Hawthorne Press Tribune
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 63, No. 12 - March 25, 2021
The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne
Mayor Alex Vargas Meets with
Congresswoman Maxine Waters
Mayor Vargas joined Congresswoman Waters on a Zoom call to discuss “earmarks” for cities within her district. She encouraged Hawthorne in particular to apply for this Community Project Funding. Mayor Vargas has tasked City staff to identify and submit eligible projects.
Thank you Congresswoman Waters for looking out for the City of Hawthorne. Photo courtesy Mayor Alex Vargas.
Huber’s Hiccups
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
The old saying goes, “everything
changes except for death and
taxes”. There is certainly much
truth to this. We are all going to
die some time in the future, and
unless we are multi-billionaires
that can afford several tax lawyers, we are
going to pay taxes, most likely higher taxes
to pay for all this free money the government
has been handing out recently. All we
have to do is think back one year and realize
a lot has changed in the past twelve months.
We may never return to the normalcy of our
former lives. Even without a pandemic, the
world is constantly changing. We think “back
in the day” things were so much nicer. We
think about the “days gone by” with fond
memories. It always seems that the grass
was always greener in our memories. We
have selective memories, only remembering
what we want to remember, the good
times we experienced, our familiar routines,
people we have gotten to know and really
enjoy being around. God has given us
minds that remember things. But life goes
on. We cannot live in the past, we have the
present and future to live for. The question
remains: what is our world going
to be like, “post-COVID”? For
some of us, life might return to
the same as it was before. For
some, we may make a decision
not to return to our rat-race of a
life. What did the virus lockdown
and social distancing really teach
us? We might ask our ourselves,
“what are the things we value
most and why don’t we focus on
those things”? No one really knows what
the long-term effects are going to be on
our society or on our family life. Schools
may never be quite the same. Churches
may lose some members who have drifted
away. Service organizations may no longer
be able to attract members to do their valuable
work. Yes, things will be different. My
advice, suggestion, message, slogan, motto,
signature phrase, remains simple: trust God,
have a cold one and relax. Come hell or
high water, God still loves you. Regardless
of stupidity, dumbfoundness, idiots, crappy
decisions, and every low-brain knuckhead
measure that others try to force on us, having
a cold one and relaxing seems to allow
us to handle our wacky world a little bit
easier. You have heard of “comfort food”.
A cold one is a “comfort drink”. Allowing
God to love us and relaxing in His grace
See Huber’s Hiccups, page 4
for twenty words or less.
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