Page 10 April 15, 2021 EL SEGUNDO HERALD
Malcolm Au from front page
extracurricular activities, including joining the
student alumni association and the Sustainable
Action Research Program.
“My time at UCLA was beyond fantastic,”
Au said. “It was amazing to be involved
in so many parts of the campus, including
athletics, the Alumni Association, and the
Sustainability (program).”
On his endeavors with the UCLA Alumni
Association, Association Director Alyson
Beckman, also Au’s collegiate advisor, said
that Au “is just one of the most disciplined,
mature, and kind people I have ever met,”
noting his “professionalism, focus and drive.
He is someone who you want in your corner,
whatever you are doing in life.”
Post-collegiate graduation, Au, who matriculated
from El Segundo High School in
2014 and served a stint as the Associated
Student Body (ASB) president and student
representative to the El Segundo Unified
School District school board, returned to
the South Bay to again live in El Segundo,
the city which his family settled in back in
2006 when Au began attending Richmond
Street School as a fifth-grader.
Au fondly remembered growing up in El
Segundo and his participation in the high
school ASB, as well as playing basketball
and running track and field. Au said that it
was during his years at the high school that
“I fell in love with the outdoors, and through
a few classes, became passionate about the
environment,” a calling that was also fueled
by spending considerable time at the local
beaches, as well as hiking and backpacking
throughout California.
Long-time neighbor and friend Quinn
O’Connor is glad to stay in proximity with Au.
“I have known and been friends with Malcolm
since he moved to El Segundo in the fifth
grade circa 2006,” O’Connor emailed. “Not
only were we in the same class, but he was
my neighbor, living two houses down from me.
“Malcolm is one of the most passionate
people I have ever met,” O’Connor related.
“When he cares about something, whether it be
a crucial cause or a compelling conversation, it
consumes him, driving his every thought and
action. From his passion flows a focus and
effort that makes him an incredibly effective
person. He picks up new skills quickly and
strives to excel at whatever it is he is doing
at that moment.
“Malcolm is always game. He loves a challenge,
especially if it is something someone
says cannot be done. And he is always got
his friends’ back,” O’Connor said. “He will
run through fire with you if it’s something
you need to do.”
Karen Byrd, a recently retired teacher at
ESHS, looked back fondly on her ex-student:
“Malcolm took Advanced Placement Environmental
Science with me as a junior and
Advanced Placement Biology as a senior”
she emailed. “During this time, I saw characteristics
of a scientist in Malcolm such as
curiosity, persistence, courageousness, patience,
communicative, and open-mindedness.
“He also was an outstanding role model
and leader in both classes.” Continued Byrd.
“I have a specific example that exemplifies
these characteristics and has stuck with me
all these years. In a laboratory experiment,
the class needed to plot data on a table and
do mathematical work to develop a class
average. This lab took the whole period,
and the class arduously made calculations
to come up with accurate results. With two
minutes left in the class, Malcolm realized
that the numbers did not add up, and he
also realized it was his table that had made
a mistake. He admitted to the mistake even
though he knew that he would receive harsh
castigation from his peers. However, he did
not shy down after this failure but rather tried
to learn from his table’s mistake. He took the
numbers and went home, and determined the
class average by himself. Very few, if any,
students would have done what Malcolm
did that day. He stood out from the rest as
a true leader.”
In her role at ESHS, activities director
Robin Espinoza worked closely with Au.
She is not surprised in the least with the
ascending pathway of Au’s success. “When
I think back to Malcolm’s tenure as ASB
President,” she emailed, “I always smile
because he taught me more that year than
I taught him- about persistence, drive, and
not giving up. He would have a new idea
and present it to me, and despite any odds,
I found myself nodding...’ yes, ok, we can
do that’ because I knew he had the energy
to do anything he put his mind to. He was
impressive. He is impressive,” she continued.
“When he stumbles, it drives him to be better.
His grit is the type that tells everyone
around him that they too can rise.”
Au’s environmental interests led him to
UCLA, where he began studying Environmental
Science and Environmental Engineering,
leading to Au graduating in June of 2020 with
a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental
Science, which has been a springboard
to his current job opportunity, working for
Grades of Green, as a “sustainability analyst,”
advising and mentoring domestic and
international student-led teams in tackling a
climate solutions campaign.
His boss at Grades of Green, Anjuli
Keontopp, emailed that “We have all been
impressed with Malcolm and the work he
has done in his short time at Grades of
Green. He has had an unforgettable impact
on our student’s minds, Grades of Green’s
programming, and our team’s hearts! (He)
clearly possesses a breadth of knowledge
about the environment,” she said, “that he
can share with the students he mentors. His
considerate approach, great problem-solving
skills, and desire to make an impact are what
have really made all his work at Grades of
Green successful and transformative.”
“As a Program Advisor,” Keontopp continued,
“he works tirelessly to find the best
way to reach students - regardless of their
age and location - and has empowered his
student teams to make a powerful environmental
impact throughout the U.S. and in other
parts of the world, such as Africa and India.
“Malcolm has been a pure joy to work with
and get to know,” summed up Keontopp. “We
cannot wait to see how Malcolm changes the
course of our planet’s future for the better
just as he has changed Grades of Green.”
