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Page 2 August 3, 2017 Every Visit our Website issue always available online! New Issues/Old Issues t Out-of-town? Read the Herald newspapers online t Interested in an article from a prior date? See it online t Excited about an ad, photo, or article? Refer your friends, family and associates to the website, so they can see it too t Want to read the Torrance Tribune or other Herald newspapers not in your area? All available on our website! Check it out! Community Briefs Metro Implements Full and Partial Closures on the I-405 Freeway Fifteen nights of full and partial closures on the I-405 freeway began on July 31 to accommodate construction of a bridge for the Crenshaw/LAX Line light rail project. The work is being done by Walsh Shea Corridor Constructors, the contractor building the project for Metro. The lane closures are needed for the safe removal of the wood framing used to build the 800-foot-long bridge, which spans the 405, Hyde Park Avenue and La Cienega Boulevard. The nightly full and partial directional closures will be from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Monday to Friday. The freeway will be fully open during the weekends. Closure Schedule: r +VMZ UP"VH 5IF OPSUICPVOE MBOFT will be completely closed between Century and La Tijera boulevards. r"VH UP"VH 1BSUJBM DMPTVSF PG UIF north and south bound High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes and the 1 and 2 lanes. r"VHUP"VH5IFTPVUICPVOEMBOFT will be fully closed between the La Cienega off-ramp and La Tijera on-ramp. Detours: r*GUSBWFMJOHTPVUICPVOEFYJUUIFBUUIF Florence/Manchester off-ramp, proceed south on La Cienega and return to freeway via the Olive Street on-ramp. r .PUPSJTUT IFBEJOH UP -PT "OHFMFT International Airport can remain on La Cienega to access Century Boulevard or re-enter the 405 and use the westbound 105 and Sepulveda Boulevard to reach LAX. r *G USBWFMJOH OPSUICPVOE FYJU BU UIF -B Cienega/Manchester off-ramp, turn left (west) on Manchester, turn right (north) on La Tijera and continue to the northbound 405 on-ramp. Closure dates are tentative and subject to change based on construction progress and weather conditions. The bridge is expected to be completed in 2018. LAX encourages passengers to arrive at their terminal two hour before boarding time for domestic flights and three hours before boarding time for international departures. Metro apologize for the inconvenience that these nightly closures may cause and urge motorists to plan ahead and to expect some delays – Source: LAWA/Metro Sore Knees? 3 Reasons To Participate In A Clinical Trial (BPT) - Designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new treatments, clinical trials are the only way medical advances can move knowledge and science forward. In regard to knee pain, clinical trials offer the newest and latest ideas on finding better ways to treat pain. People participate in clinical trials for a variety of reasons. For Debra Tongue of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a clinical trial provided a chance for a life-changing opportunity. An active mother of three and grandmother of two, Tongue was devastated when she tore her meniscus - a tissue pad between the thigh and shin bones. As a personal fitness trainer and avid sports enthusiast, Tongue went from a very high activity level of biking, hiking and running to having immense knee pain during any kind of physical activity. She underwent a meniscectomy, the surgical removal of the torn meniscus, but constant pain and swelling in her knee persisted. At age 46, Tongue made the decision to participate in a clinical trial to receive the NUsurface Meniscus Implant - the first “artificial meniscus” designed to replace the damaged one in patients like Tongue with persistent knee pain due to injured or deteriorated meniscus cartilage. The implant, which is made of medical grade plastic and inserted into the knee through a small incision, can serve as an opportunity to treat knee pain and keep patients active until knee replacement surgery is a viable option. The clinical trial is part of regulatory process to gain permission to allow the device to be distributed in the U.S. “After receiving the NUsurface Meniscus Implant and undergoing a 12-week rehabilitation program, I felt back to normal and ready to take on the world,” Tongue says. “In fact, I was even able to go on a trip to India with girlfriends for a two-week retreat at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. The NUsurface Implant gave me a second chance to enjoy life the way I did before.” Are you suffering from knee pain and considering enrolling in a clinical trial? Here are three reasons it may be the right choice for you: 1. You’ll get access to treatment not yet available in the U.S. If you enroll in a trial, you could have access to treatments that are not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but could potentially work better than existing options to reduce pain or manage a disease. 2. You’ll receive high-quality care. There are strict rules for clinical studies that have been put into place by the National Institute of Health and the FDA. In addition, all U.S. clinical trials must be overseen by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to make sure patient risks are as low as possible and that proper trial procedures are followed. 3. You’ll help advance science. Clinical trials offer hope for many people and an opportunity to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future who have their same condition. By participating, you can provide researchers with the information they need to continue developing new procedures, medical devices and treatments. To be eligible for the NUsurface Meniscus Implant clinical studies, you must be between UIFBHFTPGBOEIBWFQBJOBGUFSNFEJBM (the inside of the knee) meniscus surgery at least six months ago. To find a study site near you, WJTJUXXXBDUJWFJNQMBOUTDPNLOFFQBJOUSJBMr Seniors Total Eclipse of the Sun Broadcast Live at Inglewood Library In cooperation with the Space Science Institute, the Inglewood Public Library will host a watching party for the first total eclipse of UIF4VOJOUIF6OJUFE4UBUFTTJODF5IFSF will be a livestreaming the total eclipse at the Gladys Waddingham Lecture Hall of the Main Library, 101 West Manchester Boulevard, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday, August 21. In addition, there will be free eclipse glasses to watch the partial eclipse of the Sun from Inglewood, which will peak at 10:21 a.m. Pacific time. Glasses are courtesy of the National Center for Interactive Learning at the Space Science *OTUJUVUFJO$PMPSBEPr

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