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Manhattan 2_14_13

February 14, 2013 Page 3 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion By Gerry Chong to try to take me out, I was going to take Gun Control in Californiathem with me.’”Paul Harvey, the irrepressible late raconteur, stole the Super Bowl ads war with his story Newsflash: “The FBI announced that 11,493 By Cristian Vasquez yell, “Fire!” just because I have freedom called “And God Created the Farmer.” Harvey’s people were killed by firearms in the U.S.” Given the horrible mass shootings that have of speech. Gun ownership is no different. former radio program had included a segment And now the rest of the story: “Non-firearm made national headlines, it is no surprise We already don’t allow ex-felons to own entitled “The Rest of the Story,” in which homicides totaled 16,799 and the most popular that leaders in Washington and Sacramento guns and most people would agree that is a he told a story the way it was presented by weapon of choice was the baseball bat.” are giving the issue of gun control a new reasonable restriction. So why are people so conventional media, but would give us the Maybe Senator Feinstein should refocus the look. It is unfortunate that so many people angry about the proposed stricter background rest of the story as a follow-up. If he were Senate on banning that mass killer. had to die in order for our leaders to take checks? These background checks would look alive today, the rest of the story would look Newsflash: “The LAEDC reported that some kind of steps to prevent similar acts for a history of psychological issues, thus like this: personal income grew in December by a Newsflash: “The economy created 157,000 striking 2.6 percent.” jobs in January, but unemployment rose from And now the rest of the story: “The primary “The recent push in California for gun control is focusing 7.8 to 7.9 percent.” reason personal income grew in December on stricter background checks and ammunition control and is based And now the rest of the story: “169,000 was that more than 600 firms paid extra people dropped out of the workforce, so dividends to avoid the tax increases coming on Senator Diane Feinstein’s efforts in Washington.” unemployment rose.” in January. If the dividend payment had Newsflash: “The economy grew by 2.2 been made one month later, taxes on those percent in 2012.” dividends would have risen from 15 to 20 of senseless violence. The recent push in restricting guns to individuals who might And now, the rest of the story: “Our national percent and investors would have had to pay California for gun control is focusing on pose a risk to themselves or others if they debt grew during the same period by eight the 3.8 percent Medicare tax due in 2013 stricter background checks and ammunition had access to a gun. percent, so our debt grew 3.6 times faster on dividend income. Of those 600 firms, control and is based on Senator Diane Furthermore, the controversy over the than our growth in productivity.” half were in the S&P 500 and paid out a Feinstein’s efforts in Washington. proposed restrictions on ammunition is Newsflash: “Senator Feinstein, testifying staggering $14.4 billion. Of that amount, $1.3 As expected and rightfully so, there are more a reaction based on political rhetoric before the Senate Judiciary Committee while billion went to officers, directors and large many Americans opposed to gun regulations. and an unwillingness to address a serious Every American is entitled to own a gun issue. Again, I agree that all law-abiding and has legally been able to do so since Americans should be able to own, possess “The primary reason personal income grew in the signing of the Constitution. However, and use their guns. However, why does a the opposition to the proposed legislation is law-abiding citizen need to have unlimited December was that more than 600 firms paid extra dividends vilifying the leaders looking to set in new magazines holding up to 30 rounds? Why to avoid the tax increases coming in January.” laws that can prevent guns from falling in do average, hardworking-Americans need the hands of people like Adam Lanza and military assault rifles or gangster-style tommy James Homes. Unfortunately, some opponents guns, which in certain parts of the United proposing a wide-ranging limitation on the investors, saving them 37 percent in taxes.” want absolutely no regulation while others States are attainable? right to bear arms, said, ‘We can’t have a There are two lessons to learn from this are not comfortable with the nation’s leaders These types of weapons, fueled by their totally armed society.’” story: First, the wealthy will find every legal imposing further regulations on top of existing high-capacity magazines, serve no purpose And now the rest of the story: “On April means to avoid payment of taxes. Second, gun laws. Opposition has also been voiced other than to take away human lives. While 27, 1995, Senator Feinstein said, ‘I know this one $14.4 billion tax avoidance maneuver by some local law enforcement leaders such California already has some of the nation’s the sense of helplessness that people feel. I alone illustrates the shaky footing on which as