Page 2 September 24, 2020 EL SEGUNDO HERALD
Consider Homeschool
I take serious issue with “We the Parents”
suggesting that ESUSD is providing a biased,
political learning experience. Since when is
allowing space for age-appropriate, thoughtful
discussion on difficult topics “influencing students’
political views, morals and core beliefs?”
What other ways should we rely on them being
influenced, social media? How’s that working
out for us adults? Is that what this group
would truly prefer, that our children are never
exposed to the many sides of complex issues?
Are they afraid of what the kids will decide
for themselves? It seems to me that “We the
Parents” are actually the ones trying to wield
damaging influence here. If these parents
would rather raise their children to only be
exposed to their own political opinions, then
homeschool is a great option. Our schools
and teachers are doing a fantastic job in an
already difficult time. Don’t make it even
harder for them by trying to sabotage their
efforts to actually educate.
– Shannon Humphries
Fully Supports Dr. Moore
I’m disappointed the El Segundo Herald
chose to print such a divisive and closeminded
Paid Editorial and featured it so
prominently, with no attribution, other than
a Gmail as “We The Parents...” This ad does
not represent me as a parent. I fully support
Dr. Moore, and the ESUSD, in promoting
diversity and inclusion within the education
curriculum. Supporting inclusion and fostering
cultural awareness is essential in preparing
our students to think globally and will better
prepare them for success in their future. I’m
very proud to have my children in a school
district that takes a stand in the belief that
Black lives matter and is taking action to
combat racism and educate our students on
diversity and inclusion.
– Danielle Busse
“We the Parents” Does Not
Represent Most Parents
I am an ESUSD Parent and Volunteer, and this
drivel does not represent my views. I’m
sure there are few in this City that nodded
when they read it, but I’d estimate that
most of the ESUSD parents are supportive
of the District’s mission to create global
citizens. To that point: It took me a good
10 minutes of searching the district website
to find the “offending” page referenced in
the editorial. The fact that the anonymous
authors have issue with a single web page
on the District website that lists links to
publicly available articles baffles me. And
as for the jump from “police shooting” to
“anti-police” stance - that is a quantum jump
through a different dimension than we currently
occupy. Facts are facts: a police officer
shot Jacob Blake. Period, full stop. In no
way does stating this single fact make the
district anti-police. In fact, the district and
ESPD work very closely together to ensure the
safety of the schools, and hold each other in
high regard. I am pleased that the anonymous
authors shed light on this ESUSD resource
and I hope that their divisive message drives
traffic to the site so more parents can read
these as well. Know that the parents of El
Segundo are not represented by this cowardly,
anonymous advertiser – we are numerous
and varied and we are involved in PTA and
Scouting and sports and our children’s education!
And we support our school district,
our administrators, and our teachers.
– Tesse Rasmussen
Important History
Come on, now. Where’s the fault in providing
children resources about “Why teaching
Black Lives Matter matters,” “75 things white
people can do for social justice” and “Understanding
race and privilege?” It’s living
history; important history...the ultimate in
Current Events. We should all know it because
we are living it. If anything, it brings about
much needed more understanding. As far as
I can see, there’s nothing wrong with that.
– Les Eisner
Thank You ESUSD
Thank you to ESUSD for adding a Director
of Race, Equity, and Inclusion position and
creating Race, Equity, and Inclusion action
plans for K-12. I’m so heartened that this is
part of our community’s priorities.
– Joanna Bowe •
Police Reports
Monday, Sept 14th
A vandalism report was taken at 1018
hours from the 700 block of Hawaii Street.
Unknown suspect(s) vandalized the wall of
a business.
One male adult was arrested at 1152 hours
from the 400 block of Coral Circle for one
outstanding ESPD warrant, one outstanding
MBPD warrant and one outstanding RBPD
An online identity theft report was taken
at 1227 hours from the 1700 block of East
Sycamore Avenue. Unknown suspect(s) used
the victim’s information to open a fraudulent
A found property report was taken at 1314
hours from the 400 block of East Pine Avenue.
Found were letters from EDD.
An online hit and run report was taken
at 1420 hours from the 1500 block of East
Mariposa Avenue. Vehicle versus parked
Tuesday, Sept 15th
A male subject was detained at 0706 hours
from the 1900 block of East Mariposa Avenue
and taken to Harbor General Hospital for a
72 hour psychiatric evaluation.
A petty theft report was taken at 0659
hours from the 500 block of Franklin Avenue.
Unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s
vehicle and stole his property.
A found property report was taken at 0811
hours from the 400 block of Sheldon Street.
Found was a brown wallet.
A petty theft report was taken at 0814
hours from the 500 block of Arena Street.
Unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s
vehicle and stole his property.
A burglary (auto) report was taken at 0925
hours from the 1900 block of East Mariposa
Avenue. Unknown suspect(s) stole a laptop
and cellphone from the victim’s vehicle.
An identity report was taken at 0952 hours
from the 400 block of Center Street. Unknown
suspect(s) used the victim’s information to
apply for a loan.
A shoplifting report was taken at 1026
hours from the 2500 block of East El Segundo
Boulevard. Unknown suspect(s) took
merchandise from the business.
A stolen vehicle report was taken at 1212
hours from the 1000 block of Imperial Avenue.
Taken was a 2017 Kawasaki motorcycle.
A male subject was detained at 1139 hours
from the 800 block of North Pacific Coast
Highway and taken to Exodus for a 72 hour
psychiatric evaluation.
A lost property report was taken at 0428
hours from the 900 block of East Imperial
Avenue. A ring was lost.
Wednesday, Sept 16th
An identity theft report was taken at 0846
hours from the 1400 block of East Walnut
Avenue. Unknown suspect(s) attempted to
transfer funds from the victim’s banking
A dog bite report was taken at 1103 hours
from the 1200 of East Acacia Avenue
An animal cruelty report was taken at
1112 hours from the 2100 block of East
Maple Avenue.
One female adult was arrested at 1312
hours from the 400 block of Sheldon Street
for plain drunk in public.
A domestic violence restraining order report
was taken at 1315 hours from the 2100 block
of East Maple Avenue.
A grand theft auto report was taken at 1614
hours from the 300 block of West Walnut
Avenue. Taken was a 1996 Honda Accord.
A burglary (residential) report was taken
at 1810 hours from the 900 block of Main
Street. Unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s
property from her attached parking garage
One male adult was arrested at 2246 hours
from Mariposa Avenue and Richmond Street
for plain drunk in public.
See Police Reports, page 6
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