January 18, 2018 Page 3
Hawthorne Happenings
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
Ms. Olivia Valentine, Hawthorne
council member cordially invites you
to attend the 2rd Annual Hawthorne
Business Expo to be held on
Wednesday, January 24 from 3 to 7 p.m. at
the Hawthorne Memorial Center. There will
key note speakers, seminars and vendors all
there to assist local businesses prosper.
The Hawthorne Historical Society will be
hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
February 24 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the
new Hawthorne Museum located at the south
side of Jim Thorpe Park at 14100 south Prairie
Avenue. Two months later on Saturday,
April 28th, I will be hosting the 14th Annual
“God Bless America” Pancake Breakfast at
my church a couple miles south on Prairie
Avenue at Ascension Lutheran Church. The
exact address is 17910 S. Prairie in north
Torrance. Over the years these breakfasts have
become popular events. Great food, friends
and usually super weather have made it great
to enjoy getting together with others to start
out our Saturday mornings. Each breakfast
is only $5 and proceeds go to good causes.
So mark your calendars and plan to get there
before the crowds, it’s real torture smelling
the bacon and hot cakes while waiting in line.
Pancakes, bacon and OJ are almost as good
as having a cold one. Let me know if you
can help at either one of these breakfasts, I
would love to meet just one of my readers
some day before I retire from this labor of love.
WE ARE GONERS! (At least that’s
what it says on my cell phone)
Can you imagine how you would feel if
you woke up to a message on your cell phone
stating that there was an incoming ballistic
missile headed your way and it was not a
warning but it was the real thing? That is
what happened to our 50th state last Saturday
morning. For 38 minutes people thought
the worst was about to happen. I can only
imagine how many prayers were said, how
many frantic phone calls were made and
how many people really didn’t
know what to do. The question
around here has always been are
you ready for the “big one”?
A massive earthquake has been
in our future since who knows
when? A bigger question is, are
we ready to meet the big guy in
the sky? If you know the big
guy is in charge, why worry?
The Hawthorne Parks and Rec Foundation’s
annual Golf Tournament will be held on
Monday, April 16th at a new site this year.
The course at Industry Hills has been selected
to challenge the best of golfers. My foursome
won this event last year but I hear that this
new circuit is extremely difficult. So, if
you like a challenge, make plans to play,
just remember to bring plenty of extra golf
balls, we both might need them.
Wow! There are going to be some people not
giving up their chocolates for Lent this year.
The Lenten season begins on Valentine’s Day
this year, March 14th. A lot of guys take the
safe way out, they give the traditional flowers
and candies. What are our ladies supposed
to do, accept the candy, look at it and put
it away for forty days until Easter arrives?
Many of us have decided to not watch
NFL football this year. To be honest I really
haven’t been watching pro football for the
past several years. With our national anthem
being used as a stage to protest our social
injustices, I have found better things to do.
Now the question becomes what do we do
on Super Bowl Sunday? Do we still have
a party? Do we attend a party if invited?
Do we eat all the great finger food? Do we
have a cold one or two? What the heck?
Who needs football to party? It’s like
who needs Jesus to celebrate Christmas? A
holiday is a holiday. Maybe I’ll just watch
the commercials. With Jesus and a cold one,
there wouldn’t be a need to protest anything.
I wonder if I could get elected to higher
office with, “Love, Peace, Chill Out and
have a Cold One”. •
( I love to hear from my readers. – email me – norbhuber@gmail.com )
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Computer/IT: Accenture LLP seeks
Technology Senior Manager in El
Segundo, CA, respbl for ovrl arch
of LRS [Leader Replacement Sys]
app. Sppt prodn & ops of LRS projs;
mg prodn sppt team & Dev Ops
team; dsgn & implmt tech rltd sols
for LRS Middleware prod stack, incl
WebLogic app srvr, Oracle serv bus,
Oracle API Gateway, Oracle biz intlgc,
Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud; dsgn
cloud arch of LRS Envirs & prvsn
new cloud Envirs w/Oracle fusion
middleware cpnts like WebLogic
12c, Oracle accs mgr, Oracle virtual
dir & Oracle inet dir; mg Launchpad
automation frmwrk for prvsning srvr
cpnts. Pos based out of Accenture
El Segundo office, but travel to client
sites is req up to 100% of avg wrk wk.
Telecommuting is permitted. Pos req
at least bach degree, or frgn equiv,
in Comp Sci, Info Sys/Tech, or Engrg
(any), + 5 yrs post-bacc exp in IT,
incl following pro exp: 5 yrs dvlpng
arch & oprtnl procs for custom java
apps, aplyng following tools: Maven,
Jenkins, Sonar, ver ctrl, & Eclipse;
3 yrs cnfgrng & admnstrtng Oracle
Prod Suite in clustered envir using
at least 1 following features: app
srvr, serv bus, biz prcss mgment,
content mgmt & accs mgmt; 3 yrs
cnfgrng admnstrtn of biz rules on
IBM Oprtnl Decision Mgr platform;
5 yrs perf wrk in LINUX based envir,
sppting apps & tools in a cloud envir;
3 yrs creating srvrs in oracle Exalogic
cloud EC2; 2 yrs implmting oracle
fusion middleware in prodn envir.
Apply online at www.accenture.com
[Select Careers; Job #00533768].
S C A Q M D i s S e e k i n g
At t o r n ey s a n d En g i n e e r s
S o u t h C o a s t AQ M D i n
Diamond Bar, CA is seeking
Hearing Board Member s :
• A t t o r n e y M e m b e r
• E n g i n e e r M e m b e r
• A l t e r n a t e s f o r e a c h
For details and to apply by 2/15/18
See www.aqmd.gov/careers
For Rent
2 BD, 1.5 BTH, w convertible den
or bd, upper unit, appliances,
immaculate. $2295/mth. Avail now.
310.365.1481 or 310.641.2148.
Garage for Lease
Garage for Lease in El Segundo:
40x40 Garage w/office/loft &
bathroom (parking & storage); $2000/
month – Contact 310-937-3246
sought by Stamps.com Inc. in El
Segundo, CA. Identify gaps in existing
automation & regression efforts and
provide solutions. Send resume to:
Libuse Tomas, Stamps.com Inc., 1990
E. Grand Ave., El Segundo, CA 90245.
House for Rent
EL SEGUNDO 2 story. 4BD/3BA,
2 car garage, appliances, HW floor,
sound proof system, walk to beach.
$3,850. 310-663-9898.
Office Space for Lease
SPACE El Segundo 300 blk
Richmond St Incs. small patio
and forecourt for parking 840
sqft $2500/mo Gross + Sec Dep.
Wanted: One or Two Car Garage
in El Segundo to rent for storage –
Please Contact 310-937-3246
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated par t-time workers.
Inside sales: work from home and
make sales calls. 15% commission
on all sales. Outside sales: territories
are Torrance and El Segundo.
Includes walking and interacting
with business owners. 20%
commission on all sales. Seniors
and students welcome. Send
resume to mana gement@
To appear in next week’s
paper, submit your Classifed Ad
by Noon on Tuesday.