Page 2 August 31, 2017
Community Briefs
Attention Hawthorne Residents: Free
Oil Filter and Motor Oil Recycling
Everyone is invited to bring in their used
motor oil and used oil filters for this special
event on Saturday, September 9 from 10 a.m. to
2 p.m. at O’Reilly Auto Parts (13601 Hawthorne
Boulevard in Hawthorne). All those who recycle
their used oil filter will receive one free new
Saving a life
from a potential catastrophe
oil filter. Recycling motor oil and filters helps
save our environment and keeps our water clean.
So don’t miss out--we’re making it easier for
you to keep your car running smoothly and
efficiently. •
aloI nlivee
but I’m never alone.
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sends help fast, 24/7,
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For a FREE brochure call:
Understanding The Link
Between Salt And Health
(BPT) - The news lately is full of articles
about salt and health. Everyone seems to be
getting either too much salt or not enough.
So which is it? Part of the problem is with
how we study the connection. Fortunately,
researchers on both sides of the issue are
starting to agree on how best to proceed and
may soon have a better answer for all of us.
That answer may be that for most of us, there
is no need to eat less salt than we do now.
The European Heart Journal recently
published a report by researchers from
the World Heart Federation, the European
Society of Hypertension and the European
Public Health Association that clarified that
eating more than 5 grams of sodium per day
increases the risk of heart disease, but there
was little evidence that eating less than 2
grams per day had any health benefits. They
recommended a safe range of between 3 and
5 grams of daily sodium. The good news is
that the average American eats about 3.4
grams of sodium per day, an amount that
has stayed the same for the last 50 years.
Of course more research is needed, but
also better research. In the past, many studies
only looked at the effect of salt on blood
pressure. Today more doctors and scientists
are looking at the effect salt has on your
total health. The researchers agreed that your
overall diet is more important to your health
than a single nutrient. It’s true that a low-salt
diet can lower your blood pressure slightly,
but it can also place stress on other parts of
your body, and that can increase the risk of
bad outcomes like diabetes.
Another way research into salt and health
is being improved is in the way the results
are collected. In the past, people whose salt
levels were being studied provided only
one urine sample, but your salt levels vary
throughout the day and from day to day.
A much more accurate way to study salt in
people is to collect multiple urine samples over
many days, not an easy task, but one that the
researchers recognized produces much more
accurate results. Fortunately, there is a captive
group of people that scientists are studying
to measure their salt intake exactly: Russian
cosmonauts living in a closed environment
as part of the “Mars” project. This research
is already yielding some surprising results,
such as more salt makes you less thirsty.
Everyone agrees that we need salt to live
and that it is an essential nutrient, but getting
the right amount is important. The fact is
that a small percentage of people are salt
sensitive and are affected by salt more than
others. These individuals may benefit from
less salt, but the rest of us may be put at risk
from that same low-salt diet. Every person
has different health needs and should follow
the advice of their doctor. Placing the entire
country on a low-salt diet, as some have
suggested, may do more harm than good. •
Billboard Agreement 2017BA03
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the City
Council of the City of Hawthorne will hold a
public hearing to consider the following matter:
request to the City Council to approve an
agreement to allow for the construction and
operation of a new digital billboard within the
Freeway Overlay Zone.
PROJECT LOCATION: 14400 Hindry Avenue,
(APN: 4149-013-076) on the side of the San Diego
405 Freeway, City of Hawthorne, California.
Day: Tuesday
Date: September 12, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: City Council Chambers
4455 West 126th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Those interested in this item may appear
at the meeting and submit oral or written
comments. Written information pertaining
to this item must be submitted to the
Planning and Community Development
Department prior to 5:30 PM September
11, 2017, at 4455 West 126th Street,
Hawthorne, California 90250 or emailed
to cpalmer@cityofhawthorne.org. For
additional information, you may contact
Christopher Palmer at (310) 349-2970 or
at the email noted above.
Agreement 2017BA03 is consistent with
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Section 15332. The proposed project is
exempt from the requirements of preparing
an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or
Negative Declaration because the project
meets the criteria for a Class 32 Categorical
Exemption pursuant to Section 15332, (In-Fill
Development Projects) of CEQA. This provision
exempts projects that are consistent with
the applicable general plan designation and
all applicable general plan policies as well
as with applicable zoning designation and
regulations. In addition, the proposed billboard
project is covered by the Mitigated Negative
Declaration prepared for the Freeway Overlay
Zone (Billboard Overlay) and adopted by the
City Council on September 13, 2016, through
Ordinance 2122, in that the proposed project
meets design guidelines and restrictions created
by the Freeway Overlay Zone.
PLEASE NOTE that pursuant to Government
Code Section 65009: In an action or
proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void,
or annul a finding, determination or decision
of the Planning Commission or City Council,
the issues raised shall be limited to those
raised at the public hearing in this notice or
in written correspondence delivered to the
Planning Commission or City Council at or
prior to the public hearing.
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 8/31/17
Billboard Agreement 2017BA01
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the City
Council of the City of Hawthorne will hold a
public hearing to consider the following matter:
request to the City Council to approve an
agreement to allow for the conversion of an
existing billboard sign into a digital billboard
within the Freeway Overlay Zone.
Avenue,(APN: 4149-009-027) on the side of
the San Diego 405 Freeway, City of Hawthorne,
Day: Tuesday
Date: September 12, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: City Council Chambers
4455 West 126th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Those interested in this item may appear
at the meeting and submit oral or written
comments. Written information pertaining
to this item must be submitted to the
Planning and Community Development
Department prior to 5:30 PM September
11, 2017, at 4455 West 126th Street,
Hawthorne, California 90250 or emailed
to cpalmer@cityofhawthorne.org. For
additional information, you may contact
Christopher Palmer at (310) 349-2970 or
at the email noted above.
Agreement 2017BA01 is consistent with
California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) Section 15302. Replacement or
Reconstruction Class 2 consists of replacement
or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities
where the new structure will be located on
the same site as the structure replaced and
will have substantially the same purpose and
capacity as the structure replaced, including
but not limited to replacement of a commercial
structure with a new structure of substantially the
same size, purpose, and capacity. In addition,
the proposed billboard project is covered by the
Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared
for the Freeway Overlay Zone (Billboard
Overlay) and adopted by the City Council
on September 13, 2016, through Ordinance
2122, in that the proposed project
meets design guidelines and restrictions
created by the Freeway Overlay Zone.
PLEASE NOTE that pursuant to Government
Code Section 65009: In an action or
proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void,
or annul a finding, determination or decision
of the Planning Commission or City Council,
the issues raised shall be limited to those
raised at the public hearing in this notice or
in written correspondence delivered to the
Planning Commission or City Council at or
prior to the public hearing.
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 8/31/17
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