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Page 2 July 27, 2017 Community Briefs Inglewood Library Summer Reading Program Finale with Magician Arty Loon Everyone is invited to Edward Vincent Park, Saturday, August 5 at 12 p.m. as the Inglewood Public Library celebrates the end of the 2017 Summer Reading Program entitled, “Read by Design!” The finale will include magician extraordinaire Arty Loon and a live musical performance by “Vengeance,” a Crozier Middle School band. There will also be a live musical performance by “Vengeance”, a Crozier Middle School band. Certificates for “Super Readers” will also be presented to top participants. There will be exciting special prize drawings for summer reading program participants, including autographed memorabilia from the Los Angeles Rams, museum tickets, t-shirts, amusement park tickets, and much more! Refreshments will be available while supplies last. All library programs are always free and open to the public. For more information call (310) 412-5645 or visit the library’s webpage at http:// - Content: City of Inglewood El Camino, Northrop Grumman to Sponsor “Global Innovation Summit” The El Camino College Industry & Technology Division is partnering with Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (NGAS) to sponsor an exciting morning of innovation, science and creativity. The Northrop Grumman Global Innovation Summit is an intern and student demonstration activity similar to a live-action video game. The summit is scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon July 28 in El Camino College’s Murdock Stadium. The event is free and open to the public--everyone is encouraged to attend! Five teams of ECC/Hawthorne High School students and Northrop Grumman interns will battle together to save the world from simulated wildfires ravaging the planet. They’ll accomplish this feat using RC planes, quad copters, and rovers (with silly string!) they have spent their summer designing, building and flying. “This is a great opportunity for our students to incorporate their technical skills and critical thinking, along with communication and teamwork,” said El Camino College Industry & Technology Division Dean Stephanie Rodriguez. One of Northrop Grumman’s initiatives to encourage STEM education across the globe, the event is designed to bring student teams together to solve problems. “The NG mentor team noticed that while many schools and workplaces focus on teaching technical skills, what often is the pivotal factor is the ability communicate and work as a team,” said Katie Halmagean, NGAS aerospace engineer and demonstration program lead. “We constructed a fun project with technical challenges, yet it requires collaboration, rapid innovation and creativity from all five teams to succeed.” At the summit, wildfires will be represented with six-foot-tall fabric flames on a football field-sized map of the world. Each vehicle has a critical and unique role to extinguish the fires, as each of the teams use technology, and above all, cooperation, to support this simulated disaster relief. El Camino College is located at 16007 Crenshaw Boulevard, Torrance. Campus parking is $3. For more information about the Global Innovation Summit, contact Karen Latuner at 310-660-3593, extension 3520, or view https:// – Content: El Camino College Seniors Unlock The Secret To Healthy Aging By Improving Your Health In Three Key Areas (BPT) - You’re still just as active as you were in your thirties and forties, but as you continue to add those candles to your birthday cake each year, you can feel the effects of aging starting to take a toll on your body. As you age, your body needs a little extra care to maintain optimal health; that’s why you go for your morning walk and eat a balanced diet. These things can help you support your overall well-being, but there are other factors to consider if you want to live a healthier, more active lifestyle as you grow older. “Many people don’t realize how much of an impact hormone, heart, and bone and joint health can have on their day-to-day lives,” says Dr. Andrew Halpner, vice president of science and technical services at Douglas Laboratories. To maintain this ideal lifestyle, he offers his advice on ways you can support your health in each of these key areas. Properly balanced hormone levels are one of the most important factors when it comes to staying healthy as you age. Healthy hormone levels support healthy sexual function, body weight, sleep and glucose metabolism. Establishing a healthy diet, ensuring sufficient sleep and making time for recreation are great first steps toward supporting your hormone health. It is also important to consult your healthcare provider to discuss regular blood work to monitor your hormone levels. Finally, to help maintain healthy glucose metabolism and tissues, add a nutritional supplement, such as Wobenzym Plus, to your daily regimen.