Page 6 September 26, 2013 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion “There is no serious to privately absorb corporations’ medical In Desperate Need of Becoming athe name of AON Plc has been established By Gerry Chong evidence that Obamacare insurance plans. Walgreens, Sears and Darden More Peaceful, Respectful Society is holding back economic growth” have already enrolled hundreds of thousands fi Barack Obama, September 16, 2013 of their employees into AON and an additional By Cristian Vasquez making the resources for treatment available. Oh, sweet Lord fi when his constituents 600,000 employees are projected to join by 2014. Usually this space is used to support some Compassion and respect alone won’t eliminate fnd out not only what he’s done to them, What’s the AON program? Typically, it piece of legislation proposed by the Democratic the violent acts committed by people like the but also what he’s about to do to them, he’ll costs an employer 10-20 percent of insurance Party, but this time I would rather reect on Navy Yard shooter, or the Fort Hood shooter think Republicans are his best friends. His costs to administer their plan. The remaining another tragedy that has struck our nation fi back in 2009. However, we have become so followers will come after him with tar and 80-90 percent is a beneft to the employee. the Navy Yard shooting in Washington. While desensitized as a society that we have come to feathers. Time Warner, Stryker Medical, Sea By shifting insurance responsibility to AON, news anchors, politicians and expert pundits accept these incidents as tragic, random events World, Trader Joe’s, Marriott, Lands End, Regal the employer saves 10-20 percent of insurance hammer away at how this proves that we need that just happen. I don’t have a solution as to how Entertainment, New England Motor Freight, costs, but pays 80-90 percent to employees as gun control, or how we should have more to avoid these tragedies from happening. Nor Kroger Supermarkets and Wal-Mart, to name a bonus. The employer will have satisfed its access to guns, the tragedy of it all is once do I have a plan that could possibly prevent a few, are terminating current employees, Obamacare responsibility while limiting its again lost in political rhetoric. such acts of violence. What I do know is that curtailing hiring, reducing hours, eliminating future liability. Obamacare requires employers The reality is more than a dozen families have when we begin to treat mental illnesses with spousal medical coverage, and creating new to subsidize employee insurance costs, but does had their lives altered forever. Whether Aaron more seriousness, when we stop stigmatizing approaches to avoid the ravages of Obamacare. not identify the level to which the subsidy Alexis suffered from mental illness, post- people aficted with mental illness and when Unfortunately Obama supporters fi young must occur. The benefts to the employer are traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or any other we become more compassionate and respectful voters, single women, those with a high school therefore clear. mental condition that might have led him to toward other people, maybe then we will see education or less, Blacks and Hispanics have But what does it do to employees? First, their commit these acts, there are several things that fewer violent outbursts that cost so many borne the brunt of corporate cost-reduction 80-90 percent beneft will be taxed as ordinary we should be reminded of through this tragedy. people their lives. policies. income. Second, the employer subsidy may For one, as a nation, we must become more This is not an issue that we can throw money In Obama’s frst term, single women saw their be reduced in the future. Third, the employee effective at treating people with mental health at to fx. It isn’t a problem that enhanced income fall by seven percent. Youths under the will be responsible for all Obamacare compliance issues. Whether from birth or because of a policing, stricter gun laws or more access to age of 25 saw their incomes fall by 9.6 percent requirements. Fourth, the AON coverage traumatic experience, people aficted with gun laws will eliminate. We have to treat these and carry an unemployment rate of 11 percent. may change. mental health issues need the resources to ill human beings as patients. Blacks’ income fell by 10.9 percent and had So, Obama supporters, you took the income help them overcome their conditions and not A friend of mine posted something interesting an unemployment rate of 12.6 percent. Hispanics hits as corporations restructured their personnel just cope with it. on his Facebook that got me thinking about saw their income fall by eight percent and had roster to reduce costs. Joining a union has not Second, we need to stop stigmatizing people this issue: an unemployment rate of 9.4 