March 29, 2018 Page 3
Wiseburn Board Hears Parental
Concerns on Dual Language, CDC
By Duane Plank
District will have to bring in bilingual teachers
Prior to last Thursday evening’s meeting
to implement it. This could lead to current
of the Wiseburn Unified School District
teachers being “displaced,” but Johnstone did
(WUSD) School Board, soon-to-be-retiring
not think that would be widespread because
Superintendent Tom Johnstone predicted the
of current teacher upcoming retirements.
night’s meeting could entail some “fireworks.”
The day prior to last week’s meeting,
Seems that the District is considering a
Johnstone, incoming Superintendent Blake
plan to launch a dual language immersion
Silvers and two School Board members
program, which, according to Johnstone, has
visited Anza to listen to concerned community
proven to be a bit controversial. And many
members regarding the dual immersion
District residents are none-too-happy that
program. Johnstone said he and his group
Wiseburn will parry down its current Child
were mostly listeners. “I call it rope-a-dope,”
Development Center (CDC) full-care program,
he explained, noting that he let the Anza
with daycare until 6 p.m. for preschoolers
attendees have their say, with concerns being
being discontinued.
broached about the possible displacement of
Johnstone wrote in an email, post-meeting,
current teachers. Johnstone added that he
“We have a serious issue in that there are not
didn’t believe the dual immersion program
adequate spaces to meet the needs of all of
would launch prior to start of the 2019-20
our families. “We will continue to offer the
school year.
preschool, but we made a strategic decision
The Board shuffled agenda items on
to focus on our K-5 students for daycare.” He
Thursday night to accommodate ratification
said that if the upcoming bond issue passes
of the contract of the new superintendent,
in June, that the District would “hopefully be
whose parents were in attendance. Silvers,
able to expand the needs of both preschool
currently the principal at Dana Middle
and K-5, but K-5 is the higher priority.”
School, received glowing praise from Board
Johnstone added that he doesn’t think
President JoAnne Kaneda, who described
people are against a dual language immersion
the rigorous selection process that led to
program, but he noted that a game plan
the selection. She recalled that when Silvers
change in the District that could impact
entered the room for his interview, he “assumed
educators as well as students and parents
the persona of superintendent that no one
was looming. He spoke of the teaching
else could touch.”
staff at Anza Elementary, pointing out the
Following the contract ratification, members
longevity of many of the teachers. Of the
of the public approached the Board, voicing
long-term instructors currently working at
their concerns. Nine members of the public
Anza, Johnstone said “their continuity is
spoke, with most of the speakers expressing
their greatest strength, but it is also their
their thoughts about the proposed dual
greatest challenge” as 21st century learning
immersion program, as well as the current
continues to evolve.
and future state of the CDC program.
Wiseburn admitted that some of the teachers
The consensus among those who spoke
are “kind of hardened in their ways -- a bit
on Thursday night: The District needs to
resistant to change.” He indicated that if and
communicate better with parents and become
when Wiseburn implements a dual language
more transparent in its dealings and decisions.
immersion program -- which would feature
Parents also addressed their concerns, in this
students not only sharpening their English
two-parents working environment, of the lack
skills, but simultaneously learning either
of full-time District daycare, which may force
Mandarin Chinese and/or Spanish -- the
See Wiseburn, page 6
Calendar of Events
Deadline for Calendar items is the prior
Thursday by noon. Calendar items are $1 per
word. Email listings to marketing@heraldpublications.
com. We take Visa and MasterCard.
• Crafts for Adults, 4:00 PM., free, Inglewood
Public Library -1st Floor, 101 W.
Manchester Blvd., Call : 310-412-5380.
• Digital Drop-In, 3:00 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Adult Book Club, 4:00 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141
Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Hawthorne City Hall - CLOSED
• Cesar Chavez Day Film Screening at the
Library, 4:00 PM., free, Gladys Waddingham
Library Lecture Hall, 101 W.
Manchester Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• STEAM for Kids, 2:00 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141
Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Ricky Raccoon and the Green Rangers,
2:00 PM., free, Hawthorne Library, 12700
Grevillea Ave., Call: 310-679-8193.
• Hawthorne City Hall – CLOSED
• Family Story Time, 4:00 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141
Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Hawthorne City Council Meeting, 6:00
PM., Hawthorne City Hall, 4455 W. 126th
• Brick Building/Board Games, 3:30 PM.,
free, Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library,
11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-
• Family Movies, 4:00 PM., free, Inglewood
Public Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd.,
Call: 310-412-5380.
• Resume Building for Young Adults, 3:00
PM., free, Crenshaw Imperial Branch
Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call:
• MakMo Night, 5:00 PM., ages 8 and up,
free, Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea
Ave., Call: 310-679-8193.
• Building Bricks/Board Games, 3:30 PM.,
Inglewood Public Library, 101 W. Manchester
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Toddler Story Time, 11:30 AM. – 12:00
PM., 18 months – 3 years, free, Hawthorne
Library, 12700 Grevillea Ave., Call: 310-
• Baby Story Time, 12:15 PM. – 12:30 PM.,
0-18 months, free, Hawthorne Library,
12700 Grevillea Ave., Call: 310-679-8193.
• Inglewood Visionaries Toastmasters Club
#4404 Meeting, 6:00 PM., Inglewood
Center for Spiritual Living, 525 No.
Market St., For more info: www.ing4404.
• Digital Drop-In, 3:00 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw
Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Makerspace for Teens, 3:00 PM., free,
Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library, 11141
Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Adult Book Club, 4:00 PM., free, Crenshaw
Imperial Branch Library, 11141
Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403.
• Crafts for Adults, 4:00 PM., free, Inglewood
Public Library -1st Floor, 101 W.
Manchester Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380.
