February 22, 2018 Page 3
Hawthorne Happenings
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
Named Norb Huber
With the recent school shootings and
all the political back and forth about
what can be done to prevent this sort
of thing from happening in the future,
I would like to remind us of the way we used
to be in this great country. There used to be
some “behavioral norms” or what some people
would say, “American values” that were almost
universally endorsed between the end of World
War II and the mid-1960’s. I came across this
list of values that some of us are old enough
to remember: Get married before you have
children and strive to stay married for their
sake. Get the education you need for gainful
employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be
neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid
coarse language in public. Be respectful of
authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime.
Wow! How much have we swayed from
these in recent decades? We follow the lead
of Hollywood and live searching for happiness
and pleasure. Most of these “old-time” values
have their roots in the bible. Read Proverbs
or review the Ten Commandments and you
will see that honoring our mother and father
means to show respect for authority, loving
others means to be charitable and civic minded.
Can we revert our entire country back to these
truths? No. Can we take sin and evil out of
everyone’s heart? No. But by the grace of
God, as individuals, we can return to the values
that make for a more peaceful life. America’s
pastor, the Rev. Billy Graham was called to be
with our Lord and Savior yesterday. He had a
simple message for all: repent and believe in
Jesus. No matter what the horrible news is
tomorrow in our country, we can be assured
that God will never leave us or forsake us and
by living in his grace we can have that “peace
that surpasses all understanding”.
Hawthorne is a very unique city. I will put
our list of hall of famers up against any town’s
list in America. The following amazing people
and longtime businesses have been enshrined
in the Hawthorne HOF in the past three years:
Carl Boenish- BASE jumper, John Baker,
Adolf Leuzinger, Jim Thorpe, Don Mcintire,
Edding Brothers, Hawthorne Nursery, Reese
Walton, Coach Hal Chauncey, The Woman’s
Club, Mihaly ‘Michu’ Meszaros, Seers Lumber,
Al Jarine, Brian Wilson, Carl Wilson, Dennis
Wilson, David Marks, Jack Northrop, and
Chris Montes.
Now, we need your help. Review the
following list of nominees and vote for
two or three that you would like to see us
enshrine this year at our HOF banquet that
will be held at the Ayres Hotel on Saturday,
May 19th. Just send me an email back and
tell me why you think this person deserves
to be honored. See how many you know:
Dr. James Kelsey, Dr. Jefferson Garner, Cliff
Meidl, Robert Hartman, Dana Gioia, Vernon
Herbst, Felix Peano, Rev. Orville Hiepler, Steve
Port, Oliver McCammon, James
Mitchell, Clark Realty, Sociedad
Jose Marti, Nick Vujicic,
Continental Gourmet, Wally
Nyman, Doug Robertson, H&C
Disposal, Cora Travers, Wayne
Bryan, Laven Insurance, Lococo’s
Cockatoo Inn, Philip’s Plumbing,
Pizza Show, Victor’s Meat Market,
Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club,
Curtis Conway, Fred Dryer, George Foster,
Mike Gillespie, Hon. Glenn Anderson, Hon.
James Q. Wedsworth, Jim Herrick, Tracey
Jones, Scott Laidlaw, Gorgious George, Louie
Lopez, Rudy Law, Quentin Tartantino, Gordon
Martin, Mike March, Ron Mix, Betta St. James,
Gary Mykkanen, Marilyn Monroe, Mike Scott,
Henry Thomas, Russell Westbrook, Dorrell
Wright, Redd Kross Gyasi Zardes, Emmit
Rhodes, Elliot Handler (Mattel) Harold Matson
(Mattel) Ruth Handler (Mattel), Zoot Sims,
Elon Musk, Chet Pipkin (Belkin) Ron Sugar
(Northrop). If you would like to nominate
some other deserving person or business or
organization having their history in Hawthorne
then send me their name. (Please, I know
a few of my nine readers want to nominate
me, but I’m still living and my entire body
of work is not completed. You might have to
wait until I kick the bucket since I AM one
of those Hawthorne elected officials.)
Want to get involved with your community
and help make Hawthorne a better place to live
and work? The Kiwanis Club of Hawthorne
is having a Special Guest Day luncheon on
Friday, March 2nd starting at 12 noon at
the Hawthorne Memorial Center. I am an
honorary member of this club and I can say
that membership is full of fun, service and great
comradery with others who share my passion
for making Hawthorne better. Interested in
attending? Contact Don Harris at 310-293-6580
or hollyglendon@sbcglobal.net. The special
luncheon is an invitation to potential members
who may wish to join the club.