percent. protected you from Obamacare, so unions with mental conditions. The shame associated “If terrorists kills a massive amount of people, For union members, the Obama themselves will lose membership appeal. with mental illness or similar conditions many we will dump billions of dollars into preventing Administration said it could not exempt unions Finally, the private sector is proving to be times keeps the person aficted from seeking future attacks fibut if a mentally ill person does from its ravages fi so the Teamsters and AFL- far more nimble and creative than lawmakers help. The ridicule or lack of credibility given it, everyone is all, ‘Hey what can you do?’” CIO are in full-scale revolt, advocating fxing envisioned, so employees will be worse off than to people suffering from such conditions, There is a lot we can do, and it all begins with or repealing the act entirely. if Obamacare had not been enacted. Query: especially from the people they know, is a proper treatment, respect and compassion for Having done all the predictable cost Now would you vote to repeal a law that so major reason that treatment is not sought. those aficted. If we do that, maybe, just maybe, protection actions, companies are becoming blatantly discriminates against the poor, young, As a society we have to start treating these we will no longer have to mourn the loss of more creative. For example, a company by women, and those of color? · individuals with compassion, in addition to innocent lives because of another mass shooting. · Visit us online: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILINGS (DBA) Fictitious Business Fictitious Business Fictitious Business Fictitious Business Fictitious Business Fictitious Business business as TONSORIAL PARLOR. business as JAGUAR TENNIS ACADEMY. business as HNMM CARGO TRUCKING. business as SOUTHWEST POOL business as 1. RENNER AUTO as 1. AMOUR WAY LIMOUSINEThe following person(s) is (are) doingThe following person(s) is (are) doingThe following person(s) is (are) doingThe following person(s) is (are) doing2013166840201318546520131962922013191868Name StatementName StatementName StatementName Statement2013184470Name StatementThe following person(s) is (are) doing2013188538Name Statement The following person(s) is (are) doing 210 W. GRAND AVE, EL SEGUNDO, 906 E. IMPERIAL AVE #1, EL SEGUNDO, 2. AMOUR WAY LIMOUSINE & 4063 147TH ST, LAWNDALE, CA 90260. SERVICE AND ENGINEERING. 1. 230 324 W. FLORENCE AVE, INGLEWOOD, being conducted by an Individual. The is being conducted by an Individual. Individual. The registrant commenced Smith, 230 Sheldon St #4, El Segundo, Owner(s): MAC GROUP, LLC, 220 W.INGLEWOOD, CA, 90301. PO BOXCA 90245. Registered Owner(s): RonINGLEWOOD, CA 90301. RegisteredThis business is being conducted by an9800 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD #200-31,90245. 2. P.O. BOX 592, EL SEGUNDO,22O W. MANCHESTER BLVD,4063 147th St, Lawndale, CA 90260.EXCLUSIVE TRANSPORTATION.SHELDON ST #4, EL SEGUNDO, CACA 90301. 2. RENNER AUTO GROUP.Registered Owner(s): Hugo Nelson Mejia,TRAVEL SERVICE 3. WESTSIDE-CA 90245. Registered Owner(s): SergiuBoerica, 906 E. Imperial Ave. #1, ElSegundo, CA 90245. This business CA 90245. Registered Owner(s): Dale Berry Snowberger, 759 Washington St., El Segundo, CA 90245. This business is registrant commenced to transact business The registrant commenced to transact 661749, LOS ANGELES, CA 90066. vq" vtcpucev" dwukpguu" wpfgt" vjg" Õevkvkqwu" CA 90245. This business is being Manchester Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90301. County Recorder of Los Angeles County ycu"Õngf"ykvj"vjg"Eqwpv{"Tgeqtfgt"qh"Nqu" Recorder of Los Angeles County on 18, 1987. Signed: Ron Smith, Owner. vjg" Õevkvkqwu" dwukpguu" pcog" nkuvgf<" P1C0"is being conducted by a Corporation.vjg"Õevkvkqwu"dwukpguu"pcog"nkuvgf<"Cwiwuv"commenced to transact business underVjku" uvcvgogpv" ycu" Õngf" ykvj" vjg" Eqwpv{"7, El Segundo, CA 90245. This businesscommenced to transact business underLimited Liability Company. The registrant2013. Signed: Hugo Nelson Mejia, Owner.Transportation Inc., 231 Maryland St Aptconducted by an Individual. The registrantThis business is being conducted by abusiness name listed: September 18,Registered Owner(s): Amour Way Luxurydwukpguu" wpfgt" vjg" Õevkvkqwu" dwukpguu"name listed: September 04, 2013. Signed:Sergiu Boerica, Owner. This statement wpfgt" vjg" Õevkvkqwu" dwukpguu" pcog" nkuvgf<" N/A. Signed: Dale B. Snowberger, Owner/ Qrgtcvqt0"Vjku"uvcvgogpv"ycu"Õngf"ykvj"vjg" on September 09, 2013. Angeles County on September 04, 2013. The registrant commenced to transact September 18, 2013. Vjku" uvcvgogpv" ycu" Õngf" ykvj" vjg" Eqwpv{" Signed: MAC GROUP LLC, Manager. dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 2;." 423:0" dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 26." 