but the world will surely change for that animal.

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