* Heart health is an important part of any healthy aging plan. You’re already monitoring your lipid profile diligently, but what else can you do? Lipid levels are important, but maintaining glucose homeostasis and cytokine balance is just as important to supporting proper heart health. A healthy diet that focuses on fiber and regulates carbohydrate intake has been proven to support healthy glucose levels. Consider complementing your diet with regular exercise and nutritional supplements to further support good health.* Maintaining healthy bone and joint function is critical for both men and women. When bones are weak or joints are stiff, it can be difficult to keep up your desired level of activity. Bone health is directly impacted by vitamin D levels. To support these function areas, boost vitamin D by spending brief periods of time in the sun - with sun protection, of course - or consult your healthcare provider about taking a supplement to achieve optimum vitamin D levels.* Additionally, adding a nutritional supplement such as Wobenzym Plus can help provide temporary relief from everyday aches and pains to ensure that when you want to be active, your bones and joints are ready to keep up with you.* A balanced diet and moderate exercise are the building blocks of any health regimen, but as the years pass, your body may need additional support. Remember your hormones, heart, bones and joints when tailoring your health plan and consult your healthcare provider before introducing any new products into your routine. For more information on how to live a healthier, more active lifestyle, visit ageing. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, DVSFPSQSFWFOUBOZEJTFBTFr Airport Board Approves Projects Connecting All Nine Terminals Beyond Security Screening Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC) this month approved a project to modernize Terminals 2 and 3, as well as connect them to the Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT). The group also voted in favor of a lease agreement with Southwest Airlines for a new building (Terminal 1.5) that will include a connector between Terminals 1 and 2, as well as space for additional ticket counters, baggage carousels, a bus gate and an additional Security Screening Check Point. BOAC took a number of actions as it approved the Terminal 2 and 3 Modernization Project, including certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report and adoption of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings of Fact, the Staatement of Overriding Considerations and the Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP). The commissioners also recommended that the Los Angeles City Council concur with their actions. Delta Air Lines plans to invest as much as $1.9 billion in the modernization, which would include upgrading the Terminal 2 concourse, demolition and reconstruction of the Terminal 3 concourse building, demolition of the southern appendages of the Terminal 3 satellite, and demolition and reconstruction of the passenger and baggage processing facilities (ticketing buildings). According to the environmental impact statement, reconfiguration of the gates as part of the projects could add as many as four gates between the two terminals. The BOAC also approved two actions related to Southwest Airlines, amending its Terminal Delta Air Lines’ plan for Terminals 2 and 3 includes a connector to the Tom Bradley International Terminal Facility Lease and License Agreement for space in Terminal 1 while approving a new lease for the future Terminal 1.5. The new building is a 417,515-square-foot, six-level facility that will span the gap between Terminals 1 and 2, and require demolition of Gate 10 in Terminal 1. In addition to providing space for baggage claims, ticket counters, a Security Screening Check Point, and two floors of office space, the building will connect Terminals 1 and 2. There will be connections between the non-secured areas of the terminals on the Lower/Arrivals and Upper/Departures levels, while the connection on the Concourse Level will be on the secured side of the building, allowing passengers to more easily transfer between the terminals. Terminal 1.5, estimated to cost $490 million and expected to open in 2020, will also include a vertical circulation core to connect it to the future Automated People Mover, and feature a bus gate that will allow Southwest Airlines to transport passengers to TBIT for international áJHIUT r m Content: Abridged from LAWA Press Release “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” – Martin Luther King Every Visit our Website issue always available online! New Issues/Old Issues t Out-of-town? Read the Herald newspapers online t Interested in an article from a prior date? See it online t Excited about an ad, photo, or article? Refer your friends, family and associates to the website, so they can see it too t Want to read the Torrance Tribune or other Herald newspapers not in your area? All available on our website! Check it out!

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