TORRANCE TRIBUNE January 18, 2018 Page 5
Jalapeño Pimento Cheese Dip
Recipe provided by BPT.
• 1 bag Lay’s Kettle Cooked Chips
• 8 ounces jalapeño cheddar cheese, grated
• 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
• 4 ounce jar of pimentos, drained and chopped
• 1/4 cup Greek yogurt
• 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1/8 cup pickled jalapeños, drained and chopped
• 1/8 teaspoon cayenne powder
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
• 2 teaspoons lemon juice
• Using a food processor or grater, shred cheddar cheese.
• Add chopped pimentos, chopped jalapeños, cayenne powder,
salt, pepper, garlic powder, mayo and 1/4 cup thick
Greek yogurt. Mix until combined. Depending on texture
you want, add more Greek yogurt.
• Stir in lemon juice.
• Serve with Lay’s Kettle Cooked Original or 40% Less
Fat Jalapeño Cheddar Chips.
Politically Speaking
One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion
Just a Reminder on This Honorable Day
By Cristian Vasquez
responsible for the KKK and segregation. And
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day,
for once, they got a fact right. However, their
it is appropriate to address a lie floating around
selective memory keeps them from mentioning
the past couple of years. Some conservatives
that this was a conservative Democratic Party.
have taken it upon themselves to proclaim that
The Democratic Party was the conservative
Dr. King was a Republican. Stop it, people.
party of the past. This is a fact that can’t
That is a lie. It is wishful thinking on behalf of
be ignored. Conservatives jumped from the
a group that, much like liberals, doesn’t have
Democratic Party to the Republican Party
a squeaky-clean record on civil rights -- but
during the 1960s and 1970s. The Democrats’
who unlike liberals has done more to hinder
ties to the KKK can’t be ignored, but neither
the spread and protection of civil rights than
should the hate-group’s birth in conservatism.
to ensure them.
It is disgusting for anyone to deflect the role
In a 1958 speech at Bennett College in
of conservatism in birthing the KKK for
Greensboro, N.C. Dr. King himself stated he
political gain, and it takes a complete lack
was neither Republican nor Democrat. To use
of human decency to purposely distort these
the man’s exact words, “I am not a politician.
facts for political gain.
I have no political ambition. I don’t think the
James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael
Republican Party is a party full of the almighty
Schwerner are names we should never
God, nor is the Democratic Party -- they
forget. They were murdered because of their
both have weaknesses. I am not inextricably
dedication to fighting against racial injustices.
bound to either party.” Yet, conservatives love
These men were executed by conservative
to label the man a Republican. You don’t get
Klansmen dedicated the preservation of white
to rewrite history to excuse your ideological
supremacy. When the laws shifted to provide
flaws from the present and past. It’s a lie. You
that equal protection under the law, these same
are wrong. So once more, just stop. There
conservatives jumped to the Republican Party.
is evidence that Dr. King’s father, like most
The most notable conservative to abandon the
African Americans of the time, voted in favor
Democratic Party because of his opposition
of the Republican Party. However, there is no
to civil rights: Strom Thurmond.
evidence of the man himself supporting said
Thurmond represented everything wrong
party. So, much like when conservatives want
with conservatism and when his Democratic
people to stop bringing up slavery because
Party supported legislation to promote civil
they had nothing to do with it, conservatives
rights, he defected. So when sharing out nation’s
should stop using Dr. King’s father’s voting
history, don’t make up things such as Dr.
habits to identify the civil rights leader under
King being Republican and don’t omit facts
a false political label.
such as Democrats used to be the conservatives
In addition, the pathetic attempt to rewrite
when the party gave birth to the KKK.
the past includes the constant reminder by
conservatives that the Democratic Party is
It would be no different than if I sat here
and claimed that Thurmond was a liberal. •
Don’t Let President Trump’s Poor Choice
of Words Obscure Immigration Reality
By Duane Plank
Wow, the left wing media went into meltdown
mode last week when it was leaked that
President Donald Trump had apparently used
some coarse language when speaking during
what was supposed to be a private, closed-door
session with members of Congress ruminating
over the DACA situation.
Trump initially denied commenting about the
immigration status of s--hole countries located
in Africa, Central America and the Caribbean,
though at least two people in the meeting said
he did use the derogatory phrase while trying
to fix our broken-down immigration system.
Trump would rather see legal immigrants
invade our borders from thriving countries like
Norway than from third-world enclaves such
as Haiti. Gee, what a dumb, racist thought,
right? America should continue to allow in,
many times illegally, the most poorly educated
folks from allegedly developing countries
-- many who have no discernible skills and
dodgy histories in their homeland.
Then once the immigrant invades America,
allow said immigrants to play tag with their
alleged relatives … and through the idiotic
leftist chain migration program, export a bunch
of people not fit to be here and oftentimes
exploit our lefty social services and raid our
financial coffers.
When was it decided, and by whom, that
Americans do not have the right decide whom
we allow to enter our country? Would you really
rather import a horde of people who barely
speak English, may not be all that educated,
and may lack the job skills necessary to thrive
(not just survive on the dole) in America? Or
allow in (even recruit) men and women who
speak English, are well-educated, and possess
the skills -- whether technical or so-called “blue
collar” -- that our country needs?
The lefties and their lock-step media buddies
will trot out the same excuses for letting darn
near anyone who wants to call America home to
land here. We are all immigrants, they thunder.
If we don’t let immigrants in, who will man the
jobs that Americans won’t do? Yada, yada. And
they automatically brand as racist those who
don’t agree with their jaded way of thinking.
So, the blathering talking heads in the southpaw
media went full bore at the president,
excoriating him for what were supposed to be
private thoughts leaked by deep-staters with
their own agenda, privy to the DACA meeting.
Trump is not the first president to evince salty
language. As we learned during the Washington.
cover-up the Watergate scandal devolved into,
California’s own “Tricky Dick” Nixon threw
the F-bomb around like a drunken sailor on
shore leave. And Southern gentleman Lyndon
B. Johnson spewed colorful language when
dealing with the post-JFK assassination challenges
like, oh, the Vietnam War, or the revolt
that permeated America as the flower-power
pot-heads and other 1960s unemployed resistors
created mayhem in the streets, chanting, “Hey,
hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?”
Point is: Don’t let Trump’s ignorant choice
of words, in what was supposed to be a closeddoor,
private meeting, obscure the fact that we
need to get the grip on whom we are allowing
into our best-as-it-gets country. •