Page 6 February 15, 2018
Sealed proposals will be received by the City
Clerk of the City of Hawthorne, California
at the office of the City Clerk, located on
the first floor in City Hall, 4455 West 126th
Street, Hawthorne, California until 4:00 P.M.,
Tuesday, March 13, 2018. Proposals will
be publicly opened and recorded on a Bid
List at 4:15 P.M. of the same day in the
City Clerk’s Office. Bidders, as well as
and asphalt paving, construction of
curb and gutter, sidewalks, driveways,
retaining walls, storm drain, potholing
and ADA ramps. In addition, work will
include traffic signal modifications, traffic
striping, adjustment of utilities and all
other work necessary to complete the
improvements in accordance with the
Plans and Specifications.
Contractors bidding this project must
possess a valid State of California A
Contractors’ License.
1 Surveying LS 1
2 Adjust manhole(MH) frames and cover to grade EA 60
3 Adjust utility covers to grade EA 100
4 Edge milling (0” - 2”) SF 110,000
5 Cold Milling AC Pavement (0” - 3”) SF 25,000
6 Excavation (unclassified) CY 4,700
7 ARHM - 2” Thick. TONS 8,000
8 Asphalt Concrete (PG-64-16) TONS 5,000
Remove and Reconstruct PCC curb and gutter per SPPWC Std.
120-2 type A2-200 over 6” CMB
LF 4,500
10 Construct new 8” PCC curb per SPPWC Std. 120-2 over 6” CMB LF 200
Remove and reconstruct PCC ADA ramp per Caltrans std. A88A
over 4” CMB
SF 14,000
12 Remove and reconstruct 4” thick sidewalk over 4” CMB SF 20,000
Remove and Reconstruct 6” thick PCC Driveway per Caltrans std.
A87A over 6” CMB
SF 25,000
Construct new 8” PCC pavement per sheet 17, detail 1excluding
unclassified excavation
SF 3,000
Remove and reconstruct new 5’ max. high brick wall - match existing
material, column, height, color, foundation and finish
LF 230
Remove and reconstruct PCC cross and longitudinal gutter with 8”
CMB per SPPWC std. 122-2
LF 340
17 Crushed Miscellaneous Base (CMB) CY 600
18 Traffic Control, including all temporary delineation during construction LS 1
Remove and reconstruct 3.5’ wide curb opening catch basin per
SPPWC std. 300-3 w/ local depression including pipe connections
EA 1
Remove and reconstruct 7’ wide curb opening catch basin per SPPWC
std. 300-3 w/ local depression including pipe connections
EA 1
Remove and reconstruct 10’ wide curb opening catch basin per
SPPWC std. 300-3 w/ local depression including pipe connections
EA 2
Remove and reconstruct 3.5’ wide curb opening catch basin per
SPPWC std. 302-3 w/ local depression including pipe connections
EA 2
Remove and reconstruct 10’ wide curb opening catch basin per
SPPWC std. 302-3 w/ local depression including pipe connections
EA 1
Remove and reconstruct 7’ wide curbside grating catch basin per
SPPWC std. 303-3 w/ local depression including pipe connections
EA 1
Construct 6’ long longitudinal grating catch basin per SPPWC std.
