Hawthorne Press Tribune
The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 64, No. 2 - January 13, 2022
Congratulations to Our Two Newest
South Bay Police Explorers
Alvarado & Mada recently graduated from the South Bay Police Explorers Academy. Great job to Explorer Mada who earned the role of “Honor Recruit” plus two awards (Top Academic Achievement & Top Male Athlete). A job well done, Explorers. Photo courtesy Hawthorne
Police Department.
Huber’s Hiccups
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
Willingness, Motivation,
Trust and Faith
It will be some time before we
really know what the long term affects
of Covid-19 are. Yes, children
have been set back, academically and
socially. Yes, people have become
much more conscious of who they are around
and are making choices daily on who or what
they want to be exposed to. These are crazy
times we live in. I’m afraid that the long term
affects are just starting to sink in. There are
fewer people who want to work. There are
fewer people who want to attend any sort of
large gathering. There are fewer people who
are volunteering. My fear is that as a nation,
as a society, we are losing our will to win, our
will be the best. We are pulling back. We have
become afraid to venture out. We are afraid
of each other, afraid of meeting new people.
Everything can be done “online”. We can do all
of our shopping online. We can attend church
online. We can make our doctor’s visits virtual.
For some, the motivation to earn, achieve,
and succeed has been challenged. It has been
become very easy to be lazy. It is for these
times that we must put our trust in a higher
being, someone much more powerful than any
virus. We may not be able to see God, but he
has promised to take care of us and give us
what we need. We read in Hebrews
11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of
things hoped for, the conviction of
things not seen.” Also, in 2 Corinthians
5:7 “For we walk by faith,
not by sight.” We may not see God
working in our lives. We may not
see that God is in charge even with
all that is happening in our world.
By faith we live our lives and we
lean on God’s promises. I’ve told
you many times that God love you and me.
He cares for each of us. Even when we are
rotten, He loves us. Even when we lack faith
and want to throw in the towel, He loves us.
We look around and see a mixed up world. We
look upward and we see a loving God. Don’t
give up folks. Don’t quit living and loving
others. Keep the faith. Keep hope alive. And
don’t ever forget to relax and have a cold one.
Thank you, my loyal readers, thank you for
allowing me to ramble, and run together and
roll on and on with stuff that is inside of me
that wants to get out. By writing this junk, I
get it off my chest, out of my brain, onto the
cloud and it floats harmlessly away. Maybe
just maybe one or two of you benefit from
reading this as much as I benefit from writing
it. Live boldly my friends, love abundantly,
drink smartly, and relax always.
– If you have the motivation and willingness
to email me, my email address is:
norbhuber@gmail.com I would love to hear
from any of you out there in cyber land. •
for twenty words or less.
Email class@heraldpublications.com or call 310-322-1831 for more information.