Mark your calendars. Tell your cell phone
to send you a reminder. Make a point to get
out of bed early and come on over to the
Hawthorne Museum on St. Patrick’s Day
morning, Saturday, March 17 between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. The Hawthorne
Historical Society will be holding our 4th
Annual Hawthorne Hometown Pancake
Breakfast. How much better can it get than
hot cakes, bacon, sausage, orange juice and
coffee? Bring your friends and family. The
price is right, $5 is all that you pay.
Mayor Alex Vargas promises to keep his
speech shorter than President Trump when
he delivers his annual “State of the City”
address on Wednesday, March 21st over at the
Memorial Center. Tickets to the luncheon are
$50 per person and can be obtained by calling
the Chamber of Commerce office.
I love to hear from my readers. Email me
at norbhuber@gmail.com •
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone).
Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following
Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only
be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement.
Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If
you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald
Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims.
El Segundo. 1 BD/1 BTH, upper
apt unit, immaculate, appliances,
parking. Avail March 8th. 707 E.
Grand. $1,895. 310.365.1481 or
Apartment For Rent
2.Bd. 2.Bth lower apartment in
gated build.. Reflecting pond w/
waterfall, swimming pool, on site
laundry facility, 1. parking space
$1,950 mo. (310) 322-7166
Garage Sale
Huge Garage Sale. Sunday, Feb
25th, 8am-12 noon. Furniture,
household, too many items to list.
816 Penn Street, 90245.
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated part-time workers. Inside
sales: work from home and make
sales calls. 15% commission on all
sales. Outside sales: territories are
Torrance and El Segundo. Includes
walking and interacting with business
owners. 20% commission on all
sales. Seniors and students welcome.
Send resume to management@
To appear in next week’s
paper, submit your Classifed Ad
by Noon on Tuesday.
Visit us at www.heraldpublications.com
For Rent
Police Reports
2300 W. IMPERIAL HWY. Crime
Occurred: CAD: Mon. 02/05 16:09--No
R MS Ent.
CONDO. Crime Occurred: Tue. 02/06/18
12:58. Method of Entry: Pried.
& HOTEL ROOM. Crime Occurred: Mon.
02/05/18 23:00 to Tue. 02/06/18 05:30.
Property Taken: Brown leather wallet, $300
cash, California driver’s license. Method of
Entry: Unknown.
CONDO. Crime Occurred: Thu. 02/01/18
23:11. Property Taken: Misc. aluminum
cans and plastic bottle. Method of Entry:
2800 W. 120TH ST. OTHER. Crime
Occurred: Wed. 02/07/18 12:40 to Wed.
02/07/18 13:45. Property Taken: SS CARD
Method of Entry: Unknown.
4000 W. 141ST ST. DUPLEX/
FOURPLEX. Crime Occurred: Tue. 02/06/18
17:15 to Wed. 02/07/18 17:50. Method of
Entry: Body force.
BEAUTY SHOPS. Crime Occurred: Thu.
02/08/18 04:26. Property Taken: Cash
register with unknown amount of money
inside. Method of Entry: Smashed.
13000 S. DOTY AVE. Crime Occurred:
CAD: Thu. 02/08 12:03--No RMS Ent.
SHED. Crime Occurred: Wed. 02/07/18
16:00 to Thu. 02/08/18 13:30. Property
Taken: Two 6-foot ladders, rake, shovel,
gray plastic bin. Method of Entry: Other.
11700 S. MENLO AVE. Crime Occurred:
CAD: Fri. 02/09 07:31--No RMS Ent.
Property Taken: Handicap placard, bottle
of prescription antibiotics, blue/gray Nike
shoes, black 32GB iPod Touch.
12700 S. KORNBLUM AVE. Crime
Occurred: CAD: Fri. 02/09 20:48--No
RMS Ent. Property Taken: Bulova watch
with a brown leather band, HP laptop silver
in color, external hard drive, Nikon 3200
camera and a 55-200 zoom lens, Tiffany’s
money clip, Silver/grey Nike duffel bag
with a red Nike swoosh.
12900 S. KORNBLUM AVE. Crime
Occurred: CAD: Sun. 02/11 10:16--No
RMS Ent.
11600 S. HAWTHORNE BLVD. Crime
Occurred: CAD: Sun. 02/11 22:23--No
RMS Ent. Property Taken: $380.00 in US
currency taken from vehicle. •
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