304-3 including pipe connections
EA 2
26 Remove and reconstruct storm drain manhole per SPPWC std. 321-2 EA 2
Remove existing pipe and Install 2-12” RCP including trench, joints,
connection, CLSM backfill, PCC reinforced encasement, collar joint
to existing or new pipe, compaction and all necessary shoring, and
potholing, complete in place
LF 85
the general public, are invited to view the
Proposals will be read at a meeting of the City
Council starting at 6:00 P.M., Tuesday, March
13, 2018 for the following:
El Segundo Blvd. Mobility
Improvement Project
MTA Call for Project
(City project # 15-03)
The work consists of excavation and
removal of existing pavement, concrete
Remove existing pipe and Install 15” RCP including trench, joints,
connection, CLSM backfill, PCC reinforced encasement, collar joint
to existing or new pipe, compaction and all necessary shoring, and
potholing, complete in place
LF 15
Remove existing pipe and Install 2-15” RCP including trench, joints,
connection, CLSM backfill, PCC reinforced encasement, collar joint
to existing or new pipe, compaction and all necessary shoring, and
potholing, complete in place
LF 130
Remove existing pipe and Install 18” RCP including trench, joints,
connection, CLSM backfill, PCC reinforced encasement, collar joint
to existing or new pipe, compaction and all necessary shoring, and
potholing, complete in place
LF 165
Remove existing pipe and Install 24” RCP including trench, joints,
connection, CLSM backfill, PCC reinforced encasement, collar joint
to existing or new pipe, compaction and all necessary shoring, and
potholing, complete in place
LF 650
32 Storm drain junction structure per SPPWC Std. 332-2 EA 2
Point repairs of sewer pipe at 2 different locations, depth of 8’ –
14’ deep including Reconnection of Existing Sewer Laterals Including
potholing, trenching, sheeting, shoring and bracing, backfilling w
CLSM, all necessary flow bypass and sand backfill, complete in place
in accordance with plans and specifications
LF 16
Remove 10” VCP main sewer, Furnish and Install 12” VCP Sewer
Main Including potholing, trenching, sheeting, shoring and bracing,
backfilling w/ CLSM, all necessary flow bypass and sand backfill,
complete in place in accordance with plans and specifications
LF 12
35 Sewer manhole base and invert rehabilitation EA 3
Construct sewer manhole per CSD std. S-a-204, Type-D, including
potholing, trench, pipe connection, CLSM backfill, compaction and all
necessary shoring, complete in place
EA 1
Traffic Signal Upgrade/Reconstruction at Hawthorne Blvd. including
labor and materials complete in place per plan and specifications including
all necessary potholing
LS 1
Traffic Signal Upgrade/Reconstruction at Washington Ave., Birch
Ave. and Cedar Ave. including labor and materials complete in place
per plan and specifications including all necessary potholing
LS 1
Traffic Signal Upgrade/Reconstruction at Prairie Ave. including labor
and materials complete in place per plan and specifications including
all necessary potholing
LS 1
Traffic Signal Upgrade/Reconstruction at Doty Ave. including labor
and materials complete in place per plan and specifications including
all necessary potholing
LS 1
Traffic Signal Upgrade/Reconstruction at Kornblum Ave. including
labor and materials complete in place per plan and specifications
including all necessary potholing
LS 1
Traffic Signal Upgrade/Reconstruction at Yukon Ave. including labor
and materials complete in place per plan and specifications including
all necessary potholing
LS 1
Traffic Signal Upgrade/Reconstruction at Chadron Ave. including labor
and materials complete in place per plan and specifications including
all necessary potholing
LS 1
Traffic Signal Upgrade/Reconstruction at Crenshaw Blvd.. including
labor and materials complete in place per plan and specifications including
all necessary potholing
LS 1
Traffic Signal Installation at Cerise Ave. including labor and
materials complete in place per plan and specifications including all
necessary potholing
LS 1
46 Traffic Signal Loop Detectors Type “E” EA 65
47 Traffic Signal Loop Bicycle Detectors Type “D” EA 30
48 Install New Roadside Sign and Pole EA 10
Traffic signing, marking, striping and pavement markers including
labor and materials complete in place per plan and specification
LS 1
Furnish and install 4” PVC conduit including labor and material
complete in place per communication plan (sheet 33) and specification
LF 8,200
Furnish and install No.6 pull box with extension(#6E pull box) per
communication plan(sheet 33)
EA 40
52 Furnish and install 6 twisted pairs of No.19 AWG solid interconnect wire LF 10,000
Install Filterra Unit, Model FT0804 or Approved Equal including
Excavation, Hardscape removal, underdrain connection, backfill and
compaction complete in place
EA 3
Install Connector Pipe Screen (CPS) unit at new catch basin’s 12”-
36” outlet pipe dimension including 24” long by 3” diameter absorbent
filter booms per special provision 304-5 and 304-6.
EA 10
Furnish and Install Tolar Bus Shelter, model “Signa-Custom-18”, 12’
non-advertising shelter complete assembly including banner sign panel,
metal bench, solar powered LED illumination and 8” thick. reinforced
PCC footing slab per manufacturer’s design and recommendations(see
also attached modified details for footing slab), complete in place,
Ph#: (800)339-6165
EA 14
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