January 25, 2018 Page 3
El Segundo Herald*
Manhattan Beach Sun
Hawthorne Press Tribune*
Inglewood Daily News*
Lawndale News*
Torrance Tribune*
EL SEGUNDO OFFICE • 500 Center St. • El Segundo • CA • 90245
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Hawthorne Happenings
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
Entertaining or informative? Okay,
people think my column is “hogwash”
or I’m just “full of it”. What do
you want? Do you want me to be
informative and boring? Or do you
wish to be entertained a little? I can go
back to writing boring stories of upcoming
events here in the City of Good Neighbors
if you want me to. I would rather have fun.
I guess that’s the choice we make every day.
We can live life bored or we can make it
fun. I think the key to having fun starts with
not taking ourselves too seriously. If we
can laugh at ourselves, then we have fully
accepted who we really are and we are not
trying to impress anyone. So, if you think
I’m a crazy, illiterate, half deranged, drunken
old geezer, who got elected city clerk before
anyone figured me out, then good. I agree.
Yes, I made a mistake. I said that Valentine’s
Day and Ash Wednesday are both coming up
on the same day, March 14th. Okay, half of
my readers, three out of six, were concerned
for my ol’ lady not getting her chocolates and
flowers until a month after sweetheart’s day.
I don’t need a holiday to show my affection
for the love of my life who has hung with
me for going on 39 years. Why do we need
a holiday to remind us to tell our dear ones
that we love them? Thank you readers for
pointing out one of my many mistakes, you
may have saved my marriage.
The Hawthorne Historical
Society will meet on Monday,
February 5th at 6:30 p.m. at
the new Hawthorne Museum
located at Jim Thorpe Park. The
HHS will be hosting a pancake
breakfast on Saturday, February
24 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the
Museum. The breakfast is $5. I look forward
to seeing all of my loyal readers there.
Trains – Real and Model Did you know
that Hawthorne has one of the largest model
railroad clubs in the South Bay? Yes these
hobbyists have been having fun over at their
warehouse for over 40 years. They have over
2100 square feet of HO standard and narrow
gauge on their layout. The Los Angeles Model
Railroad Society invites you to an open house
at their facility on Saturday and Sunday, April
7 and 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The address
is 14009 S. Crenshaw Blvd. Go check out
their work. Take the kids. Now for the bad
news. The real trains that transverse our city
are tooting their horns in the middle of the
night. Some residents who live by the tracks
are having difficulty sleeping when the trains
come through after 10 p.m. or wake them up
before 4 a.m. The city council is trying to
see if schedules can be adjusted so that this
nuisance goes away.
March 21: The State of the City Luncheon
• April 21: Service Provider Fair/Earth
Day-Memorial Park • April 22: Volunteer
Appreciation Day • April 28-29: Relay 4 Life
• May 12: Hawthorne 5K Run and Health
Fair • May 24: Community BBQ Dinner in
support of HPD K9 Units. !•
( I love to hear from my readers. – email me – norbhuber@gmail.com )
The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be
submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone).
Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following
Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only
be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement.
Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If
you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald
Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims.
Part-time Sales. Looking for
motivated part-time workers. Inside
sales: work from home and make
sales calls. 15% commission on all
sales. Outside sales: territories are
Torrance and El Segundo. Includes
walking and interacting with business
owners. 20% commission on all
sales. Seniors and students welcome.
Send resume to management@
Office Space for Lease
SPACE El Segundo 300 blk
Richmond St Incs. small patio and
forecourt for parking 840 sqft $2500/
mo Gross + Sec Dep. 310.529.4903.
Storage Space for Rent
Large enclosed garage, lockable,
707 E Grand, ES, $250/month.
310.365.1481 or 310.641.2148.
Moving Sale
MOVING SALE. Over 100 potted
cactus and succulents must go!
Metal shelves, Rubbermaid storage
unit, mower, couch, dresser, etc. All
items free, but will gladly accept
donations “Fighting for Aidan” (12
year old friend of the family fighting
terminal cancer). Saturday January
27th 8:00 to Noon. 635 W Acacia Ave.
Computer/IT: Accenture LLP seeks
System Developer Manager in El
Segundo, CA to trnsfrm plcy regs into
biz rqmnts to guide dvlpmnt team. Wrk
w/stkhldrs to dtrmn biz & user rqmnts
& dvlp assoc sys proc dsgn for hlth
& humn servs indstry; create func
dsgn docs for cmplx chngs & functy;
wrk w/leads on func teams on joint
dsgn effrts; lead Java dvlprs implmnt
chngs bsed on func dsgn; aply know
of Oracle db; mng team of dvlprs
through bld effrt implmnt chngs on
schdle; wrk w/jr team membrs mntr &
train as reqd; & anlyz & rslve issues
affctng app. Pos reqs at least bach
dgree, or frgn equiv, in Comp Sci, Info
Sys/Tech, or Engrg (any). Employer will
accept bach equiv based on combo
of ed & exp as dtrmnd by pro eval
serv. Employer will accept any suitable
combo of ed, trng, or exp. Pos also
reqs at least 6 yrs of exp in IT, incl
following pro exp: 6 yrs perf custm
sftw dvlpmnt utlzng web tech such
yrs perf sftw dvlpmnt for hlth & humn
servs indstry; 2 yrs mngng resources,
wrk plns, mntr & prvde fdbck on team
resources; 4 yrs of dvlpmnt exp
using Oracle db; & 4 yrs gthrng &
anlyzng sys rqmnts. Apply online at
www.accenture.com [Select Careers;
Job #00539350].
Garage for Lease
Garage for Lease in El Segundo:
40x40 Garage w/office/loft &
bathroom (parking & storage); $2000/
month – Contact 310-937-3246
Wanted: One or Two Car Garage
in El Segundo to rent for storage –
Please Contact 310-937-3246
To appear in next week’s
paper, submit your
Classifed Ad by
Noon on Tuesday.
“What we
think, we
– Buddha