Page 2 February 3, 2022
Film Review Check It Out
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Poly Styrene: I Am a Cliché is a
Tribute to a Rocker and Mother
By Morgan Rojas for Cinemacy
Marianne Joan Elliott-Said, aka Poly Styrene,
was a British punk rock icon who is
credited as one of the first mixed-race frontwomen
in the underground music scene. But
beyond that, she was also a loving mother, a
role that wasn’t as flashy as “rockstar,” but
one that she loved just as much.
In the documentary Poly Styrene: I Am
a Cliché, Marianne’s story is told through
her diary entries, voiced by actress Ruth
Negga, her daughter Celeste Bell, and some
of Poly’s industry peers. All pay tribute to
the irreplaceable new wave punk artist who
left her mark on music forever.
Poly Styrene is best known as the lead
singer of the band X-Ray Spex, an English
punk rock band formed in 1976. As Poly
Styrene shows, growing up in London as
a mixed race young woman was difficult.
Marianne was half-English, half-Somalian,
and was always categorized as “half-caste.”
Her rough childhood followed her throughout
her adolescence and adulthood–giving her a
hard edge–but to those who really knew her,
Marianne is described as a sensitive sponge.
She absorbed everything around her both
good and bad, including the success and the
side effects of fame.
In 2011, Poly Styrene passed away from
breast cancer. She was just 53-years-old. As
the self-described caretaker of Poly Styrene’s
legacy, her daughter Celeste beautifully pays
homage to a perfectly imperfect woman. The
documentary acts as a memorial to the feminist
trailblazer who proudly rocked braces, embraced
her fuller figure, and shaved her head
when she felt that people were paying more
attention to her looks instead of her music.
Directed by Celeste, Poly Styrene: I Am
a Cliché is a touching tribute to a musical
maven, courageous woman, and dedicated
mother that will inspire you to rock out and
share love.
Poly Styrene: I Am a Cliché opens in
nationwide theaters one night only February
2nd; on demand everywhere February 4th. •
Poly Styrene: I Am a Cliché, courtesy of Utopia.
Morgan Rojas
Billy Summers by Stephen King
By Teen Reviewer Max Stahl
Billy Summers is the newest book by Stephen
King, published in 2021. Set in 2019, it follows
a professional hitman (named Billy Summers)
who is about to retire and takes on one final job
to end his career. As is typical of the “one last
job” genre, this final job is much more difficult
than his previous ones. In order to successfully
complete his assignment, Billy must move into
a community and spend months building a life
there, creating a fake persona for himself in
order to avoid initial suspicion and secure his
escape. As one could expect, everything does
not go exactly to plan. Billy finds himself on
the run with an unlikely partner, fighting to
get justice (and vengeance) upon an evil man
who screwed him over.
As with every other Stephen King novel
I’ve read, I really liked Billy Summers. I love
antihero protagonists and the idea of a hitman
who only takes jobs to kill people that he deems
as “evil.” Since the book was written by King,
it can move a little slowly at some points, it
took me about until halfway through the book
to get to a point where I was unable to put it
down. There were a lot of flashbacks to Billy’s
earlier life, which was very different from the
main story and often led to me putting down
the book temporarily.
Overall, however, I really enjoyed reading
Billy Summers, and would absolutely recommend
it to people, especially those who are
looking for a good introduction to Stephen
King and his writing. There are no supernatural
aspects in the story, it is fully an action crime
thriller, although there are a few references to
The Shining to give a nod to the concept that
King’s books are set within the same world.
Billy Summers is absolutely worth reading and
was a great new addition to my bookshelf.
Billy Summers is available in hard copy, eBook
and eAudiobook. Stop by the El Segundo
Public Library or download the Libby app to
checkout this and other action crime thrillers. •
Billy Summers by Stephen King Max Stahl
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For Rent
Private ES 2 bedrooms, 1 bath
updated upstairs apartment. Avail
Feb 1, $2500/mo. No pets. Call Lisa
Room for Rent
Furnished or unfurnished. Large
private home in North Kentwood.
Married couple $1000. SIngle $750.
310.365.1481 or 310.641.2148.
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anything musical. Collectibles/
antiques. Typewriters, sewing
machines, military, silver, Japan,
records, stamps, coins, jewelry,
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Studio Antiques, El Segundo.
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