Hawthorne Press Tribune
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 64, No. 8 - February 24, 2022
Kindness is Contagious, Inspire Others
and Lead the Way with Cookies
Thank You to One Kind Cookie for the delicious sweets delivered to the Hawthorne Police Department during Super Bowl week. They were much appreciated by all the officers. One Kind Cookie, the nonprofit parent to the nationally known Cookies for a Cop and our
Fire Friends campaign, works to grow the mission of connecting families and communities in the name of kindness (and cookies). Photo courtesy Hawthorne Police Department.
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Diabetes Is The Leading
Cause For Kidney Disease
(BPT) - Today, nearly 122 million people
in the United States are living with diabetes
or prediabetes. This condition is the leading
cause of kidney disease - where the kidneys
lose function over time until they fail. In
fact, one in three adults with diabetes has
developed kidney disease.
Raising awareness about the link between
these two chronic conditions is the first step
to improving the health of people at risk of
kidney failure. That’s why health care provider
DaVita Kidney Care has collaborated
with the American Diabetes Association®
(ADA) to help increase early detection and
risk reduction for kidney disease.
“Our partnership with DaVita has created a
platform for the American Diabetes Association
to get information to those who need it
most,” said Dr. Bob Gabbay, chief scientific
medical officer for the ADA. “We’re working
together to build awareness about the connection
between diabetes and kidney disease
- and to help people with these conditions
manage their health.”
Fifty percent of people with very low kidney
function don’t know they have kidney
disease. By the time many people discover
the state of their health, their kidneys have
failed and they need a transplant or dialysis
treatment to live.
“We’re committed to addressing kidney
failure holistically, which includes getting
ahead of kidney disease to help patients
receive preventative care,” said Dr. Jeff
Giullian, chief medical officer for DaVita.
“We’re also ensuring there are no-cost tools
available to help people address and manage
these conditions before they progress.”
Early detection of diabetes is proven to
prevent life-altering complications like kidney
failure. Testing is a simple but essential tool
to detect risk for diabetes and monitor the
disease’s progress. For those living with diabetes,
it’s critical to get your kidneys checked
regularly by a doctor through simple blood
and urine tests.
Because people living with diabetes are at
greater risk of developing kidney disease, the
ADA is helping to get the word out about
DaVita’s Kidney Smart® classes. These no-cost
classes are open to anyone and led by kidney
experts. They provide communities with an
overview of kidney disease risks, detection
information, and diet and nutrition resources.
Diet is a connecting point between diabetes
and kidney disease, as a key driver of type
2 diabetes and a critical part of maintaining