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Page 8 January 29, 2015 TORRANCE TRIBUNE TerriAnn in Torrance About Those New Year’s Resolutions… By TerriAnn Ferren Photos by TerriAnn Ferren New Year’s Resolutions have been made for centuries and how many of us began the New Year with firm resolve to make positive change? I suppose most everyone. You know - those promises to clean out the garage, closet, or drawer, get a new job, or lose ten pounds by joining the gym down the street. In the past, I have often made New Year’s resolutions and found that after a couple of months, they were only a memory, so in recent years I haven’t made any resolutions. My son Christopher said he doesn’t make resolutions either. I wondered if others made resolutions and if they did – did they keep them? Since we are nearing the end of January, I thought it was a great time to check in on those who might have made resolutions. First, I asked Vickie Vega about her resolution and she told me, “Well I made a New Year’s resolution with a group of friends and they kind of laughed at me. But my New Year’s resolution is to be kinder and gentler with everyone I come across – not just outwardly, but in my mind to be kinder.” I then asked her how that was working out for her and she sheepishly told me, “Normally, I would think unkind thoughts to those who would irritate me. I had one little episode with a pharmacist….” I laughed as Vickie told me about a situation where she was picking up medication at a drugstore on her way to work and the whole experience left her a bit exasperated. That I understand. There are lots of things in life that can make us short-tempered and curt and it is a challenge to always be kind. Later that afternoon I spoke with Kathy Lacey who told me, “I try and do it [New Year’s resolutions] all year long. I make them as I go along.” That is the first time I ever heard of that method and it sounds great. Improving oneself as issues arise could be a very good idea. Next, I spoke with Ronnie and he said, “The last few years I haven’t decided to do Charlene Nishimura Patrick O’Rourke any New Year’s resolutions. I just continue on with the way I have been living with the same positive attitude as I had the year before - and don’t feel like I have to make resolutions because I try through the year to be the best that I can be.” Ronnie explained to me he believes all people have shortcomings but we should all strive to be better and kinder to each throughout the year. My mom told me, “I used to - a long time ago, when I was younger, then I got to the point that I thought maybe I better make myself Finding Senior Housing can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. “You can trust A Place for Mom to help you.” – Joan Lunden Call A Place for Mom. 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But I did a couple of them, stopping smoking many years back.” He then told me that he believes most people don’t keep their New Year’s resolutions. My sister Linda told me, “You know, I haven’t in the last couple years, but I used to.” I asked her what changed and she said, “Because my New Year’s resolutions for years was to be a better person, to be more kind and improve that way, and now I try and do that every day and I don’t need a resolution to make me do that.” My other sister Sherrlyn told me, “I didn’t this year. I normally do. It is usually to get healthy and lose weight.” The next morning at my stretch class, I asked my students if they make New Year’s resolutions. Kyoko Umezu told me she really doesn’t make resolutions any more. Then I spoke with Margie Takaki, who told me, “Yes, I do [make resolutions].” Darrel Lee smiled and said, “I used to but I no longer do them. I realized that they were not working for me.” That comment made me laugh. Pat Hicks said she usually does, but didn’t this year. Then she added, “One year I wrote down ten things I wanted to do that year and I actually did it ‘cuz I kept within a reasonable resolution. I actually did them all! But I haven’t made one this year.” Michelle Cooper told me emphatically, “Absolutely not.” After surveying the class it was obvious most do not make resolutions. At breakfast later that morning, at a local restaurant, I asked Donna Duperron if she made any resolutions this year and she said, “I never have had New Year’s Resolution.” Sitting next to her in the booth, Shatera Luna piped up and said, “I did have a New Year’s resolution which was to lose baby weight - and I did. I lost thirty pounds, but not from trying. I think I was so stressed and the baby was constantly eating so I never ate.” Ted Lange, also at the breakfast said, “I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions. I kind of stopped that, years ago. I just try and work on myself. It is an all year thing.” Later in the day at a luncheon I ran into Charlene Nishimura who told me, “No, I used to, but I would get so depressed by the middle of March.” Brooke Arnold shared, “I did have a New Year’s resolution this year. I said that I want to spend a lot more time with my family and my friends that I say I’m gonna see and we never end up seeing each other. I was doing well last year and I feel the last six months I kinda dropped off so I want to make sure I do it all year long this year.” Patrick O’Rourke confidently told me, “I don’t make New Year’s resolutions because the list could be broken very easily. Instead, I set goals at random times during the year.” After speaking with all the people I could find that I ran into, it became clear that most of us in town don’t make New Year’s resolutions and from what I gathered, lots of people are striving all year to be better, to be kinder, gentler, and more connected to family and friends. What is remarkable to me is that everyone responded quickly and had a very strong opinion. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Will you next year? I was impressed with Pat Hicks and her list of ten things she wanted to accomplish – and she did. That sounds like a good idea. Striving to be a better person year round clearly was popular and I suppose most people subscribe to that idea. Whatever you decide to do, or not to do, I think it would be a good thing to follow the lead of several people here and be kinder. As February rolls in, I suggest we recommit to those goals for the year we might have thought about, be they resolutions or not, and do them one day at a time. • Tech Talk from page 3 seeking out the best social media match to your customer base. Now that you’ve focused on the platform, think next in terms of extending your messaging to reach a vast audience. This is the great advantage of social media over traditional networking. Through traditional networking you can make contact with 25+ people at an event. Through social media you can reach hundreds, thousands and sometime many, many more. The messaging in social media is quite different than in traditional networking. Previously, your business card, 30-second commercial, and trifold were often the most common components to convey your message. With social media it’s all about content and how that content resonates with your customer. You’ve seen this when a YouTube video goes viral or your website receives 24,000 hits overnight. With this type of reach, you need to think differently. No longer is your goal to reach the 25 people you met at an event last week but instead, to reach the 24,000 people who saw the message you posted last night. Dear Readers, this column addresses frequently asked technology questions by small business owners. If you have any questions you’d like answered, email to pr@heraldpublications. com and we will try to answer them. Thank you and enjoy! • Brooke Arnold

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