Page 2 November 18, 2021
Check It Out
What’s Inside a Flower
by Rachel Ignotofsky
By Kristina Kora-Beckman, Senior
Librarian, El Segundo Public Library
From the author of Women in Science comes
a wonderfully engaging and informative book
all about flowers. What’s Inside a Flower by
Rachel Ignotofky answers big questions and
small with colorful illustrations of flowers,
bugs and more.
What’s Inside a Flower by Rachel Ignotofsky
Her text interweaves simple statements
and questions perfect for younger learnings,
with more complex details for older readers
to discover. Drawings are accurate but also
basic enough to break down complex biology
systems into easily digestible facts that my
four-year-old gobbled up. My eight-year-old
loved the witty word bubbles and fun faces
of the bug community.
I usually prefer reading fiction with my
kids but really enjoyed sharing this book
with them. There was so much for each to
discover and lots of text to help me answer
the inevitable “but why” questions that pop
up. Ignotofsky’s beautiful details reminded
me of Jan Brett’s gorgeous border illustrations.
I relished to seeing trees, flowers and
plants I grew up with in my native Oregon
as well as flora and fauna from visited places
or our now-native California.
To check out What’s Inside a Flower or
other creative non-fiction books, please visit
the library to apply for your free library card.
For more information or to sign up, please
visit our website www.elsegundolibrary.org.
For more reading suggestions or help with
free reading or school assignments, please
stop by the adult or youth service desks, we’d
love to help you find your next great read! •
Kristina Kora-Beckman
El Segundo Herald* • Hawthorne Press Tribune*
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Film Review
‘Spencer’ Imagines The Unbearable
Duty of Being Diana
By Ryan Rojas
Since you, dear reader, likely aren’t royalty,
you might think that the holidays are a time
for simply unwinding, relaxing, and being
yourself amongst your closest loved ones.
For royalty, however, holidays are orderly
affairs of the strictest manner. Meals are
orchestrated and scheduled at exact times.
You must be on your best behavior always,
smiling courteously in your already-chosen
outfit for each event (and don’t even think
about swapping your morning and afternoon
Kristen Stewart channels Princess Diana in Pablo Larraín’s darkly fictionalized interpretation of the late Royal’s holiday weekend.
Photo courtesy of Neon.
attires with each other).
Much like your entire life, it’s a performance.
A wholly lifeless charade where enjoyment
and self-expression have no place at the table.
These dignified traditions continue from
one generation to the next, as the Royal
family sees the highly fashionable acts as
fulfilling a duty to their country.
But times change, and pressures grow.
They certainly did for Princess Diana, a
young woman at the center of the media
sensation and the public’s fixation on the
world’s largest stage.
How might the pressures of one’s highly
scrutinized life reveal over a holiday gathering?
What sort of psychological horrors
would hide behind those castle’s looming
doors and drape-drawn windows?
An impressionistically painted portrait
That is the question that the new film
Spencer asks. Director Pablo Larraín, having
last showcased John F. Kennedy’s late
wife in 2016’s Jackie, once again returns
to examining the inner sadness of a stoic
This time around, though, Larraín (with a
screenplay from Steven Knight) takes greater
artistic liberties by inventing the events that
happened over one holiday weekend.
Based on the factual accounting of a stay
that Princess Diana (Kristen Stewart) spent
at home with her large Royal family, Spencer
imagines the conversations, events, and
episodes that the Princess of Wales may have
secretly suffered.
See Film Review, page 5
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of viewers
Mult IT jobs. All req. travel/reloc.
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Edtion, & WIN. Send résumé w/ JC#
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Duplex for Rent
1302 S Hudson Ave, LA. In duplex,
3 BD, 2 BTH. $2,900/month, $5,800
to move in. No Pets. 323.937.5687.
Men and Women’s hair salon
has openings for hair stylist and/
or barber. Tonsorial Parlor, 210 W
Grand Ave, El Segundo. Call or text:
Dale Snowberger, 1-310-897-7997.
House for Rent
$1,950/MONTH, $3,900 TO MOVE
Washer & Dryer. 323.937.5687.
House for Rent
$2500/month, 2 BD, 1 BTH in El
Segundo w shed and garage, across
from Rec Park. 310.748.9477.
WANTED. Vinyl, records, vinyl,
anything musical. Collectibles/
antiques. Typewriters, sewing
machines, military, silver, Japan,
records, stamps, coins, jewelry,
Chinese, ANYTHING. Buy/Sell/
Trade. We sell for you on EBAY. Studio
Antiques, El Segundo. 310.322.3895.
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