423:0" dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 3:." 423:0" expires on August 09, 2018. A new NOTICE: This Fictitious Name StatementDarryl Amour, Secretary. This statementNOTICE: This Fictitious Name StatementSeptember 05, 2013.Fictitious Business Name Statement mustAmour Way Luxury Transportation Inc.,August 09, 2013.Recorder of Los Angeles County onexpires on September 18, 2018. A newname listed: September 15, 2008. Signed:Recorder of Los Angeles County onVjku"uvcvgogpv"ycu"Õngf"ykvj"vjg"Eqwpv{"NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statementdwukpguu" wpfgt" vjg" Õevkvkqwu" dwukpguu"NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statementexpires on September 04, 2018. A newFictitious Business Name Statement must NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on September 09, 2018. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must Vjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh" Vjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh" ycu"Õngf"ykvj"vjg"Eqwpv{"Tgeqtfgt"qh"Nqu" Vjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh" Fictitious Business Name Statement expires on September 05, 2018. A new or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET Fictitious Business Name in violation of itself authorize the use in this state of aFictitious Business Name Statement mustitself authorize the use in this state of aVjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh"the rights of another under Federal, State,expires on September 12, 2018. A newVjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh"dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 27." 423:0"Fictitious Business Name in violation ofNOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statementowuv" dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Cwiwuv" 2;." 423:0"Fictitious Business Name Statement mustitself authorize the use in this state of aAngeles County on September 12, 2013.itself authorize the use in this state of aFictitious Business Name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal, State, itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, SEQ., Business and Professions Code). SEQ., Business and Professions Code). dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 34." 423:0" SEQ., Business and Professions Code). the rights of another under Federal, State, Fictitious Business Name in violation of SEQ., Business and Professions Code). SEQ., Business and Professions Code). the rights of another under Federal, State, and October 03, 10, 17, 2013. HL-979. El Segundo Herald: September 05, 12, 19, SEQ., Business and Professions Code).or Common Law (See Section 14400 ETSEQ., Business and Professions Code).Fictitious Business Name in violation ofor Common Law (See Section 14400 ETLawndale Tribune: September 26, 2013the rights of another under Federal, State,or Common Law (See Section 14400 ETitself authorize the use in this state of athe rights of another under Federal, State,SEQ., Business and Professions Code).Fictitious Business Name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal, State,Vjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh"Fictitious Business Name in violation ofor Common Law (See Section 14400 ETFictitious Business Name in violation ofitself authorize the use in this state of aowuv" dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Cwiwuv" 44." 423:0"itself authorize the use in this state of athe rights of another under Federal, State,Vjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh"itself authorize the use in this state of aFictitious Business Name StatementVjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh"Fictitious Business Name in violation ofdg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 27." 423:0"Vjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh"expires on August 22, 2018. A newdg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 3:." 423:0"itself authorize the use in this state of aFictitious Business Name Statement mustowuv" dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Cwiwuv" 45." 423:0"NOTICE: This Fictitious Name StatementFictitious Business Name Statement mustVjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh"expires on September 05, 2018. A newFictitious Business Name StatementCounty on August 22, 2013.expires on September 18, 2018. A newdg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 3:." 