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Torrance 05_29_14

TORRANCE TRIBUNE May 29, 2014 Page 3 Election 2014 Questions for the Mayoral Candidates Burkley & Brandlin LLP A T T O R N E Y S A T L AW Living Trusts/Wills, Probate, Employment Law, Personal Injury Trust and Estates Litigation, Business Litigation, Civil Litigation 310-540-6000 *AV Rated (Highest) Martindale - Hubbell / **Certified Specialist Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law, State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization “A little less conversation and a little more action.” Aurelio is a father, family man and local business owner. He is a great person who cares dearly about the city of Torrance and its residents. “Aurelio is one of the most helpful people I have ever known and he continuously goes out of his way to help others in need because that is just who he is. He founded the Mattucci Project several years ago in order to do just that and it has been my honor to personally join him on a Saturday or Sunday in cleaning up the streets of Torrance. This is how he lives his life by making a positive difference in the community and in the lives of others. This is who he is and how he will represent the people of Torrance. • Aurelio has a big heart, and the City of Torrance has a very big place in his heart. Aurelio cares about the city, its residents and business owners. He is not a political insider and he is truly an Independent. Once elected, Aurelio’s priorities and loyalty will lie with you – not some special interest group. He will listen to your concerns and put plans into action in order to make a difference. I have had the opportunity to do business with Aurelio over the years and I know he is a man of conviction and action. • I am proud to call Aurelio my friend, and I am proud to endorse him for Torrance City Council. If you want someone in your City Council who will truly do what is best for the residents of Torrance, rather than push for a particular agenda, then Aurelio Mattucci is the candidate who deserves your vote. • Aurelio Mattucci is a great man and I know he will do a great job!” – Hunter Gaspar, DiVita Home Finance, Inc., Torrance Aurelio Mattucci • 2014 Candidate for Torrance City Council • Paid for by Aurelio Mattucci For City Council 2014 FPPC ID# 1356365 The Torrance Tribune complied a number of questions from Torrance residents and businesses to pose to the candidates for Mayor and City Council.  We will publish two questions per week. Each candidate has a 200-word limit per question. Herald Publications does not edit or change any candidate’s answers.   What will you do for our seniors? Tom Brewer: I am committed to staying engaged with seniors to ensure that their voice is always heard, and that the highest caliber of support and programs feasible are in place.  Our city offers a variety of valuable senior services.   At the Bartlett Center we offer many activities   that include special classes, weekday hot lunches, exercise and dance  classes, singing groups, and free legal services.  We also have The   Torrance Focal Point that is a program where anyone in the community  can obtain information and access to aging services.  Two of our most popular programs are the senior ride program and senior excursions. Over the last two years we have had to make difficult cuts to these  two programs to help balance our budget.   As new revenue comes into  the city, I am committed to restoring any cuts to these services that  we had to make over the last few years. Pat Furey: The City of Torrance has many outstanding programs for all of our residents – including seniors.  As a member of the senior community I am acutely aware of the needs of our generation.  And, that is why I have always advocated for improved senior programs in Torrance and the entire region – whether it is at our various Senior Centers, transportation assistance or age-appropriate social programs. As the next mayor of Torrance, I pledge to continue to support and/or increase all programs available that will enrich the quality of life of the senior members of our community. Bill Sutherland: I believe our seniors to be the soul and historians of our City. We have many programs for their benefit such as Seniors don’t be Scammed presented by our PD and Free income tax service. Our Senior centers have a wealth of activity from Senior lunches to dance classes to shuffleboard. Check out the City Website for more information. We have Senior taxi tickets which are 12 in a month for $1.00 each; I would like to see that increased to 16 in a month for $1.00 each. We subsidize the Senior Day trips. When budget cuts trimmed the subsidy to ½ of what it was, I saw the hardship it was on our seniors so I fought and succeeded in returning the subsidy to its whole. Helping our seniors is a priority to me. Why should voters elect you? Tom Brewer: As a long-time resident of Torrance I have seen Torrance grow into the  city it is today. This gives me a unique perspective because I  understand the issues that the city has faced and what worked to    resolve them. I know how deeply our residents care about their city.   When making decisions, I am cognizant of the issues both unique to certain areas or residents and those impacting us as a whole--and I always strive to work in partnership with Torrance residents, businesses, and employees to find solutions that bring our city together. People feel comfortable approaching me to talk about what is important to them, knowing that I will follow through.  I’ve been actively involved in this community for over thirty years. Although I  could list the many committees and commissions that I have served on, what is more important is what I’ve accomplished while serving. I  convinced the city to incorporate 10 acres of vacant land into Lago Seco Park rather than selling it for condos. When over development faced our city, I formed a coalition of homeowner associations to stop  it.    