Hawthorne Press Tribune
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 62, No. 20 - May 14, 2020
The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne
Hawthorne High Student Wins Art Contest
Hawthorne Hotspot
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Huber’s Hiccups
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
Attend a Church
without Attending
So, you consider yourself a
Christian but you don’t attend a
church. You are not into getting up
on Sunday and driving to a house
of worship where you don’t know
anyone. You’re not a social person
who likes to take a risk and meet new people.
Well, during this “virus thing” time period you
can check out a church, see if you like their
worship service, listen to the pastor’s sermon,
and no one will know you were even there,
except for Google who knows your every
move. You won’t have to slip out early to
avoid getting a hug you from the nice, older
lady greeter, oh that’s right, I forgot, hugs
are a thing of the past now. Every Sunday
morning you can go online to do some “church
hopping”. You can catch worship services live
on Facebook Live. You can go onto YouTube
and search for churches in your area or the
denomination that you used to attend Sunday
school at back when your mother dragged you
out of bed. If ever there was a time that we
all needed a little bit of encouragement and
hope, it’s now. The longer this thing drags
out, the more depressing it can be. The devil
works in many ways. Discouragement and
hopelessness is one way that Satan tries to
bring us all down. But, there is hope; there
is a truth that we can count on. Whenever
God’s Word is read and taught, the Holy Spirit
works in us to help us see our sinful
ways and leads us to repentance.
It is then that the grace of God
touches us and His forgiveness frees
us to live and gives us strength to
face every challenge that comes
our way. God’s Word triumphs
over the devil, sin, discouragement,
depression, despair, and even death.
I am the outreach director at my
church. If you are one of my loyal
readers you know that I share my
faith through this medium most every week.
My expressions of faith may make you feel
uncomfortable. Maybe you just don’t want to
think about God and sin and death and all of
that other junk. Do I want you to feel guilty
or bad, no? I just like to share what is going
on in my life. I want to share a good thing
that I’ve been blessed with. If my words help
you, then great. If not, hit the delete button
or throw me in the trash. I attend Holy Cross
Lutheran Church of Rocklin, CA, which is
20 miles North of Sacramento. Our service
is on Facebook Live starting at 9 a.m. on
Sundays. You are invited to join us. Search
holycrossrocklin.org to find our website or on
Facebook. Pastor Todd Peperkorn conducts
a “liturgical service”, meaning we have a
liturgy, a set order of worship, that we follow
every Sunday. Some of you who may have
attended a Catholic mass will recognize some
resemblance. Public confession is normally at
the start, with hymns, three biblical readings, a
sermon, a congregational prayer, and a departing
blessing, called a benediction, to conclude
See Huber’s Hiccups, page 4
Stay Connected
To Your Community!
With so many people staying home the
majority of the time, the City of Hawthorne’s
social media accounts are flourishing with
many recent followers. At the end of April,
our city just reached 1,000 followers on Instagram!
If you are unfamiliar with Instagram,
this is a free downloadable phone application
where you are able to connect with people
around the world via image sharing. The City
of Hawthorne has an Instagram page that is
full of helpful information and resources. It
also serves as a platform where residents can
communicate and share helpful information
with one another regarding current events
in and around our city. If you would like to
support your city’s following, download the
Instagram application from your cell phone’s
application store, create a free account using
any user name you would like to use, then
follow them by searching their Instagram
name “@cityofhawthorneca” in the search
area (tap the magnifying glass symbol at the
bottom of your screen with your finger). If
you are looking for a platform where you
can connect with your own neighborhood,
NextDoor is the way to go! This is a website
or application where you can write posts for
neighbors in your area to see and respond to.
You can also write comments on the posts of
your neighbors if you would like to respond
to anything they are sharing with the community!
If you would like to create a free
account, sign up at NextDoor.com. These
are two helpful ways of staying connected
with the people around you in the city of
good neighbors.
We are in this together
With the situation of COVID-19 spreading
throughout our communities, we would like
to remind you that there is nothing more
powerful than to continue to have a quest for
positivity. In these times especially, staying
positive and having a clear mind will be key
for us as a community to stay together and
keep up the good fight. As mentioned on our
previous articles, there are several ways on
See Hawthorne Hotspot, page 4
Congratulations to Leona Patel on winning an IPad for her piece she submitted to the Water is Life Water Conservation Art Contest. Photo Hawthorne High School.