Lawndale Tribune
This Issue
Calendar of Events.............3
Certified & Licensed
Hawthorne Happenings....3
Legals............................. 3,6,7
Politically Speaking............5
AND lAwNDAle News
The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale
Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - March 22, 2018
Board Recognizes Alex Lopez for
Producing NASA Flight Parts
The Lawndale-based Centinela Valley Union High School District Board of Education presented a certificate of recognition to Hawthorne High School engineering student Alex Lopez for building 10 different
NASA-approved and accepted parts for a future mission to the International Space Station. Because of his excellent work, NASA has requested 50 additional parts from the school. Photo: Centinela Valley
Center for the Arts.
Leuzinger to Host Metro Meeting;
Gold, Expo Line Tours Upcoming
Lawndale’s Leuzinger High School will
host a community meeting on the evening
of Tuesday, April 17 regarding the Metro
South Bay Green Line Extension project.
The program will take place in the campus
auditorium from 6 to 8 p.m. and will provide
attendees with the latest information from
Metro about the project that will impact
Lawndale as well as the neighboring cities
of Redondo Beach and Torrance.
The Green Line Extension to Torrance
Project is studying passenger transit service
options along a four-mile segment of the
Harbor Subdivision Corridor from the existing
Redondo Beach Marine Station to the
proposed Regional Transit Center (RTC) in
Torrance. The extension will be served by
the Metro Green and Crenshaw/LAX Lines.
This extension will provide congestion relief
along the busy I-405 corridor. It will also
improve mobility in southwestern LA County
by accessing the regional rail network through
connections to the Metro Blue and Expo Lines.
The Supplemental Alternatives Analysis
(SAA) Study will solicit feedback from
corridor cities and stakeholders to refine and
update alternatives previously identified as part
of the Metro Harbor Subdivision Alternatives
Analysis (AA) Report prepared in 2009. At
the conclusion of the SAA, a new or refined
preferred alternative will be recommended
to the Metro Board of Directors for consideration.
Community input will be consider
in the SAA along with technical evaluation.
Project Goals
• Improve mobility in the South Bay area
by introducing reliable and high-frequency
transit service options.
• Enhance the regional transit network by
providing more direct connections from South
Bay to regional destinations.
• Provide an alternative mode of transportation
for commuters who currently use the
congested project study area arterials and
I-405 corridor.
• Improve transit accessibility for residents
of communities along the South Bay corridor.
• Encourage a mode shift to transit, reducing
air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Additional community meetings will take
place on April 19 at the Redondo Beach
Performing Arts Center and on April 26 at
the Torrance Cultural Arts Center.
Local residents may also attend the Green
Line Extension to Torrance-Gold Line Tour
set for Saturday, March 31 as part of the
SAA process. The tour of the Metro Gold
and Expo lines will provide a first-hand
view of current examples of how trains and
stations integrate with surrounding communities.
Pick-up time is 9:15 a.m. att the bus
loading and drop-off zone on the north side
of the Redondo Beach Green Line Station
at 5251 Marine Ave. in Redondo Beach.
Free parking will be available at the station
and participants will receive a boxed lunch.
The community stakeholder tour will take
passengers on a Metro bus to Union Station
in Downtown Los Angeles in order to board
the Gold Line and then travel to the South
Pasadena and Del Mar stations and also drive
by the Hawthorne Street and Highland Park
segments before arriving at the Expo/Vermont
Station. For those not quite ready to return
to Redondo Beach, an optional Expo Line
tour will be available from the Expo/Vermont
Station to continue the tour through Culver
City and Westwood/Rancho Park.
Those interested in participating in the tour
must RSVP by emailing iford@therobertsgroup.
com or calling 323-669-7651. For more
information about the Green Line Extension
to Torrance, go to www.metro.net/southbay.
– Content Courtesy of City of Lawndale •