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Torrrance 8.2.12

TORRANCE TRIBUNE August 2, 2012 Page 15 Stars from page 8 Saxophonist Kenny G conducted the special benefit performance at the 26th annual “Evening Under the Stars,” Gourmet Food & Wine Festival Saturday, July 28. Bert Sierra of Tortilla Cantina, Terry & Debbie Runzler, Scott & Maria White, Gerry Rische Lisa Rodriguez and Kelly Hernandez from the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce Yukie Morinaga, Kozu Yoshioko, Keisuke Suzuki to Torrance Memorial Cean Geronimo Heart attack, age 25 I am so grateful to be alive. Everything worked in my favor that day, and the best people took care of me throughout the ordeal. Cean Geronimo For Cean’s story, visit To learn more about how WE care for you, visit Quality Care. Right Here. Right Now.

Torrrance 8.2.12
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