Those who may follow college basketball
know that, alas, the UCLA Bruin basketball
team’s Cinderella run to the final four ended
in dagger-to-the heart fashion. The victims
of a miraculous off-the-glass 40-foot buzzerbeater
to decide the game by a Gonzaga’s
Jalen Suggs, in overtime that shocked the
Bruins, sending them packing their bags to
return to L.A.
Au was an in-person witness to the unfolding
basketball miracle. “Yes, unfortunately, I
was there at the game,” Au said. “Absolutely
heartbroken. I had such high hopes coming
into the game because I know the guys, and
I know how much they wanted to win. I also
know Coach Cronin’s coaching style, and we
were not going down without a fight. It was
a dog fight the whole way, and we played
so well despite a lower seeding and being
underdogs the whole tournament. From a
fan’s perspective, it was fantastic to be able
to be in the arena. That was honestly one
of the best college basketball games I have
watched live, and I am so proud of the whole
team, coaching staff and managers. At the
end of the day, both teams played such a
great game, and it just did not go our way. It
was encouraging to see how the guys carried
themselves after the loss.”
It seems that the ex-Bruin Au exemplifies
many of the same tenacious and classy traits
as the players on the UCLA basketball team. •
Malcolm Au and UCLA basketball team.
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Sometimes the best thing that you can do for someone is just be there to listen...
it always helps to have a friend that cares.
- Love You Most, Mom
Order to Show Cause
for Change of Name
Case No. 21CMCP00034
Superior Court of California, County of
CARRASQUILLO for Change of Name
CARRASQUILLO filed a petition with
this court for a decree changing names
as follows:
The Court orders that all persons
interested in this matter appear before
this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the
petition for change of name should not
be granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the
hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written
objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing:
Date: 6-15-21, Time: 8:30 AM., Dept.: A,
Room: 904
The address of the court is:
A copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general
circulation, printed in this county:
Date: APR 01, 2021
Judge of the Superior Court
El Segundo Herald Pub. 4/15, 4/22,
4/29, 5/6/21
CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso):
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court
may decide against you without your
being heard unless you respond within 30
days. Read the information below.
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this
summons and legal papers are served on
you to file a written response at this court
and have a copy served on the plaintiff.
A letter or phone call will not protect you.
Your written response must be in proper
legal form if you want the court to hear
your case. There may be a court form
that you can use for your response. You
can find these court forms and more
information at the California Courts
Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.
ca.gov/selfhelp), your county law library,
or the courthouse nearest you. If you
cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court
clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not
file your response on time, you may lose
the case by default, and your wages,
money, and property may be taken
without further warning from the court.
There are other legal requirements. You
may want to call an attorney right away.
If you do not know an attorney, you may
want to call an attorney referral service.
If you cannot afford an attorney, you
may be eligible for free legal services
from a nonprofit legal services program.
You can locate these nonprofit groups
at the California Legal Services Web
site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the
California Courts Online Self-Help Center
(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by
contacting your local court or county
bar association. NOTE: The court has a
statutory lien for waived fees and costs
on any settlement or arbitration award
of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The
court's lien must be paid before the court
will dismiss the case.
¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no
responde dentro de 30 días, la corte
puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar
su versión. Lea la información a
después de que le entreguen esta
citación y papeles legales para presentar
una respuesta por escrito en esta corte
y hacer que se entregue una copia al
demandante. Una carta o una llamada
telefónica no lo protegen. Su respuesta
por escrito tiene que estar en formato
legal correcto si desea que procesen su
caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un
formulario que usted pueda usar para
su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos
formularios de la corte y más información
en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de
California (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la
biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en
la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no
puede pagar la cuota de presentación,
pida al secretario de la corte que le dé
un formulario de exención de pago de
cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta
a tiempo, puede perder el caso por
incumplimiento y la corte le podrá quitar
su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más
Hay otros requisitos legales. Es
recomendable que llame a un abogado
inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un
abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de
remisión a abogados. Si no puede pagar
a un abogado, es posible que cumpla
con los requisitos para obtener servicios
legales gratuitos de un programa de
servicios legales sin fines de lucro.
Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines
de lucro en el sitio web de California
Legal Services, (www.lawhelpcalifornia.
org), en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes
de California, (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o
poniéndose en contacto con la corte o
el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO:
Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar
las cuotas y los costos exentos por
imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier
recuperación de $10,000 ó más de
valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o
una concesión de arbitraje en un caso
de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el
gravamen de la corte antes de que la
corte pueda desechar el caso.
The name and address of the court is
(El nombre y dirección de la corte es):
111 North Hill St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
The name, address, and telephone
number of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff
without an attorney, is (El nombre,
la dirección y el número de teléfono
del abogado del demandante, o del
demandante que no tiene abogado, es):
Mark R. Nivinskus, Bar No. 195335
Nivinskus Law Group, A Law
Corporation (714) 533-8110
134 W. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832
DATE (Fecha): 03/26/2020
Sherri R. Carter Executive Officer, Clerk
of Court(Secretario), by D. Williams,
Deputy (Adjunto)
You are served
El Segundo Herald Pub. 4/15, 4/22,
4/29, 5/6/21