Riverside County Sherriff Stan Sniff, who strictest gun laws, it is comforting to know the urge to arm yourself because that Obama has predicated an annual $62 billion in a letter to Sen. Feinstein stated that new know that steps are being taken to prevent is what I did. I was trained in firearms. I’d revenue increase from taxing the rich. Ain’t legislation would be overreaching Americans’ potentially dangerous individuals from owning walk to the hospital when my husband was gonna happen, folks. They’re successful Second Amendment rights. these high-powered weapons. Nothing in sick. I carried a concealed weapon. I made because they’re smarter than the average bear. What people need to realize is that while life is absolute and everything comes with the determination that if somebody was going And that’s the rest of the story. • all law-abiding Americans have a right to restrictions. We already restrict access to guns own guns, no right is absolute. All of the to individuals with a violent past or criminal From the Source they always will. As a reporter, it would be not only reasonable, but necessary. The greatrecord. Preventing someone with mentalhealth problems from owning a firearm isrights that we enjoy as an American comewith restrictions--they always have and great for freedom of speech and press to thing is that these safety measures will not Political Q & A been. I can’t walk into a crowded room and their Second Amendment rights. •impede law-abiding citizens from enjoyingbe absolute, but it is not and it has never By Gerry Chong economy can give you and your family a Welcome! Herald Publications, whose positive outlook on this year.” Financial Planning is a Process Not a Product! newspapers inform and entertain the entire Senator Lieu responded: “The single most South Bay, has initiated a new Q & A optimistic thing I’m looking forward to in So, Who’s Looking Out For Your Financial Interests? column, seeking opinions from our various 2013 is a balanced budget this year with a governmental leaders on the issues that affect projected surplus for next year. Our fiscal us all. We will be asking Congressmembers situation has significantly improved thanks Maxine Waters and Henry Waxman, in large part to voters, fiscal discipline by • Retirement Planning State Senators Rod Wright and Ted Lieu, the legislature the last several years, and the • 401K Reviews & Portfolio Second Opinions Assemblymembers Steve Bradford and Al leadership of Gov. Jerry Brown. California • Financial Check-Ups Muratsuchi, and County Supervisors Mark created more jobs last year than any other • Investment Analysis and Advice Ridley-Thomas and Don Knabe their thoughts, state, and at a higher rate. Our credit rating • Mortgage / Refinance Decisions and will publish their responses without went from a negative to a stable positive. • Employer Stock Option Strategies editorial comment. California is turning the corner.” The initial question for this column is: Assemblyman Bradford responded: We Offer a Free No-Obligation Get Acquainted Meeting “It’s a New Year, and we look forward with “California kept an important New Year’s ESF Proudly Upholds the Fiduciary Standard optimism. Can you tell us the single most resolution this year by balancing the state optimistic thing we can look forward to?” budget, after years of making tough choices, Congresswoman Waters responded: “I many of which hurt our most vulnerable • NO Commissions or Products Sold• NO Commissions or Products Sold am extremely optimistic about 2013 for the citizens. This means we can look forward • NO Pressure• NO Pressure South Bay communities and our entire nation. to halting the devastating cuts to vital state • NO Long-Term Contracts• NO Long-Term Contracts We have faced an economic downturn, but services like education, workforce training • NO Account Minimums the recovery of the U.S. housing market and healthcare. These are programs that One Time, Periodic or Ongoing Advice,,ecivdAgniognOrocidoireP,emiTenO is reason to look forward with optimism. everyday Californians rely on, and make our tthe Choice is Yours!sruoYsieciohCeh Home prices in November 2012 rose 5.5 state a land of opportunity. Now with the percent relative to a year ago. This is the state’s balance sheets in order, we can move biggest increase in home values since the forward in a more sustainable manner. Fiscal peak of the housing boom in 2006. As the stability will encourage economic growth, recovery continues to gain strength, rising investment, and jobs in California, and that ESF Financial Planning Group home values will help spur economic growth. is worth being optimistic.” Many economists anticipate that home prices Herald Publications also encourages Taking you beyond the numbers will continue rising well into 2013 due to readers to submit questions you would like A Appointments in Manhattan Beach (310) 706-4123 d Culver City (310 590-4511na3214-607)013(hcaeBnattahnaMnistnemtniopp low interest rates and a small inventory of to have answered, so please submit your homes available for sale. My hope is that suggestions to See rising home values, leading to an improved you next week! •

Manhattan 2_14_13
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