Page 2 December 9, 2021
Entertainment Travel
See Film Review, page 5
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We’ll Always Have
Travelers in an Arab World
Article and photos
by Ben & Glinda Shipley
We were wandering through the Souk in
Marrakech one afternoon, when an American
tourist exited from a shop, proudly showing off
his new djellaba. The djellaba is a full-length,
hooded and sleeved robe, worn by men since
the dawn of North African civilization—except
it’s worn over long trousers and a sleeved and
collared shirt, whereas this visitor wore his
over underwear. His neck, chest, forearms, and
ankles were bared for all the world to admire.
His American friends were impressed with his
daring launch into the culture—the passing
Moroccans were aghast.
The subject of Arab and Muslim clothing
never comes up in American conversation
without someone opining on the subjugation
of women in their Hijabs, Abayas, and Burkas.
Yet, one glance will tell you that the men are
just as constrained in their choices. You almost
never spot any loud colors on anyone. Arms,
necks, legs, and ankles are universally covered.
Modesty, humility, and self-control are three
great organizing principles of Arab public life,
and on the rare occasions when they break
down—as in riots, demonstrations, and wartime—
you don’t want to be anywhere nearby.
So we leave short sleeves, tank tops, shorts,
and bikinis at home. In public, Glinda covers
her head with a beautiful scarf or shawl. Ben
wears a non-descript jacket over long, baggy,
dark trousers, no matter how sweltering the
day. We don’t want to become the focus of
anyone’s conversation, because the truth is, as
Christians, Westerners, and Caucasians, we just
don’t have a home here. And we don’t mind,
because we’re not in Morocco to proselytize for
our culture—we’re here to learn about theirs.
And as long as we respect these basic facts,
the citizens, shopkeepers, and even officials
are as correct and helpful and even friendly
as any people anywhere.
But why go anywhere we’re not welcomed
with open arms? Where our cash and touristy
demands don’t automatically propel us (at
least in our narcissistic imaginations) to the
front of the line?
For starters, these are the people who exploded
out of the Arabian Peninsula in the
seventh century to engage one society after
another with one of the great muscular religions
of history. That religion still comforts
and informs the lives of almost 2 billion souls
worldwide, and at a depth that is only a distant
memory in many parts of the West. And while
it’s easy for a skeptical Western elite to sneer
at the devout—as Americans too often do at
their own Southern faithful—religion gives a
society cohesion. There is no more cohesive
culture anywhere than in the Arab lands, and
that alone makes them worth puzzling over.
In-country, you’re reminded of this five times
a day, when the muezzin comes out of his
minaret to summon the faithful to prayer.
The land here is old in a way that is nearly
incomprehensible for the children of a young
Modesty becomes her—At lunch, deep in the Medina.
See Travel, page 4
Hidden palaces in the Medina—Searching for our favorite Riad.
Licorice Pizza is Cinematic Bliss
That Will Overjoy Movie Lovers
By Ryan Rojas for Cinemacy.com
You might not think that the same person
who wrote and directed such serious-sounding
American dramas as 2007’s There Will Be
Blood and 2012’s The Master would also
make a movie a silly and sweetly-named as
Licorice Pizza.
But with his ninth feature film, Paul Thomas
Anderson delivers a film that’s as funny
and heartfelt a film as he’s made to date. A
coming-of-age story centered around young
love set in the 70s-era San Fernando Valley,
Licorice Pizza (now playing in select theaters
before opening wide on Christmas day) is
cinematic bliss that will overjoy movie lovers.
After seeing her from afar on school picture
day, 15-year-old Gary Valentine (Cooper Hoffman)
falls instantly in love with 25-year-old
Alana Kane (Alana Haim). Gary immediately
pursues the somewhat older woman, who
instantly laughs off his innocently expressed
advances with incredulous disbelief. He’s
sweet and sharp, but in her eyes he’s also
Film Review
Cooper Hoffman and Alana Haim star in Paul Thomas Anderson’s latest feature film, ‘Licorice Pizza.’ Photo Courtesy of MGM Studios.
Check It Out
Marilla of Green Gables
Written by Sarah McCoy
By Cathie Hinkle, Library Assistant -
El Segundo Public Library
When the dinner plate sized fall leaves
start littering Library Park, and the squirrels
give chase up the sun warmed tree trunks,
my mind drifts towards books that resonate
with themes of family and hope.
Marilla of Green Gables, written by Sarah
McCoy, satisfied this need for a cozy book.
This novel is the prequel to the, beloved by
many, Anne of Green Gables written by L.M.
Montgomery. Upon opening the novel, the
reader finds a prologue that introduces the
reader to the year 1876, when Marilla and
Matthew are discussing possibly bringing on a
young boy to help Matthew around the farm.
We get a glimpse into why Anne became part
of the Cuthbert family. Then the reader turns
the page and is quickly transported back in
time to 1837 when Marilla Cuthbert is but
a thirteen-year-old girl. In McCoy’s writing
we can see how Marilla’s stoic character was
Marilla of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy.
See Check It Out, page 8
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
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Yard Sale
Huge 3 family yard sale! Antiques,
collectibles, household items, party
decorations, textiles. Baseball,
basketball and auto racing trading
cards. Electronics, toys, and fabrics.
At 1428 East Maple Ave. El Segundo
90245. Starts at 7AM on Saturday,
December 11th and goes till 3PM.
Apartment For Rent
950 Pepper Street Unit A. 2
Bedrooms 1 Bathroom. Rent
$2,295.00. Please call Robert to
view @ 310-701-8875
Looking for a CNC machinist and
a mechanical assembly technician
for the robotic industry (Glentek, El
Segundo). Tasks for the technician
include soldering, fastening, and
the usage of power and hand tools.
Call Cristian Galvan (310) 322-3026
WANTED. Vinyl, records, vinyl,
anything musical. Collectibles/
antiques. Typewriters, sewing
machines, military, silver, Japan,
records, stamps, coins, jewelry,
Chinese, ANYTHING. Buy/Sell/Trade.
We sell for you on EBAY. Studio
Antiques, El Segundo. 310.322.3895.
Office Space for Lease
SUITE: Strategically located in
the heart of Manhattan Beach,
505 N. Sepulveda Boulevard is
approximately 897 square feet of
space consisting of 2 private offices,
2 bathrooms and an open work area.
Priced at $2,950 per month plus
electricity. Agent George Russell
To appear in next week’s paper, submit your Classifed Ad by Noon on Tuesday.
Late Ads will incur a $20.00 late fee.