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TORRANCE TRIBUNE June 15, 2017 Page 5 Pizza, Pasta & More VALENTINO S “A Taste of Brooklyn” Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Garden Salad, Garlic Bread, Plus Tax Politically Speaking One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion Never Condone Censorship–Just Deal With the Consequences By Cristian Vasquez It’s not popular to defend a person(s) whose speech is filled with hate. For the majority of decent Americans, it is difficult to listen to hate-mongers spew messages of intolerance with the intention to divide. However, these orators of ignorance deserve the same First Amendment protections that the Constitution grants us. The biggest mistake we can make as a society that values free speech is to censor expression of any kind. We must let the messenger fail, or succeed, based on what they are delivering. In today’s social media culture and 24- hour news cycle, any incident is made into “breaking news”--which is later followed by two or three days of mindless coverage. Plenty of times these incidents stem from a “did you hear what so-and-so said?” or a “look at what so-and-so tweeted” situation. Almost immediately we can see demands for an apology by one side and messages of unwavering support by the other. Recently comedienne Kathy Griffin was the trigger for one of these social media/24-hour-news cycle headaches when she posted a tasteless and violent image involving President Trump. While her attempt to be politically enlightening lacked effectiveness and taste, we should defend her right to portray such grotesque images--but let her deal with the consequences. Since that infamous picture, Griffin has lost endorsement money and was canceled from several performances, including the New Year’s Eve program with CNN host Anderson Cooper. In other instances the speech is so vile, hateful and repetitive that the messenger becomes branded by the sickness of their words. For instance, Neo-Nazi figurehead Richard Spencer has made no effort to hide his feelings of superiority based on race. In essence, the guy wants the United States to be a white-ethno nation and he used his quasi-celebrity profile to share his message. In April that message was taken to the Auburn campus, where as a result protestors came out and arrests were made. The irony in being arrested for practicing your First Amendment right in an effort to deny another that same exact right seems to be lost on many. In any case, censoring people like Spencer isn’t going to kill their message of hate. Anyone willing to attend his rallies is not likely to be dissuaded by protestors. These fringe Spencer supporters don’t represent America and they don’t represent her peoples’ values. They are merely a small group of people taking advantage of a spotlight being shone on their message by those attempting to censor their messenger. The reason people like Spencer fail and stunts like Griffin’s fall on their face is because what they are giving us is hollow. Our freedom of speech comes with consequences and in Griffin’s case the backlash has affected her bank account. In Spencer’s case, he was recently kicked out of a D.C. area gym that refused to have a hatemonger among its patrons. Instead of censoring speech, we should be mindful and respectful of each other. It may result in everyone getting along better. • Let it Go, Let it Go! Comey, Trump and Climate Change By Duane Plank What a politically charged week we witnessed, topped by nearly three hours of riveting testimony in open session by the canned ex-FBI Director James Comey. Welcome to Trump’s World! It looks like the Comey/Trump stand-off will come down to a “he said, he said,” steel cage match, with Comey reporting that Trump asked him to “let it go” regarding investigating the already jettisoned national security advisor James Flynn. Something else to “let go.” The alleged, imminent, catastrophic effects of global warming. Hopefully you will have the opportunity to read this, unless the icecaps have already melted, the streets are awash with rotting fish because of rising water levels, and the ozone has been pierced because of the tons of nasty things that we continue to do to the environment. Folks became unhinged, all because Mr. Trump did what he said he was going to do, and hightailed the US of A out of the nonbinding, symbolic Paris climate deal. A deal that was never ratified by any legislative body, but rather executive-ordered by Mr. Obama- -one of the many executive orders that he signed during his tenure in the West Wing. The mainstream media and “sky is falling” folks have been decrying the debatable alternative fact that the planet is in danger of imploding because of global warming. Or global freezing. Take your pick. We as human beings, who have definitely added to the degradation of our environment, seem hosed either way, according to the climate alarmists, who have been in full meltdown mode ever since President Donald Trump acted. As far back as 1895, according to the always accurate Internet, the esteemed New York Times posited that “Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again,” mentioning the obvious, murderous impact of “perennial frost and snow.” If the NYT screed was to be believed, extinct woolly mammoths would soon again roam the terra firma, supplanting all human existence. Humanity was doomed! This opinion was printed post the great American Industrial Revolution, a period generally bracketed from 1820-1870 and a time in which American industry ratcheted up the impact of 19th Century technology with railroads being built and steamboats cruising pristine US waterways. Tons of money was made by prescient entrepreneurs, robber barons and other profit-mongers. Much like the very smart folks looting the American economy today, residing in Silicon Valley. But the new modes of transportation did benefit the common man, allowing one to move about the country more expediently and not be beholden to the vagaries of traveling what is presumed to have been a miserable cross-country trip through Indian country in a state-of-the-art, covered wagon. Or, if you decided to travel via waterways, hope to catch a ride on a skiff piloted by Huckleberry Finn. These new modes of transportation may not have been environmentally friendly, bellowing who knows what into the sky, as they moved their customers, and their wares, to and fro. But that is, and was, the price of progress. Let it go, climate change scaredy cats. • Ample Seating Now Open Sundays! and a drink $1199 No substitutions and coupon must be presented. Please mention coupon when ordering. One per customer. Expires 6/29/17. EL SEGUNDO 150 S Sepulveda Blvd. 310-426-9494 MANHATTAN BEACH 976 Aviation Blvd. 310-318-5959 • DELIVERY IN LIMITED AREA AT BOTH LOCATIONS • Crispy Garlic Chicken Chopped Salad Ingredients Makes: 4 servings • 1/3 cup grapeseed oil • 6 large cloves garlic, very thinly sliced • 2 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts • 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt, divided • 3/4 teaspoon ground black pepper, divided • 1/4 cup lemon juice • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar • 2 teaspoons honey • Pinch cayenne • 3 cups chopped romaine lettuce • 2 cups chopped radicchio • 2 cups chopped green cabbage • 2 cups halved California grapes • 1 cup thinly sliced celery • 1/4 cup roughly chopped mint Preparation 1. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and cook until browned and crisp, removing pieces as they brown with a slotted spoon, about 2 minutes altogether. Pour the oil into a heatproof cup. 2. Sprinkle the chicken with 1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper. Transfer 2 tablespoons of the garlic oil back to the skillet. Heat over medium-high until almost smoking and add the chicken. Cook until golden on the bottom, about 7-9 minutes. Turn and cook another 7-9 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Remove to a cutting board. Let stand 5 minutes. 3. Whisk the lemon juice, vinegar and honey into the remaining garlic oil. Season with 1/4 teaspoon each kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper and cayenne. 4. Combine romaine, radicchio, cabbage, grapes, celery and mint in a large bowl. Chop the chicken and add to the bowl along with the dressing. Toss to mix and serve sprinkled with the crispy garlic. Nutritional analysis per serving: Calories 360; Protein 22 g; Carbohydrate 25 g; Fat 21 g (50% Calories from Fat); 2.5 g Saturated Fat (6% Calories from Saturated Fat); Cholesterol 60 mg; Sodium 290 mg; Fiber 4 g.

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