423:0"expires on August 23, 2018. A newNOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statementwith the County Recorder of Los AngelesNOTICE: This Fictitious Name StatementFictitious Business Name Statement muston September 05, 2013.NOTICE: This Fictitious Name StatementDtqmgt" Qypgt0" Vjku" uvcvgogpv" ycu" Õngf"September 18, 2013.expires on September 18, 2018. A newCounty Recorder of Los Angeles CountyCounty on August 23, 2013.10, 2013. Signed: Joseph Paunovich,Recorder of Los Angeles County onNOTICE: This Fictitious Name StatementQypgt0"Vjku" uvcvgogpv" ycu" Õngf" ykvj" vjg"the County Recorder of Los Angelesvjg" Õevkvkqwu" dwukpguu" pcog" nkuvgf<" Oc{"uvcvgogpv" ycu" Õngf" ykvj" vjg" Eqwpv{"County on September 18, listed: N/A. Signed: Lisa R. Renrick,Rtgukfgpv0" Vjku" uvcvgogpv" ycu" Õngf" ykvj"commenced to transact business underRyu LLC, Janet Tanaka, Manager. Thiswith the County Recorder of Los AngelesN/A. Signed: Tabor Construction Inc.,dwukpguu" wpfgt" vjg" Õevkvkqwu" dwukpguu"conducted by an Individual. The registrantKoshiki Karate-Do Okinawan ShorinNg|ecpq."Qypgt0"Vjku"uvcvgogpv"ycu"Õngf"The registrant commenced to transactnkuvgf<"pcog"dwukpguu"Õevkvkqwu"vjg"Beach, CA 90266. This business is beingname listed: August 1, 2013. Signed:September 18, 2013. Signed: Gustavois being conducted by an Individual.commenced to transact business under505 Manhattan Beach Blvd. #5, Manhattandwukpguu" wpfgt" vjg" Õevkvkqwu" dwukpguu"nkuvgf<"R-10, Palmdale, CA 93550. This businessconducted by a Corporation. The registrantpcog"dwukpguu"Õevkvkqwu"vjg"Registered Owner(s): Joseph Paunovich,The registrant commenced to transactcommenced to transact business underOwner(s): Lisa R. Renrick, 2110 E. Ave.CA 90275. This business is beingMANHATTAN BEACH, CA 90266.conducted by a Limited Liability Company.conducted by an Individual. The registrantCinnamon Lane, Rancho Palos Verdes,PALMDALE, CA 93550. RegisteredMANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. #5,CA 90260. This business is beingCA 90247. This business is beingPRESCHOOL. 2110 E. AVE. R-10,Owner(s): Tabor Construction Inc., 27doing business as SOCAL LIFE. 505Shorin Ryu LLC, 4333 147 St, Lawndale,Lezcano, 16825 S. Vermont Av, Gardena,business as LITTLE STEPPERSPALOS VERDES, CA 90275. RegisteredThe following person(s) is (are)Owner(s): Koshiki Karate-Do Okinawan90247. Registered Owner(s): GustavoThe following person(s) is (are) doingINC. 27 CINNAMON LANE, RANCHO2013175917ST, LAWNDALE, CA 90260. Registered16825 S. VERMONT AV, GARDENA, CA2013185505business as TABOR CONSTRUCTIONName StatementOKINAWAN SHORIN RYU. 4333 147business as G.L CARGO TRUCKING.The following person(s) is (are) doingName StatementFictitious Businessbusiness as KOSHIKI KARATE-DOThe following person(s) is (are) doingFictitious Business2013177425The following person(s) is (are) doing2013196217Name Statement H-981.and October 03, 10, 17, 2013.2013196455Name StatementFictitious BusinessEl Segundo Herald: September 26, 2013Name StatementFictitious BusinessSEQ., Business and Professions Code).2013189370Name StatementHI-973.2013 and October 3, 2013.or Common Law (See Section 14400 ETFictitious BusinessFictitious BusinessInglewood News: September 12, 19, 26, H-969.26, 2013.the rights of another under Federal, State,El Segundo Herald: September 05, 12, 19,SEQ., Business and Professions Code).Fictitious Business Name in violation ofSEQ., Business and Professions Code).or Common Law (See Section 14400 ETHL-978.and October 03, 10, 17, 2013.itself authorize the use in this state of aor Common Law (See Section 14400 ETthe rights of another under Federal, State,Lawndale Tribune: September 26, 2013Vjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh". H-972.El Segundo Herald: September 12, 19, 26,2013 and October 03, 2013H-976.El Segundo Herald: September 19, 26,2013 and October 03, 10, 2013. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as 1. RARE BREEDS CO. 2. RARE BREEDS MAGAZINE 3. RARE BREEDS 4. RARE BREEDS CLOTHING 5. RARE BREED APPAREL. 14920 HAWTHORNE BLVD, LAWNDALE, CA 90260. Registered Owner(s): 1. Vincent Felder, 14920 Hawthorne Blvd, Lawndale, CA 90260. 2. Antonio Vera Jr, 1604 E. Queensdale St, Compton, CA 90221. This business is being conducted by Copartners. The registrant commenced vq" vtcpucev" dwukpguu" wpfgt" vjg" Õevkvkqwu" business name listed: N/A. Signed: Vincent Felder, Owner. This statement ycu"Õngf"ykvj"vjg"Eqwpv{"Tgeqtfgt"qh"Nqu" Angeles County on September 10, 2013. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on September 10, 2018. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must dg" Õngf" rtkqt" vq" Ugrvgodgt" 32." 423:0" Vjg" Õnkpi" qh" vjku" uvcvgogpv" fqgu" pqv" qh" itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET 2013 and October 03, 10, 2013. HL-977. and October 03, 10, 17, 2013. HL-980. SEQ., Business and Professions Code). 2013 and October 03, 2013. HI-974.or Common Law (See Section 14400 ETInglewood News: September 12, 19, 26, H-970.26, 2013.Lawndale Tribune: September 26, 2013 Lawndale Tribune: September 19, 26, El Segundo Herald: September 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. H-971. YOU CAN FAX YOUR FILED FORM TO 310-322-2787 OR FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION CALL MARTHA PRIETO AT 310-322-1830 EXT. 21
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