Hawthorne Press Tribune
Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 63, No. 9 - March 4, 2021
The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne
Hawthorne Police Department Provide
the Homeless with COVID-19 Testing
Officer Nakagawa (Doctor) and Sergeant Murray (Paramedic) reached out to the un-housed population in our community, providing rapid COVID-19 testing and medical evaluations. Thank you Hawthorne Tacmed (Tactical Medicine) Team for taking care of our community.
Photo courtesy Hawthorne Police Department.
Huber’s Hiccups
News for the City of Good
Neighbors from an Old Guy
named Norb Huber
Never Going To Happen
I was talking about golf last
week and I played a couple of
rounds since then and did not play
well. In my mind I really think
I’m a good golfer that messes up
some shots along the way. What
always brings me back to playing another
round is the feeling of a new start, a new
challenge, and the new opportunity to prove
something to myself. Isn’t that sorta like life?
We wake up in the morning thinking we are
going to have a great day, we’ll be nice to
everyone, get a lot of work done, enjoy the
weather and the food and even our spouses
will notice that we are happy and helpful to
them. Then reality sets in, our perfect day is
never perfect. We mess up. Others around
us get in our way. Things happen to knock
us off course. Life is never going to be a
walk through the tulips, full of sunshine
with unending happiness. I used to ask teenagers
in my classes, “When you get where
you are going, where will you be?” Do we
really know where we want to be? Heck, I
don’t even know where this column is leading
me. I’m lost in a never ending string of
thoughts and need a GPS to get me out of
this rubble. Without a guiding force, something
solid to lead us, we are all like ants
running around in the dirt making a mess of
things. We all mess up. We all sin in our
thoughts, in our words, and in our deeds. We
are dead to sin, all of us. We are deader than
a doornail. We are all sitting ducks ready to
be knocked off our pedestals. This is exactly
when God shows His love for us. In
Romans 5:8 we read: “but God
shows his love for us in that
while we were still sinners, Christ
died for us.” Try as much as
we like to be the perfect father,
husband, friend or employee, we
will always come up short. Try
to be good enough for God and
we will come up short. What
is amazing is the fact that God
loves us not because of who we are or what
we do, but simply out of love and grace.
The perfect golf game that I aspire to
is probably never going to happen. That
perfection we aspire to in life is probably
never going to happen. But the comfort is
this: regardless of our shortcomings, God
still loves us. Once we have that assurance,
our walk through the hazards and sand
traps of life are a lot easier. We even can
know our destination when we put our trust
in God. So people, don’t give up and throw
away your golf clubs. Keep on striving to
be the best you can be. Keep on waking
up to a new day, a new challenge, a new
start, but know that you don’t have to play
this game alone. God is with you. Have I
ever told you to relax and have a cold one?
Have I ever told you to trust in God? Trust
in God, relax and have a cold one! Wow!
What else do you need? All those self-help
guru authors of long-winded psychological
books on how to make yourself happy, have
nothing on me. I keep it short. The big three:
God, cold one, relax! Who needs all that
other crap? If you think I’m full of it, then
I bet you have never tried any of the three.
Be well my friends and loyal readers.
See Huber, page 5