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July 7, 2016 Page 3 Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber Worst Cities to Live In? Hawthorne is NOT #4! Someone forwarded the email when I returned from my fishing trip and I could not believe that Hawthorne was ranked #4 on the list of worst USA cities to live in. That is WRONG! One of the reasons for our high ranking: “Hawthorne residents are at a disadvantage. Incomes are lower than average in Hawthorne, while a higher than average cost of living in the city further weakens residents’ purchasing power.” I understand that reasoning but that doesn’t make us one of the worst places to live in America. If we are so bad, why do so many people want to live here? Is it our fault that there are more people who want to buy or rent a house in our fine city than what the market has available? Here is my list of reasons why people love living here: #1.) the weather #2.) closeness to jobs, freeways and the beach #3.) affordable house prices for those who can afford to buy. I bet if you asked some of your relatives who live in the Midwest whether they like the winter weather in Omaha or Hawthorne, most would opt to live in Hawthorne. Hawthorne is small in size geographically but has a very broad range of income levels. Yes, a majority of our citizens are hard-working, lower-income workers who can only afford to rent an apartment or a house. But, come to Hawthorne’s west side and you will see homes selling for close to one million and there are plenty of buyers who want to plunk down their money and move in. I’m tired of “outsiders” knocking Hawthorne. Let them say or write what they want. I know we have a lot of good neighbors living here who enjoy living here. Who cares what others think? Why don’t we make Hawthorne GREAT again? (No, I’m not running for president.) Good Neighbors Day United Hawthorne I challenge the good neighbors of Hawthorne to come together for Good Neighbors Day. The date is Saturday, July 16th and this community building event will be held at the civic center in front of city hall. The day will be full of great activities, our annual car show will kick things off at 10 a.m. Over 20 artists will display their talents at an Art Walk. Music will be a big part of the program. Emmit Rhodes, a long-time Hawthorne resident who has been making music for over 40 years will be on stage beginning at 11 a.m. There will be local other bands that will perform. Did I mention that there will be vendors, exhibitors and games for the kids and adults? It’s not too late to sign up to participate. Call me or email me to let me know if you wish to help us celebrate Hawthorne. My phone number is 310-292-6714 and my email is Jail House Tours A special treat at Good Neighbors Day will be tours of the old Hawthorne Police Department jail. This will be your last opportunity to peek inside and see the old holding tanks that have housed quite an array of villains during its day. The old city hall and police station building is scheduled to be demolished in the next year to make room for new development. Small group tours led by HPD’s past jailers will be offered from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. that day. “Nextdoor” Unite If you are a member of your local informationsharing website/app and you want to actually meet some of your neighbors who post then come on down to Good Neighbors Day, we will have a table designated for that purpose. We’ll also show some of you who may not be familiar with this app how to join. It’s another way for us to come together as a community. Ramona Neighborhood Picnic The Ramona Neighborhood Association invite you to attend their annual picnic on Saturday, July 30 at Ramona Park. It’s always a nice event to get to know your neighbors and enjoy some food and fun. Did you Know? Things happening in Hawthorne: Elon gave all of his hard-working, SpaceX employees this week off to enjoy the 4th and summer. The Costco business center will soon have a gas station located behind their warehouse over on Prairie Avenue. Another major renovation of a section of Hawthorne Blvd is underway between 120th and El Segundo Blvd. A Porsche dealership is going in at the 405 and Isis. The HPD received over 100 calls reporting illegal fireworks on the 4th. Two fires were reported due to our pyrotechnic displays. California’s economy is the sixth largest in the world, only five countries produced more last year than California: the U.S., China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Forget the cold ones, have an iced coffee today! Stay sober my friends. • Email me at: Police Reports Mon 6/20/16 to Sun 6/26/16 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4200 W 135TH ST DUPLEX/FOURPLEX Mon 6/20/16 12:29 Property Taken: wallet, drivers license Said Ibrahim, medical card, triple a, food stamps, pictures family, “The complete book of personal legal forms”-book Method of Entry: PRIED BURGLARY 13400 S ROSELLE AV Mon 6/20/16 18:00 16-7714 459PC COMM BURGLARY - COMMERCIAL 2700 W 120TH ST GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE Date/Time Reported Tue 6/21/16 09:55 Method of