Lawndale Tribune
AND lAwNDAle News
The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 79, No. 21 - May 21, 2020
The event will take place on Monday, May 25, 2020 at 9 a.m. It will be live streamed at and, and also broadcast on Spectrum & Frontier Channel 3. Be sure to tune in and take a moment to honor our fallen heroes.
Photo City of Lawndale.
A family affair that shows they care.
The City of Lawndale Presents a
Memorial Day Virtual Event
Lawndale shows support for the elderly community.
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Summary of Proposed Ordinance 2197
On May 26, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., the City
of Hawthorne is considering the adopting of
Ordinance No. 2197, a proposed ordinance
adopting by Reference the 2019 Editions
Of The California Building Standards
Code, California Residential Code, California
Electrical Code, California Plumbing Code,
California Mechanical Code, California Existing
Building Code, California Green Building
Standards Code, California Energy Code,
California Administrative Code, California
Historical Building Code, And 1997 Uniform
Code For The Abatement Of Dangerous
Buildings; Adopting Local Amendments
To The Referenced Codes; And Adding
Chapters 15.07 (Administrative Code), 15.13
(Energy Code), 15.30 (Historical Building Code)
And 15.46 (Uniform Code For Abatement Of
Buildings And Repealing And Re-Enacting
Chapters 15.04, 15.05, 15.08, 15.24, 15.28,
15.32, 15.36, And 15.40, & Repealing All
Prior Editions Of The California Building
Code Previously Adopted By The
City Council.
Pursuant to California Government Code
section 36933(c)(1), the City Council has directed
the preparation and publication of a summary
of Ordinance No. 2197 as follows:
Ordinance No. 2197 regulates and governs
the conditions and maintenance of all property,
buildings and structures by providing the standards
essential to ensure that structures are safe,
sanitary and fit for occupation and use. The
ordinance adopts and modifies 2019 edition of
California Building Code to the greater requirements
than those set forth in California State
Building Standards and reasonably necessary
for the local climatic, geological, or topographical
conditions. The said modifications are required
due to the local geological conditions that include
major earthquake faults and assure that new
buildings are constructed in accordance with
the scope and objectives of the International
Building Code. This includes requiring more
than the conventional framing requirements.
The ordinance also adopts in full the 2019
editions of the California Mechanical Code,
Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, Existing
Building Code, Residential Code, California
Energy Code, California Administrative Code,
California Historical Building Code, 1997 Uniform
Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings
and California Green Standards Building
Code. The aforementioned codes together with
certain amendments, deletions, exceptions, and
qualifications, generally deal with all aspects of
building construction, specification of building
materials, plumbing design, water supply and
drainage systems, approved construction and
plumbing techniques, electrical specifications,
engineering formulas to be utilized during building
design, fire safety systems for residential buildings,
retrofitting techniques, energy conservation
techniques, and special requirements dealing
with fire and seismic safety.
In addition to adopting the various Codes
set forth above, this Ordinance adopts certain
fees and penalties.
A certified copy of the entirety of the text of
Ordinance 2197, together with the Codes to be
adopted thereby, are available in the office of the
City Clerk, 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne,
California, and is open for public inspection.
Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 5/21/20
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Lawndale volunteers are the definition of community service.
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