This election is critically important because we Letters from page 2 decades only to be repaired by temporary patching.   Aurelio organized with other real estate colleagues perceiving our town’s residential streets as a living circulatory framework, immensely increasing Torrance market value once her streets are resurfaced inviting smooth and convenient transporting a cornucopia of activities. Road work has begun, as a resourceful real estate broker Aurelio Matticci has our vote on June 3rd for Torrance City Councilman. – Dora Perez-Meyer Dear Torrance Voter, My name is Dr. John Paul Tabakian. I am a 34-year resident of Torrance, college professor and owner of a Torrance business that offers career pathway advice to students who are pursuing academic or vocation trade programs. I proudly attended Anza Elementary School, Bert Lynn Middle School and West High School. The only reason that I am running for Torrance City Council is to help save my city from a political establishment that is working hard to destroy our great city. Incumbents claim that Toyota is leaving California – that is false. Toyota left Torrance and kept their Long Beach and Newport Beach facilities open along with 2,300 jobs. The political elite have aligned themselves with extremists who are working hard to destroy Torrance. This requires sounding the alarm against the installation of parking meters. Torrance removed its parking meters from Old Torrance in 1960 and there is a possibility that they may return. The reintroduction of parking meters will spread beyond Old Torrance to other parts of the city including our parks, just like Redondo Beach. I am the generation that is going to have to deal with the results of past incompetent financial policies that coddled union bosses to the point where our city, like many others in the state, is under real threat of bankruptcy. I am concerned that Torrance will follow the route to economic ruin just like Azusa, Bell, San Bernardino, Stockton and very soon El Segundo. Torrance voters need to vote for candidates who will defend our city against interest groups that do not care about our community. Please Google every candidate’s name and investigate their backgrounds to discover their true intentions and please visit my campaign website for more information. - John Paul Tabakian, Ed.D. Paid for by John Paul Tabakian For Torrance City Council 2014 – FPPC ID #1362178 are electing four new council members and a new mayor. Throughout my city involvement I’ve demonstrated the effective leadership skills and integrity critical in guiding this new team and moving our city  forward. Together we can build a 21st century city that is both rich  in progressive economic opportunities and respectful of its great historical qualities. Pat Furey: Voters should elect me because I have the longest history of service and leadership with the most diverse background of education, experience and support.  And, I have an actual vision and plan for the future of our city. My supporters for the mayoral seat include hundreds of residents – including many who are retired – many business and property owners in Torrance and nearby – several labor organizations – including the Torrance Police Officers and Firefighters associations - because they recognize my leadership ability. In addition to my service as a member of the Torrance City Council, my supporters have witnessed my performance as the president of my neighborhood homeowners association for eight and the four years I served as president of the Torrance Education Foundation.  And, they know I am best qualified to serve as the next mayor of Torrance. As your next mayor, I am committed to: Strengthening Public Safety and other City Services; Improving our children’s safety while at school; Attracting quality businesses that bring new, good paying jobs; Modernizing our aging infrastructure; Resolving our traffic problems; Bringing our information technology into the 21st Century; Protecting our neighborhoods from overdevelopment; Promoting affordable programs for seniors and children; Keeping our local government transparent; and Maintaining a balanced budget – without raising taxes! My goals are extensive, but with the involvement and support of the entire Torrance community, I believe they are all attainable.  Together, we can Keep Torrance Moving in the Right Direction. Please remember to Vote for Pat Furey for Mayor on Tuesday, June 3rd. Bill Sutherland: My message has stayed the same from the time I announced my intention to serve you as your Mayor back in the summer of 2012. This election is about the residents, businesses & employees of the City of Torrance & the type of leadership they deserve. I pledge to treat all with respect and as your Mayor, serve with openness, integrity and honesty. I believe that character, tenacity, hard work, self-reliance, and personal responsibility are essential in a Leader. This is how I have run my successful Torrance business for over 30 years, in my community involvement and with my service to the City. As we move forward, the mostly new City Council will once again be faced with tough decisions. It is vitally important to keep the trusted leadership in place that has worked so diligently for you. I have been the most community-involved member of the Council. I have always been open to listening and hearing what you have to say. I have been the chair of the Finance & Government Operations Committee for the last 6 years and I am proud that we have balanced our budget every year without layoffs or furloughs. We have been proactive in dealing with pension issues, infrastructure upgrading and developing a strategic plan that is well-designed and built around smart and reasonable growth. I have never lost sight of those we serve and will work hard to minimize the impacts of future challenges. I am very thankful to all of you who have stepped up to volunteer to help make our city great and beautiful. Thank you Candidates! •

Torrance 05_29_14
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