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Manhattan 8.2.12

MANHATTAN BEACH SUN August 2, 2012 Page 3 Calendar Saturday,auguSt 4 tueSday,auguSt 21 • Food-Wine-Music Fundraiser presented • Art Exhibition: Centennial Photo by The Neptunian Women’s Club, 2 p.m.- Exhibition, 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., Cre- 4 p.m., at Tin Roof Bistro Courtyard. The ative Arts Center, 1560 Manhattan Village Shoppe will be wine purveyor. For Beach Blvd. more information call Mary Sue Brubaker WedneSday,auguSt 22 at (310) 376-3256. • The City of Manhattan Beach Annual Sunday,auguSt 5 Rabies Clinic, 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., at Ma- • 52nd Annual Sand Castle Design Con- rine Avenue Park (Basketball Courts). No Why should I believe the way you do? gain, and there are many who would willingly test, 7:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m., on the south side appointment necessary for vaccines. For Judaism does not actively seek to convert follow a convincing leader. The results are of Manhattan Beach Pier. Free. For more more information contact (310) 802-5160 non-Jews so there is no push to have everyone damaging and divisive, and evidence of such information call David Ibarra at (310) 802- or (310) 802-5561. believe as we do. For traditional Jews, the abuse abounds in our country and the world. 5419, Idris Al-Oboudi, at (310) 802-5404 or Friday,auguSt 24 covenantal relationship with God requires us to My task as a preacher of the Gospel is to Parks and Recreation Department at (310) • Manhattan Beach Open, Aug. 24-26. 802-5448. Just South of the Manhattan Beach Pier. Free follow God’s commandments. Traditionally we preach in such a way that Jesus comes alive • Concerts in the Park: The Swing Kings, Sunday,auguSt 26 say that there are 613 commandments. I believe as the Word is proclaimed, to then to con- 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., Polliwog Park Amphi- • Concerts in the Park: Fantastic Diamond that God delivered his message to mankind nect people with Jesus, to help them come theater, 1601 Manhattan Beach Blvd. (Neil Diamond Tribute), 5:00 p.m.-7:00 in a variety of ways. For Jews, Judaism in all to know personally God’s Son and follow his WedneSday,auguSt 8 p.m., Polliwog Park Amphitheater, 1601 of its forms, is the right approach. Similarly example, living lives of peace, reconciliation, • Annual Rabies Clinic, 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 Manhattan Beach Blvd. there is equal value to Islam, Christianity, forgiveness, healing, hope and selfless love. p.m., Marine Avenue Park, 1625 Marine OngOing Hinduism, Buddhism and other world faiths. Don’t “believe the way I do”! But please Avenue. Reduced prices for services. • The Mayor’s Walk ‘N’ Talk the first To understand the total message to mankind connect with a community of faith that hasTuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at Peets 12tSugua,undayS • Concerts in the Park: The Sin Twins Coffee & Tea, 328 Manhattan Beach Blvd. one should study it all and practice the faith found this Jesus. (Rhythm and Blues Revue), 5:00 p.m.-7:00 Also the third Tuesday of every month at one is born into or chooses to follow. There —Rev. Lawrence Becker, Sr. Pastor, p.m., Polliwog Park Amphitheater, 1601 9:00 a.m. at North End Café, 3421 High- are many paths leading to God, each of us Trinity Lutheran Church, Hawthorne Manhattan Beach Blvd. land Ave. should follow the best path for reaching out For what I received I passed on to you as Sunday,auguSt 19 • Free Classes at the Manhattan Beach to God and increasing our spiritual growth. of first importance: that Christ died for our • Concerts in the Park: The Surftunes Botanical Garden Amphitheater, west side —Rabbi Gary M. Spero, Torrance, www. sins according to the Scriptures, that he was (Beach Boys and Surf Music), 5:00 p.m.- of Polliwog Park. For more information buried, that he was raised on the third day ac- 7:00 p.m., Polliwog Park Amphitheater, call Julie Gonella at (310) 546-1354. www. 1601 Manhattan Beach Blvd. • Speaking as a pastor, I would hope that no cording to the Scriptures, and that he appeared one in my church believes what I preach and to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, teach simply because I say so, or is convinced he appeared to more than five hundred of the by rhetoric or style or presentation. Faith needs brothers at the same time, most of whom are to be powerfully personal and inspired by a still living, though some have fallen asleep direct spiritual connection with God through (died).1 Corinthians 15:3 hearing and reading the Scriptures. A pastor is You should believe in who Christ is – God a guide, a reminder, a counselor, a shepherd - in the flesh, and in what Christ has primarily but we need to be personally connected with done – died for our sins, because it is true. God. Scripture itself tells us, “Faith comes God really did come to earth, took on flesh by what is heard, and what is heard comes and died for our sins because of His great through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). love and compassion for us. So many look for “powerful sermons,” to be Salvation is found in no one else, for there entertained by a charismatic leader - that is a is no other name (Jesus) under heaven given recipe for problems. Religion is so powerful, to mankind by which we must be saved.Acts and so easy to misuse. There are many who 4:12 (parenthesis added by the writer) would use religion to promote a political or —Lisa Lait, social agenda, or even simply for financial First Baptist Church, El Segundo • to Torrance Memorial Cean Geronimo Heart attack, age 25 I am so grateful to be alive. Everything worked in my favor that day, and the best people took care of me throughout the ordeal. Cean Geronimo For Cean’s story, visit To learn more about how WE care for you, visit Quality Care. Right Here. Right Now.

Manhattan 8.2.12
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