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The Weekly Newspaper of Torrance Herald Publications - Torrance, El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 5, No. 35 - August 27, 2015 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.....................10 Classifieds............................4 Crossword/Sudoku.............4 Film Review..........................4 Food.....................................11 Legals....................................9 Real Estate.........................12 Sports....................................5 TerriAnn in Torrance..........7 Weekend Forecast Former Mayor Ken Miller and Friends Celebrate 93rd Birthday Former and current public servants all gathered for Former Mayor Ken Miller’s 93rd birthday and Councilman Mike Griffiths fundraiser. For more photos, see page 2. Photo by TerriAnn Ferren. Council Ratifies, Approves Contract Amendments For Jail Food Services By Cristian Vasquez Mayor Patrick Furey and the Torrance City Council voted unanimously to ratify and approve contract amendments regarding A Day in the Life of a Museum Educator By Nancy Peters Finding passion in a career is not necessarily an easy task. Some know, from an early age, being a member of a police or fire department or being a nurse or doctor or teacher is all they want to be. Many don’t know what they want to be when they grow up, even into adulthood. Chelsea Hogan took a few years to realize her life’s passion. Born in Syracuse, she grew up in Ithaca, a college town where her mother was a professor. Her father was an architect and art lover. Floundering after high school but resistant to more school, her mother urged attending Ithaca College. Her father counseled--at least one art history class should be mandatory for every college student. Chelsea found so much truth in her father’s advice. “I took that art history course and Bam! There I was delving into art, realizing how much I could learn from it. I had not been a lover of school, until then,” she related. “I followed my Bachelor’s degree in art history with a Master’s program at George Washington University (GWU) in D.C., which actually offers a Master’s in Museum Education. I was off and running. “I could combine my camp counselor jobs working with children and my love of art history into a career. It did take three years to jump into that next phase of schooling though. So, I worked in a See Museum Educator, page 3 the department’s jail food services. Furthermore, Torrance Chief of Police Mark A. Matsuda was authorized as signatory for subsequent amendments to existing the contract, so long those amendments do not add costs surpassing the $124,000 of the contract amount. The Torrance City Council approved a five-year jail food service contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department on Aug. 13, 2013 in the amount of $105,000. However, due to the larger amount of inmates being housed during the first year of the contract the council approved changing the five-year agreement from $105,000 to $124,000. The staff report, presented and signed by Chief Matsuda, indicates that the Torrance Police Department received amendment two to the contract, raising the current price of each meal to $2.41, but the department did not receive amendment one which reflected the initial rise in the cost of the meals from $2.14 to $2.35 per meal. “Staff contacted the LA County Sherriff’s Department regarding Amendment One and determined that Amendment One had been sent to an inoperable City email address,” states the staff report. “Subsequently, the City never acted upon Amendment One despite the Department having paid invoices reflecting this initial increase over the past year.” It is not expected that the approved and pening increases in the cost of each meal will surpass the contract’s total budget during the remaining life of the agreement; hence, the approval of the amendments will not require additional funding. Request For Proposal For Citywide Website Redesign Approved By Council The recommendation of the Ad Hoc City Website Redesign Committee to approve a request for proposals [RFP] for the citywide web redesign was approved by Mayor Furey and the city council. During the July 15, 2014 council meeting Mayor Furey requested support from the city council to create an ad hoc committee for the redesign of the city’s website. The ad hoc web redesign committee was tasked with several requests, which Mayor Furey identified as: creating visually attractive pages on the city’s website that would highlight information relevant to local community members; adopt a user-centric approach throughout, particularly in content that speaks in the visitor’s language and that offers relevant information with fewer clicks; to create and implement a search engine optimization strategy that uses best practices in design and content; to maximize site usability through current web design and development best practices, relevant content and useful functionality with a high degree of interactivity; and to increase the amount of visitor quality time on the website by interlinking relevant content to increase click depth and lastly to explore viable functionality that will keep the user engaged and will foster long-term relationships. “I read through the reports of the city ad hoc [website] redesign committee and I think See City Council, page 9 Friday Mostly Sunny 85˚/69˚ Saturday Mostly Sunny 82˚/69˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 78˚/66˚

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