• Computer Essentials, 4:00 PM., Inglewood
Public Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd.,
Call: 310-412-5380 to enroll in this class. •
Hawthorne Happenings
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
Named Norb Huber
LA Model Train Open House
The Los Angeles Model Train Society
would like to invite you to their open
house entitled, “Springtime on the Great
Lakes and Western” on Saturday and Sunday,
April 7-8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at their
facility located at 14005 S. Crenshaw Blvd.
in Hawthorne. It looks to be a great event for
families to go to and have some fun watching
the trains and seeing all of the work these guys
have put into their life-long hobby. Please call
310-675-3361 for more information.
29th Annual Parks Foundation
Golf Tournament
You are invited to the Hawthorne Parks and
Recreation Foundation’s 29th Annual Golf
Tournament on Monday, April 16th. This year’s
tournament is being held at the Industry Hills
“Babe Course”. The schedule is as follows:
10 am Registration, 11 am BBQ Lunch, 12
noon shotgun start, 5 pm dinner. If you are
interested in playing or your company would
like to be a sponsor, please contact Dick Huhn
at 310-643-9157. All proceeds goes to the
improving of our parks.
Upcoming Events on
Hawthorne’s Calendar
Here a few of the upcoming events to mark on
your calendar for Hawthorne Happenings: April
1: Easter Sunday – The Hawthorne/Lawndale
Ministerial Association invites you to attend an
area church for Resurrection Sunday. April 21:
Earth Day/Service Providers Fair at Memorial
Park; April 22: Volunteer Appreciation Day at
Memorial Center – 2 p.m.; April 28: Relay
for Life 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Hawthorne HS Track
(12 hours only this year); April 28: Resolve to
Rise Workshop; May 12: Hawthorne 5K Run
and Health Fair at Hawthorne HS Track; May
19: Hawthorne Hall of Fame Banquet – Ayres
Hotel; May 24: K-9 Community BBQ Dinner.
There are a lot of activities coming up in
Hawthorne, get out and participate.
Historical Society to Meet
The Hawthorne Historical Society will have
an open meeting on Monday, April 2 beginning
at 6:30 p.m. at the new Hawthorne
Museum located at Jim Thorpe Park.
What’s Happening?
It’s tough to be fresh each week. How
do I come up with something clever
or off the wall every seven days? How
can I be stupid enough every week
that people would actually take the
time to read this stuff? I don’t know which way
to go this week. Do I talk about my “active
shooter training” at my school that I survived?
Do I talk about spring break and how nice it will
be in just 48 more teaching days to have a permanent
spring break? Do I talk about Easter and/or
Passover? Do I comment on Loyola of Chicago
calling on a “higher power” to make it to the Final
Four? Did I mention running in to Pablo Catano
at the State of the City luncheon last week?
Pablo is the former city councilman who threatened
to punch my lights out at a council meeting.
We are on speaking terms now. All I know is
one of these days you won’t have me around to
throw under the bus. Once Elon has his tunnels
dug, there won’t be a bus to get thrown under.
Have you bought an original Boring Brick? How
about a flamethrower? By the way, the flamethrowers
are supposed to be delivered this
coming month. What in the heck am I talking
about? Who knows? Life is constantly in motion.
We move from one thing to the next. I long for
“down time” to rest my brain, to contemplate
and meditate on the finer things in life. I’m
wondering if there is a maximum age to start
practicing yoga. Why worry about things like
the fact that there is a shortage of qualified
candidates to be police officers nationwide, or
a big teacher shortage on the way due to old
guys like me retiring. These darn young people
these days want gun control but play violent
video games on their cell phones during Math
class. I asked my physical education/health class
when life begins. One student responded by
saying that he has a life goal so he has life.
My goal is simply to stay alive for 48 more
days of teaching so I can retire. Life is a gift
from God. Life is simply amazing. Live it,
drink it all in, enjoy it. Life is good, especially
with a cold one in hand. Don’t worry, I’ll be
okay, it’s the end of the month and my meds
should be kicking in after the first. •
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
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For Rent
CHARMING 2BD/1BA with hardwood
floors, stove, microwave, dishwasher,
washer & dryer. Small back yard &
patio + one off-street parking space.
Excellent location center of town.
$2195. 310.615.0082.
For Lease
HUGE Home For Lease. 1229
E. Mariposa Ave., El Segundo
5 Bedrooms - 4 Bathrooms
- 5 , 4 0 0 S F. $ 6 , 7 9 5 . 0 0 /
Bill Ruane – 310-877-2374
For Rent
Immaculate 3 Bed-2 Bath Rear
House, plus detached Bonus room
+ Bath $4100. Light and bright,
open floorplan, H/W Floors, W/D,
F/P, Custom Details throughout,
Dishwasher, Fridge, New Stove.
Private yard, Storage Shed. Won’t last,
call for showing today. 654 W PALM.
Great El Segundo Eastside location-
2 bd/2 bath $3500. H/W Floors,
FP, New Paint, Super Clean and
Adorable, Huge yard. 1419 E ELM.
S & L Property Management
Sheri Skulick, 310/350-4096
For Rent
MONTH. $2995. 310.365.1481 or
Garage Sale
SAT 8AM-11AM, Household Items,
Clothes, Misc.
For Rent
HOUSE FOR LEASE 732 Hillcrest
St., El Segundo 4 Bedrooms - 3
Bathrooms Large Yard – No Pets
$4,195.00/month – AVAILABLE
NOW Call: 310-937-3246
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated part-time workers. Inside
sales: work from home and make
sales calls. 15% commission on all
sales. Outside sales: territories are
Torrance and El Segundo. Includes
walking and interacting with business
owners. 20% commission on all
sales. Seniors and students welcome.
Send resume to management@
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paper, submit your Classifed Ad
by Noon on Tuesday.