Entry: OPENED POE: DOUBLE SWING DOOR BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 11900 S GALE AV HOUSE Tue 6/21/16 13:13 Property Taken: SAMSUNG GALAXY PRIME CELL PHONE 213-663-9945, SONY VAIO 15” LAP TOP, SET OF HOUSE KEYS, BACKPACK Method of Entry: LOCK PICKED BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 13500 S LEMOLI AV APARTMENT/CONDO Wed 6/22/16 17:47 Property Taken: BLACK 32’ SMART TV, GREY GUESS WALLET WITH CDL, CREDIT CARD, AND SOCIA Method of Entry: BODY FORCE BURGLARY 4900 W 147TH ST Wed 6/22/16 23:23 BURGLARY 2700 W 120TH ST Thu 6/23/16 13:08 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4600 W 116TH ST HOUSE Fri 6/24/16 16:10 Property Taken: CLEAR GLASS JARS WITH COINS, TOYOTA CAR KEY, APPLE IPAD MINI, 12’ MAC BOOK LAPTOP, CUSTOM SILVER NECKLACE, $990 CASH-U.S. Finance “At some point in our lives, perhaps when a personal experience jolts some serious thinking, many may even wonder, 'Am I insurable? Am I eligible for life insurance?' ” CURRENCY, WEDDING RING GOLD IN COLOR, WEDDING BANDS GOLD IN COLOR, NECKLACE WITHOUT PENDANT GOLD IN COLOR Method of Entry: REMOVED BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 14600 S FONTHILL AV HOUSE Fri 6/24/16 15:19 Method of Entry: OTHER ROBBERY 3900 W EL SEGUNDO BL PARK-PLAYGROUNDS Fri 6/24/16 17:37 Property Taken: Galaxy core prime phone, Samsung S4 white phone with a brown case, Brown purse unknown brand name and misc items insi, BROWN PURSE, WHITE WALLET, APPROXIMATELY $5-10, CA LICENSE BEARING THE NAME FATIMA GANDA), GLD/WHI APPLE IPHONE 6S ROBBERY 11800 S HAWTHORNE BL GROCERY, SUPERMARKET Sat 6/25/16 18:08 Weapon: KNIFE BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 14300 S INGLEWOOD AV LAUNDRYMAT Sat 6/25/16 10:01 Method of Entry: PRIED ATTEMPT COMMERCIAL BURGLARY 11600 S HAWTHORNE BL DEALER, AUTOMOBILE Sat 6/25/16 20:47 Method of Entry: ATTEMPT ONLY BURGLARY 14300 S YUKON AV Sun 6/26/16 17:19 Crime Occurred: CAD: Sun 06/26 17:19--No R MS Ent Property Taken: Approximately $500.00 to $1,000 in US Currency, Dark brn wallet w/ unknown amount of credit cards BURGLARY 13700 S CORDARY AV Sun 6/26/16 21:59 ATTEMPT ROBBERY 14600 S AVIATION BL OTHER Sun 6/26/16 10:13 • Visit us online: Am I Insurable? 3 Steps to Take (BPT) - Most people intuitively know the benefits of good health. Some work hard to maintain their health throughout their lifetime, and others not so much. Despite the best or worst intentions, health complications can occur at any time which may impact many areas of life, including finances. At some point in our lives, perhaps when a personal experience jolts some serious thinking, many may even wonder, “Am I insurable? Am I eligible for life insurance?” And for those who have experienced health issues, they may be surprised to hear that the answer may be yes. For example, MassMutual has been offering life insurance coverage to breast cancer survivors since 1964. Thanks to continuous evaluation of underwriting guidelines, the company believes that more survivors than ever are qualifying for coverage with shorter waiting periods and lower premiums. So what factors influence a person’s ability to obtain life insurance coverage? Family medical history, life expectancy, risk factors (such as high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol), and lifestyle (for example, smoking status) may play a role. If a pre-existing condition exists, insurers may look at the specific type of illness, severity, time elapsed since diagnosis, stability of the person’s health, and treatment regimen, among other variables. Although not everyone with a history of a serious illness will be able to obtain life insurance coverage, the good news is that with more medical information available, better detection, earlier diagnosis, and more effective treatment of illness may mean people live longer, healthier lives. And that means those with a history of serious illness may qualify for life insurance at rates similar to people without pre-existing conditions - once their condition is under control. So what can people do to help improve their insurability? MassMutual offers these 3 tips: Buy when you’re young. If you purchase life (and disability income) insurance coverage before health issues begin to creep in, you will likely end up paying a lower premium over the lifetime of the policy. Make your health a priority. People who watch their weight, exercise regularly, get routine physicals and preventative health screenings, and consistently take prescribed medications will generally have a better risk assessment, which could help increase their eligibility for coverage. Stop smoking. It’s an undisputable fact: non-tobacco users qualify for significantly lower rates than people who smoke or chew tobacco. There’s always a health benefit to stopping, too. Cardiovascular risks drop rapidly, and after a period of cessation, former smokers can typically obtain a better rate. Take every precaution to protect your health, and your financial health. Don’t put it off for a rainy day - make it a priority. For more information, visit massmutual. com. •

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