December 14, 2017 Page 3
Hawthorne Happenings
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
Winter Wonderland
The Hawthorne Parks and
Community Services Department
of the City is sponsoring a “Winter
Wonderland Spectacular” for kids of
all ages on Thursday, December 21st from 6
to 9 p.m. at Memorial Park. There will be a
snow slide, winter play area, carnival games
and prizes. Santa will be there for photos
with the kiddos. Hot cocoa, food and much
more are all on the schedule. The cost is $5
for ages 1-11 years and $7 for 12 years and
older. So mark your calendars. There will
be a 21 day countdown for Santa to arrive,
so be on the lookout for Santa sightings
throughout Hawthorne.
Hawthorne Business Expo
Council member Olivia Valentine is
spearheading the event once again this coming
year to help our local businesses succeed. The
date is set for January 24th at the Memorial
Center. We look forward to having even
more vendors there to provide excellent
information and offer services to allow our
small business owners an opportunity to not
only survive but to thrive. (That sounds pretty
good for a “wantabe” columnist.)
Another “Hawthorne Story”
Life is full of stories. Every one of us
have stories to tell from our past. Some
of us have lived in Hawthorne for a few
years, so we have “Hawthorne” stories to
look back upon. Maybe it was the day we
got street sweeping tickets on all three of
our cars parked out on the street because
we thought it was a holiday and they were
not going to give out tickets. Maybe it was
when we went to the Hawthorne Plaza mall
and bought some Christmas presents at the
May Company and walked over
to the movie theater and watched
a Star Wars movie. Anyway,
eight years ago on December
7th, 2009, I was sworn in as
city clerk at the city council
meeting held that evening. That
was an emotional day for me.
Not because of being sworn in
but because of what took place
early that morning. At that time my nativity
business was operating out of my garage and
I had loaded up my 2002 Tundra with nativity
boxes to take to FedEx that morning. I started
my truck up in my driveway and went back
inside because I had forgotten something.
I came out of the back door and low and
behold someone was backing my truck out of
the driveway and taking off with it. I started
to yell and tell him to stop. I ran down the
street chasing after him. My neighbor was
going to work and told me to hop in his car
and we took off after the would be truck
bandit. I dialed 911 and called to ask for
police help. We raced up Inglewood Avenue,
followed him over to the 405 freeway, and
after 15 minutes of pursuing him he lost us
in traffic on the 405 going north. The 911
operator told us to stop chasing him. Still
no sign of police cars. I told my neighbor
to exit the freeway and we returned to my
neighborhood. Hawthorne PD finally caught up
with us to take my report as I was standing in
front of Rite Liquor. Two nights later, I got
a call asking if I was the owner of a white,
Tundra. Luckily, authorities had interrupted
the stripping process before it had gotten too
far. I got my truck back. The question that
we all have had ever since is what was the
reaction of the bandit was when he tore open
our boxes to find Jesus in the box instead of
big screen televisions. The Lord works in
strange ways. Now you know the reason
why I started having cold ones. •
( I love to hear from my readers. – email me – norbhuber@gmail.com )
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Thank y o u to o u r Adverti s e r s !
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone).
Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following
Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only
be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement.
Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If
you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald
Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims.
Wanted: One or Two Car Garage
in El Segundo to rent for storage
– Please Contact 310-937-3246
Apartment For Rent
Nice El Segundo location, 2 roomy
bedrooms, 1 bath, private deck,
garage with opener, & storage
area, yard. No pets, $2,000/month.
Apartment for Rent
3 BD, 1.5 BTH Apt; Westchester.
Close to LMU. Upper, immaculate,
appliances, W/D room. Avail Jan
7th. 8420 Fordham Rd. $2395.
310.365.1481 or 310.641.2148.
Apartment For Rent
1 BD 1 BTH apartment in E/S gated
building, onsite laundry, swimming
pool, pond w waterfall, 1 parking
space available now. $1625 per
mo. 310.322.7166.
Onestop Internet, Inc. in El Segundo,
CA. Responsible for designing and
developing both web and internal
applications for the company’s clients
and/or internal systems. Send resume
to: Tarin O’Neill, Onestop Internet,
Inc., 550 Continental Blvd., Ste. 130,
El Segundo, CA 90245
For Lease
For Lease: 1500 sq ft space for
private gym in El Segundo. $3.00/
ft NNN. Bill Ruane 310-877-2374.
For Rent
2 BDRM, 2 BATH, blt. in stove and
oven, patio, new paint, carpet Etc .
Quiet bldg. 1 year lease $2200 mo.
No smokers! 310.902.1607.
Help Wanted: Accept ing
applications for all positions at
Valentino’s Pizza, 150 S Sepulveda
Blvd. 310-426-9494.
For Rent
3 Bd, 2.5 Ba, Clean west facing unit!
$3700. Easy to show. S & L Prop
Mgmt 310/350-4096
For Rent
For Rent: Charming bungalow in ES.
3 BED/2BATH, hardwood floors, 1
car garage, outside patio, Jacuzzi,
washer/dryer and all appliances
included. $3950/month + utilities.
Contact: 310-863-2610.
Part-time Sales. Looking for motivated
part-time workers. Inside sales: work
from home and make sales calls. 15%
commission on all sales. Outside
sales: territories are Torrance and
El Segundo. Includes walking and
interacting with business owners. 20%
commission on all sales. Seniors and
students welcome. Send resume to
Accountant needed for medical service
provider (infusion services). Mail to
MedRx Infusion Clinical Pharmacy LLC.
417 N Oak St Inglewood, CA 90302.
Garage for Lease
Garage for Lease in El Segundo:
40x40 Garage w / o f f i c e /
loft & bathroom (parking
& storage); $2000/month
– Contact 310-647-1635
Garage Sale
Garage Sale: 340 Concord St. Sat
Dec 16th. 8-3pm. Household items
and luggage.
Help Wanted
Part-time worker wanted: Monday
thru Saturday, to work at Village
Liquor store, located in the
Mariposa Center, El Segundo.
Interested parties, please contact
us after 12:00 p.m. (noon).
House for Rent
EL SEGUNDO 2 story. 4BD/3BA,
2 car garage, new paint, HW floor,
sound proof system, walk to beach.
$3,950. 310-663-9898.
Office Space for Lease
Office Space for Lease in
El Segundo:1500 SF Prime
Office Space for Lease; $2.50/
NNN SF - 431 E. Grand
Ave. – Contact 310-647-1635
To appear in next week’s paper,
submit your Classifed Ad by
Noon on Tuesday.